The Merchant Jan. 2023

Page 24

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4 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
TODAY OUR MARKET MOVES QUICKLY—SO DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND! The Merchant is available on a qualified requester basis to senior management of U.S.-based dealers and distributors specializing in lumber and building materials, and to others at the rate of $22 per year. Subscribe now at SUBSCRIBE NOW AT WWW.BUILDING-PRODUCTS.COM/SUBSCRIBE THE MERCHANT MAGAZINE SUBSCRIBE TO RECEIVE PRINT, DIGITAL, ENEWSLETTER & MORE! The LBM supply chain’s leading publication for qualified industry decision makers! • Update your subscription • Sign up key colleagues • Enroll multiple locations
Volume 102 • Number



1848 Founded by Samuel Maze in Peru, Illinois 1886 Purchases First Nail Machine to Produce Nails from Pure Zinc 2023 Maze Lumber is the Oldest Lumberyard in Illinois
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6 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 ------------| CONTENTS January 2023 STAY CONNECTED ON SOCIALS: @BPDMERCH THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PROUD SUPPORTERS OF VOL. 102 • NO. 1 |-----------DIGITAL EDITION CHECK OUT THE WWW.BUILDING-PRODUCTS.COM FEATURES 10 FEATURE STORY LBM dealers retain valuable changes from COVID 12 INDUSTRY TRENDS Expect more fiber cement, energy efficiency in siding 14 COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE Washington State dealer makes sure relationships with employees and customers aren’t just transactional 22 TRANSFORMING TEAMS Preparing for the new year in HR LBM DEALERS’ BEST NEW PRACTICES SIDING TRENDS WESTERN WOODS SPECIAL ISSUE January 2023 Know what builders need before they do. As partner the construction industry for more than 65 years, Simpson Strong-Tie knows the needs of builders before the workday even begins. Our innovative products, software and services are widely available and backed by expert support. So you can keep customers fully stocked and continue building your business. Learn more at call (800) 999-5099. EVENT RECAP Portland Wholesale Lumber Association’s annual holiday luncheon 46 WESTERN WOODS SPECIAL REPORT 28 WWPA UPDATE Western Wood Products Association provides the latest on western lumber, from Prop. 65 compliance to sales and forecasting tools to international markets. DEPARTMENTS 08 ACROSS THE BOARD 18 OLSEN ON SALES 20 SELLING WITH KAHLE 24 NEWS BRIEFS 26 MOVERS & SHAKERS 41 NEW PRODUCTS 48 IN MEMORIAM 49 DATEBOOK 49 ADVERTISERS INDEX 50 FLASHBACK 14 28 10


I LOOKED AT MYSELF in the mirror this morning and wondered what happened. I’m not talking about this face and body that continue to age, but more about who is inside. I’ve spent the past few weeks pondering, worrying, stressing about making the right decision about an acquisition opportunity that was presented to us, about the changing business landscape, about a new magazine that I dreamed about for over a decade that isn’t working out.

It’s not that these are new things to consider. The acquisition, for example, should not be an impulse decision, but after years in business and a track record of having made several other successful acquisitions, does it warrant the level of stress that I’m putting on myself? For perspective, this “stress-inducing opportunity” is about 20 times smaller and about 100 times less risky than my first acquisition.

In past lives, I was called “fearless.” Inside I wasn’t, but I will say I was “quick to calculate.” Evaluate the landscape, the task, the risk, formulate a plan, and then move. Adapt and improvise while I moved and, needless to say, they all must have worked out because here I am today writing this article. That success time and time again fed the next success and over time, you develop a confidence that is based in your abilities to adapt and overcome obstacles.

But for me, time has continued on and my life is different. The risks are different now, and having a family, kids and a team who rely on your decisions makes it feel different. It also feels like as time goes on, you have less time to recover if you make a wrong call.

