3 minute read
Bob Osgood Entertains Los Angeles Hoo Hoo
Bob Osgood, Los Angeles manager for the Wheeler Osgood Company, was chairman at the December lgth meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
There was a splendid attendance at the meetingi the last one to be held until January Sth, when Mr. J. E. l,lovd-Jones, of the Woodhead Lumber Company, .lviil act as chairman.
Bob read some letters, purported to have been rvritten by some of the boys to Santa Claus.
Dear Santa:
Please send more lumber orders and f erver lumber schooners to Los Angeles during 1925. FRANK CURRAN.''
"Mr. S. Claus, Dear Sir:
In answer to your inquiry just received rve are mailing to. yo_u today our latest catalogue, on page 99 of which you r,vill find a photograph of our newest five room type igloo, rvhich I believe rvould be particularly well suited to your use and climate. This job we rvill deliver to your property for Blank Dollars and suggest that you place your order u'ithout delay as a sharp advance in prices is anticipated very shortly, Very truly yollrs.
"Dear Mr. Claus:
. Please bring to all of us rvho are members of the lum- 'ber and allied industries in Los Angeles enough intelligence so that' it L925 is the same good market as. Ig21 .tJ can reaTize at least a living wage from our businesses and not give all the profit away,
Then there were a few more letters with some requests that would seem to be unreasonable. Roy Stanton asks that he be taught to plav golf, Clint Laughlin r,vants to learn to play- dominoes (hr: is the champion of the Jona- than Club), Red McAlpine wants Stanford to beat Notre Dame New Year's Day, and Dave Woodhead wants the lumber market to stiffen.
The letters brought a good laugh.
Bob introduced Rev. Miller. who spoke to the ltovs. touching on interesting historical facti.
The president of the Club won the attendance Drize. Cries of "fake" rvere heard, but he kept the prize just the same.
Date Set
Frank Minard, and Secretary of Club, announced Club.
For San Joaquin Annual
C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fresno, the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's the date for the annual meeting of the
They- will hold the meeting as usual at Fresno, on January l7th. President Ferger, Secretary Minard, and all of the other officers are working hard-to make this the best annual that has ever been held.
Los Angeles Has New Wholesale Office
C, E. Cotton, well known throughout the Northwest in lumber circles, has opened a wholesale office in the Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles.
He has the exclusive account of Dant & Russell in Southern California in addition to his California White and Srrgar Pine connections.

(Continued from Page 49)
The newly-elected Secretary, C. D. LeMaster, who is so well known to the lumber trade of the State, also made a few remarks.
Joe Shepard and Curtis Cutter, who acted as the Arrangements Committee for the meeting, were extended a vote of thanks by the Club and were both called on for a short talk.
Those who attended the meeting were:
Mrs. M. W. Holcomb, Mrs. W. F. Knox, Mrs. E. T. Robie, Mrs. E. S. McBride, Mrs. W. B. Dearborn, Mrs. D. A. Williamson, Mrs. Walter Seavy, Mrs. R. F. Hammatt, Mrs. W. A. Glenn. Mrs, L E. Brink, Mrs. H. A. Massey, Mrs. H. S. Fuller, Mrs. J. H. Shepard, Mrs. A. E. Nelson, Mrs. O. A. Miller, Miss Evelyn Brink, Dorothy Chapman, Mrs. O. L. Russum, Mrs. J. M. Montgomery, Mrs. Curtis Cutter, Leah M. Graham, L. H. Chapman, Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento; W. F. Knox, Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., Sacramento; James Tully, General Supply Co., Fairoak; H. S. Fuller, Lodi Lumber Co., Lodi; W. E. Seavy, Midvalley Lumber Co., Galt; I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., Chico; Waller Baker, Hendrickson Lumber Co., Sacramento: W. E. Dearborn. Loomid Lumber Co., Loomis; R..F. Hammatt; California Redwood Association, San Francisco; W. A. Glenn, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Fraricisco; Carl E. Watts, J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco; E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn; D. A. Williamson, Midvalley Lumber Co., Galt; C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento: E. L. Fifield, San Francisco; Fred Hamlin, Paramino Lumber Co., San Francisco; A. A. Kelley, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco; Ed. Garland, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.. San Franciscoi
E. S. I{cBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis; C. C. McEstep, Western States Lumber Co., Stockton; F. C. Trace, Hammond Lumber Co.. San Francisco; O. L. Russum, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.. Stockton; J. M. Montgomery, Silver Falls Timber Co., Stockton; O. A. Miller, Knox Lumber Co., Sacramento: Curtis Cutter. Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento; A. E. Nelson, Homestead Lumber Co., Sacramento; J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; Earl E. White, California Door Co.. Oakland: G. A. Kramer,_Redryoo{ Mfg. Co., Pittsburc; W. D. Thopas, Sacramento; Philo K. Holland, Western Lumber Co.. Sacramento: Fred A. Hutton, Dixon Lumber Co., Dixon: C. A. Minard. Cutter Mill & Lumter Co., Sacramento; J. P. Brewer. Redwood Mfg. Co., Pittsburg; G_eorgo E._G91ry,.Sa-cramento; H. M. Ismhower, Sacramento; J. E. Martin, "California Lumber Merchant." San Fiancisco.