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Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club Hold Annual Meeting L. Ff. Chapman Re-Elected President-C. D. LeMaster Elected Secretary
The Annual Meeting and Ladies Day of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club was held at the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, on Saturday, December 20. Lirncheon was served at 12:30 during which an excellent musical program was given by a five piece orchestra. There was also a fine entertainment provided for by the committee. The meeting was largely attended and after the luncheon dancing was enjoyed until 4:00 P. M.
President L. H. Chapman presided at a short business session. Secretary I. E. Brink read a letter from C. G. Bird of Stockton regarding the joint meeting of the San Joaquin Valley, Central California, and Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Clubs to be held at Stockton on February 14 outlining the program of the joint meeting and urging all present to attend the meeting which will include luncheon followed with an entertainment and dancing and a Hoo Hoo Concatenation in the evening.
Out of respect for the memorv of John P. Muller, whose death occurred on December 17, due to injuries received in the Key Route wreck, the meeting stood for one minute as a silent tribute to his memory.
The annual election of ofrficers followed rvhich resulted in the unanimous re-election of L. H. Chapman as President and C. D. I eMaster as Secretary. In accepting the office for the ensuing year President Chapman thankid retiring
Secretary I. E. Brink for the excellent work he did for the Club during his term of office and he urged a large attendance at the meetings during the coming year, so that the good r.r'ork that has already been accomplished by the Club rvill be continued.
(Continued on Page 60.)
Spokane, Wash.-The retiring board members of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company were re-elected and three members were added at the annual meeting held in the offices of the company at Spokane. The directors are C. A. Barton, Boise; W. H. Boner, Everett; L. S. Case, Spo- kane; T. J, Humbird, Sandpoint; A. W. Laird, Potlatih; George S. Long, Tacoma; R: H. McCoy, Bonners Ferry; Huntington Taylor, Coeur d'Alene; F. R. Titcomb, Snbqualmie Falls; F. E. Weyerhaeuser, St. Paul ; R. M. Weyerhaeuser, H. C. Hornby, A. J. Taylor and J. F. Wilson, Cloquet, iVlinn. The last three named were added to the board.
The officers elected are: T. J. Humbird, president; W. H. Boner, vice president; A- W. Laird, secretary; Fiunt- ington Taylor, treasurer; W. H. Farnham, assisiant sec_ retary-treasurer; L. S. Case, general manager, and I. N. Tate, assistant general managtr.