There are a lot of sayings about “success” that are relevant at this point, but this one feels appropriate: “The true enemy of success is success.” Whether it is being afraid (another enemy of success), or getting comfortable, or getting big enough that you shift your focus from offense to defense, it is a curse. And this curse not only affects your business, but your entire life. There is a great quote from a show I have grown to love: “There’s sharks and minnows in this world, and if you don’t know which one you are, then you aren’t a shark.”

During a recent meeting with one of the contributors

for one of our publications, this leadership and development expert gave me one sentence of advice that has lingered with me ever since. He said, “Patrick, your problem is that you don’t have any mentors, nobody to look up to, to compete with, or to bounce ideas off of. How can you be your best self when you surround yourself only with people whom you serve that role for?”

Many of you reading this will shake your head knowingly only because I have had the privilege of talking to you about your own business, your decision-making process, and your fearlessness. I am inspired by you and the industries we serve. You have shared your stories with me that I feel are among the greatest American Dream-Hero stories that I’ve ever heard.

And so, as we get the opportunity to set new goals, reinvent ourselves, and start anew simply because a calendar switches over a 24-hour period, I am going to look into the mirror looking for who I should be, or perhaps always have been. We have several new products, services and ventures launching this year to better serve you and your business needs. There are a few acquisitions on our doorstep that I aspire to look at through the same objective, fearless lens that has extended my life this long. But most of all, I aspire to do something new this year. I will begin reaching out to some of you—my fearless heroes—to simply have a talk. To bounce things off of and to gain from your wisdom and perspective.

I don’t know what led us to this state where we have shrunk into ourselves with our only exposure to the “outside” is through the lens of social media. But, I aspire this year to harken back to the days of barber shops and BBQ’s where we would “talk,” and gain wisdom from each other as we all fight to be our best selves and achieve our American dream.

I’m eternally grateful to serve this industry and each of you and look forward to another year of excitement, adventure, perseverance and achieving our goals. Happy New Year.

8 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 ------------| ACROSS THE BOARD
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FOR THE MAJORITY of communities, the sudden changes made necessary to function on a daily basis amid a pandemic are becoming a thing of the past. Most of the hassles and true hardships—wildly fluctuating prices, product shortages, the constant gloom of exposure to illness, mandatory masking, and countless other emergency procedures—have mostly worked themselves out of the system.

Yet suddenly having to confront COVID taught many dealers how to run their business better. New procedures, initially thought temporarily, have become permanent.

Inventory & Purchasing

“The primary sticking point during COVID which remains the same today is the acute attention to inventory,” William Crosby, manager of County Building Center, Madill, Ok. “Whether being proactive on particular items and their sensitivity to supply chain disruptions or the extreme price volatility. Everyone in our industry became well aware in knowing where the markets were and where they could go in the future. You have no desire to find yourself with too much product on a high market, being there is little chance to ‘average down’ and remain competitive. However, it is also costly to be without product. Finding the balance is a subject everyone has on the forefront of the thought process.”

Lummus Supply, Atlanta, Ga., similarly shook up how it bought product. “We are doing a better job with our purchasing by not becoming so dependent on one source for certain products,” said president/CEO Will Lummus. “We have learned to start using multiple sources to help us with supply chain and allocation issues in the future.”

As a result of supply bottlenecks and elongated re-supply times, Lumbery, Cape Elizabeth, Me., has been forced to order in bulk six to eight months in advance. That’s necessitated renting a separate warehouse to store the bulk orders, purchasing an additional forklift, and preparing to upgrade its small yard to accommodate a larger inventory.

“Our capital and operational costs have increased while our liquidity has decreased, forcing us to decrease staffing and increase prices,” lamented Mike Friedland. “The one benefit is that contractors are finding it difficult to find the specialty items that we stock in bulk due to the pronounced lag times, most notably white cedar, therefore we, at times, are the only option.”


Retailers were forced to communicate more directly and more frequently with staff and the public—and saw lasting benefits. “COVID taught us to communicate better not only with our customers, but also within our orga-

10 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
------------| FEATURE STORY

nization,” Lummus said. “We have implemented many new policies that are based on communication which has made us a better company today. It has also become one of our five core values.”

