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Western Hardwood Lumber Co. Wins Los Angeles Lumber League Pennant
The Los Angeles Lumber League baseball season came to a close Saturday, December 6th. For the past sixteen weeks, those teami representing some of the lirgest yards in the City, have been blazing away at each other for the lead. The outfits were all very evenly matched, and as the seasoh advanced it developed into a continual see-saw for the top position.
One of the most exciting games of the season was played on November 15th, between the Western Hardvvooa Lumber Company and E. J. Stanton & Son. These two teams were the only hardwood representatives in the league and there was naturally more or less rivalry between th1m. It appeared as. though Stanton had the game on ige up to the scventh inning, when Beckman of the Western-Haidwood, drove 9ut a triple with three men on base. They succeeded i1 a_ddjng two more runs to the score in the -eighth and ninth innings and the game finally ended with the score of eight to seven in favor of the Western Hardwood.
The standing of the clubs at the end of the season was as follows:
Gold baseball watch-fobs for each member of winning team, donated by Cline-Cline Co.
Cup for best batter in league, donated by Judge Fleming, won by George Beckman of Western Hardwobd Lumber Co.
_ Cop {or player making the most runs, donated by Mr. Goodwin- o{ George Healv Company, won by Al Santillanes of Western Lumber Co.