1 minute read
You can put Chains on the Miller.
Where there is snow, it is absolutely essential to put chaine on your Lumber Carrier.-
Even where there is no snow, it is Lft"r, convenient to use them.
Loo,k at tihe simple way the wheels are mounted on the Miller and you will see that there is plenty of room between the wheel and its supports for the chains to move without any interference.
This is just one point of careful detail You will find that the Miller Gas Lumber Carrier all the way tihrough is constmcted with a practical view to worrking conditions in heavy weather.
Write to us for full and accurate description of this PRACTICAL machine.
HARSCH & MIttER, Manufacturers
East Side MilI & Lumber Co., Distributors , PORTLAND, OREGON
*lmprovements in 1924 model can be aildeil to all earliet moilels in use