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National Mill and Lumber Co. Report Continued Growth of Pacific Five-ply Division
_ -L, H. Warnecke, sales manager of the pacific Five_plv Ijrvision of the National ntilt & Lumber Co. of Oakland, speaking of the sales of their wall board product states ihai they have shown a.steady increase.ever since they first started to market this product over three years ago.' Dur- ing 1924, he states that their sales during every mdnth have shown an increase o^v^er_ the correspondTng mbnth in 1923, also that the year 1923 showed the iame iricrease ;";, ;ir;i; monthly sales in 7922.
_."Getting Down To The Core', is the slogan of the pacific Five-Ply Board, by which name it i, kro*r, to the trade. The coie is made'from l"x4"t+; ,iru dry ,.a*ood which is sized and resawn to lath 3/16" thick ind I. Ua". ffr. I"9yoo.d. core _gives a substantial body in which nails wili nold. I he redwood core is embedded in a mineral cement. a.secret process of the company, which also acts as the adhesive between the redwood'core and the sized fibre board covering. In marketing the pacific f,i"e_pfv. tn. boards are manufactured 4 feet r.vide. this gives a nailing surface on four studs. since practically all rJall studdine i-s lp1ceq on 16" centers. Thty are siripped i" t"ngth.- of 4: 5,6,7,8,9, IO, IZ_,_l!,-and i6 feet. t'hei, prodritl"" "i the present time is 25,000 feet a day.
".In_discussing the qualities of a-Redwood Core Board, Mr. Warnecke says the- advantages of using a redwood core are numberless ; it braces the building; i-s strong and durable; does not either expand, cont-ract, or Ttulge installed and is attractive. and warp; can be wallpapered, painted, or kalsomined; is air tight and fire resisiant; moisture dro.f ;
The National Mill-& Lumber Company, located at Oak_ land, is one of the foremost mill co.rceirr. on the pacific Coast and their products have always met with pooular demand u'ith the lumber trade. L. H. 'Warnecke,'wiro is well known to the lumber trade on the pacific Co"rt, i"1t " :gmplly's_ efficient qn_d popular sales manager of their Five-Ply Division, rvith fieadquarters at Oak?and. Th;i; L-o! Angeles and Southern Caliiornia representative is L. R. Q'Bert; the Northern California, Washingto", Or.So", "ne Utah territory is covered by Harry Holtsen i n. fi1. n."_ nolds of New York City is ihei. tepresenTative "" tfr" ai_ lantic Coast.
California Lumber Merchant.
. "From the way applicatiohs are coming in for the Job we wrote you about, you must be siilt running thg;r!._ -The job was filled almost a month ago.
"SOME paper to advertise in.', King Lumber Company, Bakersfield.