Likewise, noted Jonathan Ramsey, general manager for Beatty Lumber & Millwork, Upper Darby, Pa.: “With customer interaction limited during COVID, we called all those customers that had a delivery of material the very next day to check up and make sure everything went smoothly. We have continued that practice. It allows us to identify any issues that need to be addressed. Ninetynine percent of the feedback from these calls is positive, so I find myself giving those team members involved in the delivery a “pat on the back,” which goes a long way in building a positive environment.”

Companies hesitant to adopt new tools, like Zoom, received a crash course that continues to pay benefits. Katherine Cornelius, marketing director for TAL Holdings, Vancouver, Wa., noted, “The only thing that has had a lasting impact is our adoption of, and now standard-practice use of, Microsoft Teams as a collaboration and information sharing platform. Prior to the pandemic, we had done virtually no video conferencing and had a poor information sharing network beyond email. Through the pandemic, we were forced to adopt the software platform to continue to communicate and function. The forced adoption spurred our embrace of Teams so that it is now woven through the fabric of almost everything we do these days.”

Staff from Big Creek Lumber’s main office in Davenport, Ca., physically travels less to its branches throughout Northern California. A growing percentage of interactions with staff, customers and vendors is no longer in-person. There are more remote/virtual meetings, more webinars, and more virtual conferences, reducing travel expenses and increasing frequency. Virtual meeting check-ins are now held regularly, companywide.

Health & Safety

Stine Lumber, Sulphur, La., decided to keep up the Plexiglass partitions that protect clerks at all of its checkout stations. The dealer has also stepped up cleaning with antibacterial products beyond what it had preCOVID, according to Tim Stine.

Meanwhile, at Beatty Lumber, said Ramsey, “we have installed automatic soap dispensers and automatic antibacterial stations in the restrooms and strategically located throughout the office/retail store area. We have also displayed framed documents that tell the person reading how and why washing your hands, and using antibacterial lotion is important.”

At Big Creek’s administration office and wholesale/ sawmill, according to Michelle Webb, “Aside from the various health/social distancing protocols that are still in place, one outcome is that in attempting to socially distance as many office personnel as possible, we had to come up with systems and the technology that allowed employees to work effectively from home. We also started using and continue to use scanned and/or text messaged photos of various types of paperwork/information between our shipping yard and admin or home offices.”

Not every dealer, however, was faced with rolling back a ton of temporary changes. Joel Jumper, owner of Coshocton Lumber Co., Coshocton, Oh., tried to keep changes minor and few. “When the pandemic started, I wanted to try and not make changes in the business,” he said. “We worked to keep things ‘normal’ like the pre-pandemic days. We worked hard to provide the same service and products to our customers. So as the situation eased, we just fell back into our normal world. I honestly thought I would be changing procedures, product, etc. We had enough going on during those times. We didn’t need me reinventing the wheel.” MM January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 11
LUMBER and hardware retailers instituted numerous changes to operate during the pandemic, some of which have outlasted the pandemic.
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GOOD NEWS for lumber dealers, as fiber cement—the type of siding most commonly distributed by traditional lumberyards—is forecast to exhibit the fastest growth among all types of siding, according to a new Lucintel report, “Siding Market: Trends, Opportunities and Competitive Analysis.”

The global siding market is expected to reach an estimated $126.1 billion by 2027 with a compounded annual growth rate of 4.9% from 2022 to 2027. The

major growth drivers for this market are increasing construction activities, growing repair and maintenance of building exteriors, and a rise in the hospitality industry.

The sharpest increase lies with fiber cement. “Fiber cement siding continues to pick up steam for several reasons,” explained Jamal Saghir, director of products at James Hardie. “First, we’ve seen that traditional construction practices using brick and stucco are becoming increasingly more expensive and difficult to achieve, leading consumers to evaluate alternative siding options. Another trend we’ve seen is an increase in modern styles and the growing desire for customization. Fiber cement panels are well aligned to this trend of modern styles as they deliver a clean and simple aesthetic.

