2 minute read
A Romancing Trip I
Iack Ellis, Santa Fe Luntber Company, Los Angeles, blames the following effusion on his office boy.
In lack's letter sent with the copl,l,te said,"For sezteral d,ays t.he offic.e bo.y has been ltouring ozter back copi,es of yortr very interesting journal. I supposed that he waslrying io find tie point (if there be such) of Jach Dionne's latistltorl,, This mmning when I carne in the office he had" just finished' this."
Me and Ole Bill leaves L. A. with only a Dollar or two thinking we could Russell our eats on the way. We Bowles along in-our Maxwell at a Fair pace and camps by a Small Pond. We sleeps in our Union suits whiih siarts Bill scratching with the 'Ives.
At the first Rea of the Sun I Routt Bill out as there is something Ellis to do. After devouring our Hammond eggs we loaded the bus sorter Hodge podge and beats it down the Rhodes. We Cross a Little River and sees Tim Chase a Brown Fox into the Woods
Near Burlingame rve punctures a Goodrich which Means a delay. Bill fixes it, What ! like Kelley he does. But we fitrally get going and Oh ! what Bliss. We are like two Hardy Pioneers making a Long Advance into the unknown.
We Byrne up the road and almost hit a Black Smith glrop oq the corner- Bill guesses he Shull Leggett a while but he is a poor Walker.
We reaches Rosenburg and gets our Maile, then Parks the car and puts the Wheelock on. We sees a Merryman Brace up a lamp post and asks a couple Wise Fellows where we can find the Barr. Then we Dodge in an Alley and Dernier gets lfoul of the Law for mistaling a Cooper' for a bootlegger. Ole Bill says "Wood I were on*the shores of Albion." He gets in quite a Huff.
Finally we reach the Hudson and Cross on one of the Bridges. After eating a few Graham crackers and a dozen small Fry w€ goes Mullin down to the Bay to catch a Sammon. Then we Coombs our hair and goes to Coney. While listening to a Barker, Bill spies a Bird. I Woodhead him off if I could. He tries tb buv the Dolbeer but she don't Letton. He gets an awful Frost so we hits the Santa Fe trail for the broad Pacific.
It would Phil your Hart with joy to see the Sun Golding the tree tops as Knight comes on. 'We looks for a Havei and finds a Holm beside a Swift Curran(t) of Waters. We asks the Tennant to Cook our supper-and we leaves two Nicholson the table. There is a Sine outside pointing Southwest but being in French we can't Reed it.
Coming through Texas we runs out of Jack and I'm afraid Bill will Dionne my hands. It looks like Grim and Sudden death.
At last we arrives at our Holmes once Moore and we is that happy.we Coos like doves. After sending our Coates. to the Taylor we hire a Hall and Hooper up. We kills the fatted Kyne and sits dorvn on our Stearns to eat while listening to Sweet music by the Fifer. And outside in the Cole, Koehl, Gray world, "It aint gonna' rain no more.'f