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Educate consumers to use of proper shingle nails. 8. Fill all orders promptly rvhen leceived. Number 4, Mr. Dower regarded as the most important recommendation.
J. J. Donovan was unable to be present but sent his speech which was read by R. S. Whiting. Governor-elect Hartley, who is a shingle manufacturer, and Fire Marshall Laing were the other speakers.
C. J. Cutler, Westminster llIill Co., New Westminster, B. C., was chairman of the morning session and S. P. Johns, Jr., chairman of the afternoon session on the second d"y. Great interest was taken by the manufacturers in the annual reports of R. S. Whiting, secretary-manager of the bureau, Arthur Bevan, assistant secretary-manag'er, and the field representatives, Col. J. W. Warden and Chas. E. Marsh and the eastern field inspector, F. J. Parker. Col. Warden said that by spring there would only be one city with an anti-shingle ordinance west of the Mississippi. Mr. Whiting reported that since June 1 over 2 million pieces of mail had gone out to retailers at their request. The bureau only sends out literature when requested.
' The congress went on record as approving in principle the standardization program mapped out by a committee rvorking under Herbert Hoover, United States secretary of Commerce. Under this schedule shingles are re-hamed under "4," "Bl' "C," and "D" classifications instead of the present confusing list of grade names. A committee was appointed to work out methods of putting the stand- ardization plans into effect, with instructions to report back at May L, 1925. It is felt that the retail trade will benefit through the simplification of grades.
Following the congress the Shingle Branch held their annual meeting and the following trustees were elected:
R. Smith, A. J. Morley, S. P.lohns, Jr., H. A. Moore, C. E. Eill, Charles Adams, J. H. Herlih-y, George Berg- strom, Dale Craft and C. E. Putman.
At the annual meeting of the trustees the officers of the Shing_le Branch were re-elected. A. J. Morley is again president, Paul R. Smith vice-president, R. S. Whiling secretary, and Arthur Bevan treasurer.
May the New Year bring to all our friends pros- perity and happiness even beyond their fonde.i .*pectations.