“Lastly, the impact of severe weather on home design is something we’ve been watching closely for several years now, as homeowners are looking to protect their homes and their families inside those homes.”

Nonetheless, vinyl will remain the largest material type segment over the forecast period, due to low material and maintenance costs, and availability of a wide variety of colors.

Also becoming increasingly popular are sidings that offer good insulation to reduce energy consumption generated by air conditioners and heaters. The most energy-efficient type of siding—insulated vinyl—is laminated with a solid foam-core backing. Once installed, it looks similar to regular vinyl siding with a stepped profile, but provides significantly higher R-values. However, it does cost more and is more labor intensive to install.

Globally, non-residential will remain the largest end use segment for siding during the forecast period due to growth in retail and office buildings. Yet residential construction is expected to witness the highest growth due to increasing adoption of energy efficient homes.

Asia Pacific is expected to remain the largest market and witness the highest growth over the forecast period, supported by increasing urbanization and building construction activities. MM

12 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
------------| INDUSTRY TRENDS
FIBER CEMENT may hold a fraction of the siding market, but it remains the fastest-growing type. (Photo by James Hardie) ------------


IT WAS THE SPRING of 2019 and the country was on the brink of a global pandemic when the Lumber Traders board approached Danny Steiger to ask him to step in as interim CEO. The existing CEO, who took over the reigns in 2014, announced that he was moving on. Steiger, a store manager who had been with the company just shy of three years, had some big shoes to fill.

And as it turned out, the board was correct to ask him. Steiger not long after became the official CEO/ president of Lumber Traders, Inc., parent company to Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co. and Hartnagel Building Supply, Port Angeles, Wa. “All the stars aligned with my past experiences and what I had learned and what I had been through.”

Ironically, he was able to draw upon his past experiences to be successful. He reflected on his time working at his parent’s pet and feed store, where he learned bookkeeping, customer service and basic business practices, and on his experience at Westside Building Supply, Lynden, Wa., where at 18, he began learning pro and contractor sales, and later cabinetry.

And although he originally had no intention of working in the industry out of college, he says it was the customers that caused him to fall in love with the industry. “It’s a relational industry. We’re seeing the same builders in here every single day. We’re getting to know them—working on their projects—really partnering in

their success. It’s not just a transactional relationship.” He is still in love with the industry 21 years later.

He looked to customers like Scott Schwagler of J&J Construction, returning board member for the North Peninsula Building Association (NPBA), who supports many of the area’s youth programs, and Kevin Russell of Kevin Russell Construction, a builder who builds custom homes on the Olympic Peninsula, who remains very active in local politics and lobbying for the industry and community.

“These are the salt-of-the-earth people who really dig in and give

back to their community and want to make it a better place,” Steiger says.

He adds although it was a weird time for the industry through the global pandemic, the company has, nevertheless, flourished. “We’re on target to be up, since 2019, 36% in our revenues.” And as an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan), the share value has increased 66% during the same time period. Through 2021, the ESOP value was nearly $6 million, and on target to grow as 2022 came to an end.

A big part of that success, he says, is being pragmatic and flexible. “The things that worked for us

14 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 ------------| COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE
EACH YEAR, Washington sister companies Angeles Millwork and Hartnagel Building Supply distribute new branded hats and hoodies to customers and contractors.

previously—some of those things worked great, and some things were completely turned on their head. We had to get flexible for where we were sourcing product, the supply chain being in a state of shambles, and trying to be proactive about those things.”

In addition, the company’s ability to retain longtime staff and acquire

highly skilled staff from outside of the industry have helped the company grow in the years since the pandemic began.

Yet, finding new employees has been hard, Steiger acknowledges, so the company began looking outside of the industry to find potential employees who had the right talent and skills to learn the industry,

but also had the right business fundamentals to expand on their knowledge and experience in other areas as well. “There’s not a lot of people coming into the industry, so we really need to look outside of the industry and find the people to bring in who have the skills who can grow the company.”

