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Our No. lA Standing lroning Board, Adjustable height, metal working parts. Board can be tal<en out of box if occasion demands. No obstruction under or above the board. At last a perfect board.
Why not etock the best, does not coEt any morel
Our Breakfast Nook Unit No. | 22, Mahogany Top table and seats. Special locking device renders table and seats "fool proof" against collapse.
Installed in face of Kitchen Cabinet, leaves free use of cupboardg behind tables and geats. Note our No. 5A folding ironing board installed behind one seat.
A complete Breakfast Nook, Ironing Board, Cooler and,Cupboards all in one combination. Thig is only one of many combinations possible with our 6xtures. Write for further particulars. We wholesale only.
No. I Table. No. 2 End Wall Seatg
Increase your sales of finish and millwork by using these fixtures in combination with your own cabinet work.
Our representative will call and give you full information and details on request.
(Continued from Page 36) material. But see that you get a reasonable price on your IDEA. Deliver him thit sleeping porch completed, ready for occupancy.
And you will find that if you do your work properly, that man rvill always have a willing ear to lend ybu when you have some other building IDEA to talk about, and he will be prepared to recommend you to his friends and neighbors as a man whose suggestions have borne good fruiiin HIS case, and are therefore worth careful con-sideration.
- First,-be sure that you have on hand some good, prac- tical, attractive sleeping porch plans. Second-,-5. -r,rr. I9q 1re able _to make DELIVERY of any of these porches. Thild.-__Set busy and start the sleeping-porch bali rolling in YOUR territory. DON'T let anyone- beat you to thii gaqe,_ because it is one that you can't lose on il you go at it- right. Fourth,-be certain that every family in your whole district that has NOT a sleeping porch, receives your offer of relief in this direction.
An attractive ad in your local paper, and then a creditable letter through the mails, bbth backed up by your personal activity-and the sleeping porch campaign is started.
A live retailer sent us the following copy of a letter he has already sent out to all his trade:l Dear Sir:-
Wouldn't you like for someone to guarantee that you will sleep cool during the hot nights of the coming summer? $qe you going home after a hard, trying day in summer's blistering heat and srvelter for half the night and up into the wee small hours of the morning trying to gel that much needed rest ? That not only saps your enelgy but gnaws at the very vitals of your physique and utterly unfits you for work tomorrorv.
The small cost of a nifty looking, cool, breezy, screened- in sleeping porch will astonish you. Let us show you tt_o_q_Ig" can get a good, cool, refreshing sleep EVE-RY NIGHT during the summer and at a cost that- will make you wonder why you haven't done it before.
Yours very truly.
One of the cleverest things in Christmas cards received this_year-was the one from Henry Isherwood, Secretary of Hoo Hoo.
The card was unsigned, except for lfenry's Hoo Hoo number, 29516. That, and his picture on the left hand side of the card was the only identification of the sender.
The sentiment on the card was beautiful.
"This Yuletide Greeting is but the expression of a year- round sentiment-born of mutual zeal lor our ideali and happy and loyal association in their prornotion.
llM"y it find you and those dear to you blessed with the fullest fruits of this Joyous Season, and may the New year rvrite into your Lifi itecord three hundrei and sixtv-five days of Health and Happiness.
Our sincere wishes for your continued and increasing prosperity goes to you on this New year,s Day with our appreciation of the favors you have cohferred upon us in the days now past.
Port Orford White Cedar Boat Boards Alro