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'w. H. Falconbury New President of centrul California Lumbermen's Club

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At the annual meeting of the Central California Lumbermen's Club, held at the Hotel Hughson, Modesto, on De_ c^embe1 13, \,V. F. Falconbury of ihe Falconbury'Lumber Co. of Stockton, .ivas elected President to sucieed S. T. Irrvin of Escalon. Harry Fuller of the Fuller t_umleiCJ., Lodi, rvas elected Vice-President, and Chester ff. pffioti of the Valley Lumber Co., Locli, rvas re-elected Secretary.

George Ground, of the Nlodesto Lumber Co.. Modesto. was the Chairman of_ the Day. As the meeting *", u "Ladies Day" affair, the program included dancif! **.n was enjoyed by the large gathering. During the hincheon, the Gartin Lumber Co. orihestra ilayed seieral selectioni and Joe Cuneo of White Brothirs- sa.r.e his celebrated Italian Act. George Grorrnd raised a g-ood sized Christmas fund for local charity purposes throu[h the assessment of fines.

After the luncheon a business session of the Club was held at u'hich the annual election of officers for the ensuing yearaook qJlg.. The January and February meetings o"f the Club rvill be held at Stockton. The Februarv meEtine r.vill be a joint meeting the Sacramento Valley, San Toaquii Valley, and Central California Lumbermen's Clu6s *;tt the Central California Club acting as hosts to the visit- ing clubs.

During the business session, the ladies spent the after_ noon attending to_their Christmas shoppin$. In the eve_ ning there was a Concatenation at .ivhii6 s&en candidates rvere initiated ancl during the Concatenation the lady folks attended a theatre party at the l\{odesto theatre. After the Uoncatenation, the Hendrickson Lumber Co. Orches_ tra was pressed into service with ,,Rod" at the piano and his. congenial salesmen Walter Baker at the trip drum{ and dancing continued until midnight.


_On November 15, 1924, there were 2,111 workers em- ployed in Longview enterprises.

_ A survey recently completed shorvs that on December 5 the.above figgrg had grbwn to-i,004 workers employed -an increase of approximately fifty per cent.

On the basis of- iour persons to tire family the above !gur. means that 72,016 persons are looking directly to the Lo:rgview payrolls for their support.

These 3,004 workers are employed in 246 irptitutions- manufacturing plants, builders, utilities, wholesale and re- tail establishments.


The Auburn Lumber Company are constructing a new cement warehouse which will be 100 feet long ind will be.lsed for building material supplies. The neiv building wrll have a plate glass front which will be used for d'isl Pray purposes.

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