Thankfully, being an employeeowned company has aided in their search and has been highly attractive to the new talent the company has been looking to bring into the industry. For instance, one store manager hired by the company for his exceptional skills in managing operations, Steiger says, was previously a manager at a Big 5 Sporting Goods store who had no building industry experience. “He’s actually going to be promoted to our operations manager here very shortly (once a replacement is found for his position).”

“So, absolutely, we plan to keep recruiting from out of the industry and bring people who have these skills,” Steiger exclaims, so the company can capitalize on “great ideas that maybe didn’t come from our industry.”

Interestingly, the company has found employee recruiting success in having its employees hand out little cards to people in their community doing an exceptional job. The cards essentially say, “Hey you’re awesome,” and feature a QR code to the company website that asks the person if they would be interested in applying a job. So far, two employees have joined the company using this recruitment method once they learned more about the ESOP.

“It is kind of the ethos of the company—being employee owned. It has changed how the employees view company profits, Steiger says. For instance, “if we wrecked a few boards in the yard, we start thinking, ‘Ok, these boards that we wrecked— let’s say $15,000 last year in damage—that’s half a penny on the share price.’ It doesn’t sound like much, but when you start multiplying that out by how many shares, that’s a lot of money.”

As the company grows its personnel, it also has been eying its expansion in the Port Angeles community. January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 15
CEO Danny Steiger stands in front of one of the two Hartnagel Glassworks trucks purchased last year. PARTNERING with Do it Best, Hartnagel Building Supply has been extensively remodeled, adding $250,000 in additional in-store inventory and categories.

In fact, Angeles Millwork grew its rental department from $105,000 in revenue three years ago, to $250,000 in 2022. And, after looking at the needs of the local community, it closed on a new 11,000-sq. ft. location (in downtown Port Angeles in the Sears building) on December 13, 2022, that will house its rental center so the company can “get a lot more equipment and some different product lines,” Steiger adds. “We don’t have any other rental centers in Port Angeles. Everybody had to drive 20-30 minutes to Sequim (Washington), for those services.”

In addition, the company identified that the Port Angeles area lacked good sources of glass, namely window installation, mirrors, and shower doors. Stepping into that underserved market has proven highly successful for the company.

In fact, the demand on the Hartnagel Glassworks team has been so high that at the end of 2022, the company was booking out about three months just for a measurement and has hired another apprentice for the department.

As the company looks to expand its presence in Port Angeles and the Olympic Peninsula area in the future, Steiger says it is busy launching a new e-commerce platform so it can run its businesses as efficiently and nimbly as possible, and to “adjust and pivot as we need to in the face of changing market conditions. We can’t be stagnant.”

It’s this constant forward momentum that has enabled this company to grow, adapt and faithfully serve its customers and community for nearly 120 years. “The better the community does, the better the business does. And the better the business does, the more we can give back to the community so it can really keep building on each other,” Steiger concludes. MM

16 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
CUSTOMER SERVICE is at the heart of Lumber Traders. A GOOD OMEN ascends over the corner of Hartnagel Building Supply—as the company likes to say, “The sun is always shining in the Pacific Northwest, even if we can’t always see it.” SARA GRAVES Sara Graves, senior editor, is interested in your story. Contact her at

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SALES IS AN “effort out—money back” business. Our industry is competitive and going to be more so in 2023.

I have worked with and trained salespeople in the lumber industry for 40 years. I have only seen one seller who worked hard enough not be able to make a career of sales. This person worked hard but just couldn’t connect with people on the phone. He was stiff and unnatural. Sales is a transfer of emotion, so if we cannot relax and act natural, customers will be uncomfortable and will want to get off the phone or out of the meeting as soon as possible and definitely will not be in a “buying” mood.

But the biggest reason people fail in sales is lack of effort. Sales, especially in the early stages of our career, takes a lot of work. We are often building our account base from scratch. Some are fortunate to be given accounts to work, but these are not usually strong accounts; they need to be worked and developed. These salespeople will also be expected to bring on new business.

