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A Hoo Hoo Concatenation was held at Modesto on Saturday- evening, December 13, when the follorving Kittens were initiated:
W. S. Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto.
Geo. M. Kewin, Kewin Lumber Co., Modesto.
J. P. Kelley, Kewin Lumber Co., Modesto.
W" A. Mashek, Kewin Lumber Co., Modesto.
A. R. Martin, Hayward Lumber Co., Manteca.
F. M. Smith, Merced Lumber Co., Merced.
R. O. Evans, Merced Lumber Co., Merced.
The following Nine had charge of the initiation:
Vicegerent Snark-D. A. Williamson.
Senior Hoo Hoo-A. B. Wastell.
Junior Hoo Hoo-Walter Baker.
Bojum-G. E. Ground.
Scrivenoter-J. U. Garten.
Jabberwock-Earl E. White.
Custocation-F. A. Witmer.
Arcanoper-F. H. McPherson.
Gurdon-Rod Hendrickson.
Dealers in and around Los Angeles were agreeably surprised about a rveek before Christmas, by the arrival of a full carload of beautiful Christmas trees, shipped from 'Westwood, with the compliments of the Red River Lumber Company.
Fletcher and Frambes, fnc. Have Entire California and Ore$on Account
The last issue ,of this journal carried an announcement of interest to all Southern California lumbermen, that Fletcher & Frambes, fnc., veteran Los Angeles wholesalers, has taken the Redwood account exclusively from Santa Barbara south, of the California & Oregon Lumber Company.
Since that time further developments disclose that this concern has now completed arrangements whereby they rvill represent this large mill in their Fir sales, as well as the Redwood.
The California & Oregon Lumber Company will close the ofifices that they have maintained in the Van Nuys Building for some time, turning their entire sales over to Fletcher & Frambes. Mr. R. R. Pattison, who has been manag'er for the California & Oregon, will go rvith Fletcher & Frambes, in charge of their Fir Department. "Pat" is rvell known throughout the state, is a man of very keen personality and will, without a doubt, make a valuable addition to the force of Fletcher- & Frambes, Inc.