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Sleeping Porch Time' Again

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Again the time has come round for the building merchant to promote the use of sleeping porches among th-is trade. It is really promotion work thai is needed rathlr than salesmanship, for if the proper promotion work is done and the prospect, is shown the wonderful improvement that a sleep_ ing_porch will make in his manne. oi living, the selling end will take care of itself.

There isn't a human .being in this whole country that rvould not be healthier, happier, and more contented, if he could only sleep_comfortably in the open air, during the warm months. There isn't a family sleeping indoors- that is not a first-class prospect for the ljve lumbJr merchant at this time of the year.

DON'T let such an opl)ortunity get away from you, Mr. Dealer. There is no rviy you iai ingratiate vourself to better advantage in the good graces oi any man, than by selling him a sleeping porch on YOUR ieiommendation and advice. He is absolutely certain to be delighted with his investment, and the satisfaction and comfort ihrt com.. to him by..re_ason thereof, rvill be fully credited to yC)U, and he lvill become one of your walting, talking advertisements.

Ggt.tfre idea right in your head. He is not going to be thankful to you because of the boards and the slingTes a.,d the screen that you sell him to build that porch with. He i; So.inS to appreciate instead, the comfort, ihe convenience, the. luxury, the wonderful fresh air that you enclow him with.

So reverse the order, and rvhen you go out to interest a man in a sleeping porch, DON'T rvaste your breath telling him horv cheaply you can sell him sleeping porch material. You CAN'T create DESIRE in that way, and the promotion of sleeping porches is no more nor less than the creation of a desire, NOT for the material that goes to make the porch, but for the FUNCTIONS of that splendid home addition.

Tell him that the air on that sleeping porch that you want to sell him, is 10 degrees cooler than it is in the coolest room inside of that house, and 100 degrees cleaner, fresher, purer, and more invigorating; tell him that a small sleeping porch will DOUBLE the size bf his upstairs, because of the use to which it will be put throughout the warm months. They u'ill not only SLEEP on it, but the ladies of the house r,vill use it for their afternoon siesta, and will go out there to do their sewing, their mending, their visiting, on account of the comfort it will give them.

Then show him the plans that you have for sleeping porches, and have a finished price on your tongue's end for every plan. DON'T, for Heavens sake, sell him the rnaterial ior that porch. If you are simply a raw material salesman, you are rvasting time promoting the use of sleeping porches. The raw material that goes into a sleeping porch of the average size, is small, and the profit on that much raw material at so much per thousand, is negligible. But your IDEA is worth a foitune to this man and his lamily, so SELL HIN{ THE IDEA and GIVE him the

(Continued on Page 40)

Mrh 1924


Exclusive representatives in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas for the Hutchingon Lumber Company, Oroville, Cal.

Manufacturers of White and Sugar Pine, and Douglas Fir.

We handle all varieties of lumber manufactured by this splendid mill.

Our officet are located at 330 Chapman Building, [.c Angeler Phone VAndike 4912


Prompt Delivery

Added equipment now enables us to guarantee full shipments of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring upon receipt of order.

The demand for Perfection has increased so rapidly that for the past season we have been scarcely able to keep up with this demand.

This growing popularity of Perfection can only be due to the perfect matching, uniform grading, and our national advertising in the leading home magazines.

We have some attractive folders and a new beautifully illustrated book which we will supply for distribution among prospective home builders. Ask for samples and full information.


Pine Bluff, Arkansas

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