Right Place(s) Right Time(s)

One of the ways we break into accounts is to be in the right place at the right time when our customer’s preferred supplier makes a mistake. Some sellers seem to have a knack for it. This “knack” comes from being in the right place at the right time with many accounts, not just a few. These sellers simply give themselves more opportunity for “luck” to come their way.

In sales, we only count the makes not the missus, so if we take more shots we have a better and faster chance to opening new accounts.

Minimum Effort

Our minimums when I traded were 50 outbound phone calls and 200 minutes a day. To be successful we must hit those numbers or very close. Several colleagues did more than that on a consistent basis and guess what? They made the most money. One call every 10 minutes is 48 outbound calls in an eighthour day.

I know and have trained many wildly successful salespeople. The grand majority work their tails off. Many of them make great incomes. But... the top producers don’t talk, think or, most importantly, work like the bottom 90%. The math just doesn’t work.

Two Most Important Hours

The two most important time and effort hours of the day are the last and the first.

Last hour of the day: We make a call list of minimum 20 customers that we are going to contact with delivered prices worked up on multiple items before we go home. If we are going to send offerings to our customers by email, we send them night before and use the “delayed email” option in Outlook, so they arrive at our customers desk in the morning.

Many sellers spend the first hour of the day “getting ready.” They come in, fix themselves some breakfast (eat breakfast at home!), surf the net a bit, then start. That does not and never will work.

First hour of the day: When our behinds hit our chair our finger should hit the phone. I also encourage you to

prospect the first hour of every day, unless the market is running.


Excuse #1: “My customers all buy by email.” Okay, send out your offerings the night before. In addition, if this is true, you should be able to make more phone calls.

Excuse # 2: “I make and take a lot of calls on my cell phone.” Okay, document the number of these calls so your effort is recognized.

Ms. or Mrs. Charisma

If you have an established customer base or you are Mr. or Ms. “Charisma,” you can probably get away with less effort. I find charismatic sellers are about one in 50, so statistically speaking most of us are not that person. If you are new, the chances of you becoming top producer are infinitesimally small without effort. If you are Mr. or Ms. Charisma, it will happen bigger and faster with more work.

The Hard Way IS the Easy Way

“The hard way is the easy way; the easy way is the hard way.” It’s not about working more hours; it’s about the intensity of the hours we put in.


18 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 ------------| OLSEN ON SALES
JAMES OLSEN James Olsen is principal of Reality Sales Training, Portland, Or. Call him at (503) or email
Join Us at these NAWLA Events in 2023
Executive Management Institute
Spring Wood Basics
Fall Wood Basics Peachtree, GA September
NAWLA Traders Market Columbus, OH November
Join Us at these NAWLA Events in 2023 Find more details and register at North American Wholesale Lumber Association Find more details and register at North American Wholesale Lumber Association
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NAWLA Traders Market Columbus, OH November
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(EMI) In conjunction
Northwestern University Chicago, IL April 23-28
Vancouver, Canada
Palm Desert, CA March 12-14
Institute (EMI) In conjunction with Northwestern University Chicago, IL April 23-28
Vancouver, Canada


ONE OF THE principles that I have discovered in my 35 years as a consultant and sales guru is this: Biblical business principles are also those principles that enable a company to achieve more of its potential. In other words, you can take the Biblical sourcing away from a business principle, and the principle still works.

I’ve stumbled across this truth as it specifically relates to B2B salespeople. Assemble a system and a set of practices that enable a salesperson to leap to the top of his/her profession, and, coincidentally, those principles arrived at through a study of the best practices of successful salespeople, are the very same principles discerned through a study of the Bible.

As a consultant, I’ve discovered the same truth applied to businesses and professional careers. Adhere to certain Biblical principles, whether or not you know they are Biblical, and your career will blossom, and your business will reach more of its potential. You don’t need to be a Bible student to discover the principles upon which you can build a successful career, you just need to study the best practices of the best in your business and the two will coincide.

In this article, I’m going to unpack one such principle: Do unto others as

you would have them do unto you. Biblically, Jesus said this in Matthew 7:12. Practically, it’s incredibly good advice upon which you can build a personal character and a corporate culture.

You can apply it in multiple contexts and situations.

• Think of prospecting for new customers, for example. If you were guided by this principle, you’ll sharpen your definition of who is a potential customer to a highlyrefined set of specific criteria. You’d want to reach out to only that set of people/organizations that were most likely to have an interest or a need for your products/service. You wouldn’t want to solicit someone who was less likely to need what you offer. Why? Because you wouldn’t want to be approached by someone with a product or service that you were only marginally interested in. It would be a waste of your time. Do unto others….

• Your pricing would be fair and market based. Why? Because you want to have some trust in the fairness of the price you were quoted, if you were on the other side of that issue.

• You’d treat all your customers with courtesy and respect, because that’s how you would want to be treated. You’d listen carefully to

any complaints, and do your best to resolve them.

• You’d strive to be a great customer to your vendors. Respect their time, listen to their conversations and presentations, and strive to pay all your bills within their terms. After all, that’s how you would want to be treated.

• You’d pick up your messes and tidy up a bit before you left a hotel room. You’d tip generously. You’d praise and compliment regularly.

As a result of consistently applying this principle, your employees would enjoy working for you, your customers would grow in their loyalty to you, your vendors would favor you, and your community would respect and support you.

Not a bad outcome.

20 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 ------------| SELLING WITH KAHLE
DAVE KAHLE Dave Kahle is a leading sales authority, having written 12 books and presented in 47 states and 11 countries. For more information, visit
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WE HAVE ALL been on a roller coaster for the past two years and all signs look to that continuing into 2023. Here are some of the things we are watching heading into the new year.

Impacts from Election Day 2022

Ballot Initiatives: Along with the much-publicized control of Congress, several ballot initiatives were on the ballot across the country this election. While we do not know some requirements yet, here are some things considered to have big impacts on employers and employees:

• Minimum wage: Nebraska voters passed a measure to increase the state’s minimum wage incrementally until it reaches $15 per hour by 2026 and then annually thereafter based on the increase in cost of living. Nevada’s minimum wage measure that passed will increase the minimum wage to $12 an hour and remove the differences based on if the employer is offering health care benefits.

• Legalized marijuana: Maryland and Missouri passed measures to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults over 21. This would not impact an employer’s right to prohibit the use, possession, or being under the influence; however, it could change how employers can use positive marijuana drug test results in making employment decisions. Similar measures did not pass in Arkansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

A. In general, handbooks should be reviewed every year to ensure the language still matches your actual practices. During a review, you should make sure the correct people, contact information, forms, etc. are referenced. You should also make sure it matches your current work structure (i.e., remote, in-person, or hybrid) and expectations (i.e., work hours, availability, security, dress code, restrictive covenants, etc.).

However, reviews may need to be done more often if any federal or state employment laws change or are passed. This could include time off laws, paid leave, updated protected groups, and marijuana legalization. Current guidelines from the National Labor Relations Board about handbook language need to be considered as well.

You also need to update it when you hire employees working in a different state as each state’s laws impact several policies throughout the handbook, not just the obvious ones such as paid time off.

Consider having an HR consultant or employment attorney complete a thorough review every year or two, revising as needed, to ensure the legal language is current and correct, minimizing your obligations and exposure.

Legislatures: For the next two years, we do not expect to see much legislation from the divided U.S. Congress. In fact, the division could create more issues if needed legislation is obstructed, budgets are not passed, and the government is shut down.

However, on the state level, we expect legislation on sick pay, legalized marijuana, paid leave, weapon restrictions or permissions, pay equity or transparency, anti-discrimination, and restrictive covenants depending on the philosophy and needs in different states. The shifting control in some state governments from one party to another or from a split to one party being in control often means a change in legislative agenda with topics often dictated by the party in charge.

Employers need to stay aware of legislation moving through all levels of government, updating policies and procedures as new regulations are implemented and educating employees on their rights and responsibilities.

Labor Market

At the end of 2022, the labor market was still competitive and tight. Recent job growth was higher than

Q. How often do we need to update our handbook?
22 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 ------------| TRANSFORMING TEAMS

projected, with 263,000 jobs added in November and the unemployment rate holding steady at 3.7%. Wages are increasing with the average hourly earnings increasing 0.6% in November, increasing the annual increase to 5.1%.

It appears “the Great Resignation” is slowing down, but approximately 4 million people are still quitting their jobs each month.

Employees are quitting due to personal reasons (such as illness, to care for family, or to pursue other career or educational opportunities),

While the layoffs at large tech companies like Amazon, Twitter and Meta made headlines, many companies are not expecting to lay off employees given their need to meet continuing demand and their need for qualified workers. Instead, we may see fewer job openings as companies reduce their hiring efforts while waiting out the threat of recession.

Employers need to prepare their companies to adjust and withstand the fluctuating and uncertain conditions of the economy and job market as well as the impacts felt within their industry, city and state. They should also be attuned to the financial, flexibility, and developmental needs of their employees to retain them.

COVID, RSV, Flu...

With approximately 300,000 new cases per day in the U.S. and almost 2,000 people dying each day, COVID-19 is evolving into an endemic but, with highly-contagious emerging variants, is still considered a public health emergency in some areas. An estimated 16 million employees have long COVID with an estimated 2–4 million people needing to leave the workforce due to long COVID which accounts for 20-40% of the labor shortage.

work options and prepare for coverage if someone needs to miss time out of the workplace.

• Offer cleaning and sanitizing products and create more open spaces to reduce exposure in the workplace.

• Support and encourage employees and their families to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu, both of which have been shown to reduce the number of cases and severity of illness.

Other Trends to Look Out For Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Diversity in cultures, races, genders, religions, etc. as well as of thought is often considered a factor for the success of an organization. Employees want to feel included and clients want to work with people that look like them.

Differing perspectives and backgrounds can lead to better ideas to weather uncertainties. While discrimination is prohibited under law, incorporating true equity and inclusion can help companies thrive. Employers should learn to embrace and support differences and require that support from everyone in their organizations.

for better compensation (such as higher wages, more paid time off, or better insurance options), greater flexibility (such as remote work or flexible scheduling), or to escape a poor corporate culture (including long hours, poor management, or blatant discrimination or harassment).

With over 10 million job openings (equivalent to 1.7 openings for each person looking for a job), employees still greatly control the job market… for now.

The state of the economy will impact the job market in 2023. Financial experts have been warning about a recession, but with a currently strong economy and the rate of inflation slowing, they now think it may be weaker and shorter than originally feared.

With the predicted inflation, many expected massive layoffs in 2023.

Additionally, many officials are declaring pediatric RSV a public health emergency given the rising numbers of children becoming sick, being hospitalized, and dying due to the infection. Added to that, we are seeing the annual winter impact of influenza with millions of people already infected and hundreds of thousands hospitalized.

Employers need to know their legal and practical responsibilities to prepare for employees who become sick or have to care for a family member who becomes ill:

• Several states still have COVID-19-related pay, disability pay, and/or protections for time off due to covered purposes, some of which have been extended to cover RSV and the flu.

• Review the possibilities of remote

NLRB: The National Labor Relations Board is continuing to strengthen employee and union rights. This includes measures that impact non-unionized companies, such as handbook language and restricting protected activity in the pursuit of better working conditions. Employers need to ensure they know the legal requirements and are not impeding those rights.


Paige McAllister, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, is vice president for compliance with Affinity HR Group. Reach her at (877) 660-6400 or

Two-unit Southern Oregon dealer Diamond Home Improvement has been acquired by Kodiak Building Partners, Highlands Ranch, Co.

The acquisition of DHI will expand Kodiak’s market reach in the Northwest. With locations in Klamath Falls and Grants Pass, Or., DHI was started in 2000 by the late Tim Steiner and his brother Jay with the vision of providing highquality service and great prices to Oregon’s building community.

“Tim Steiner built a 22-year track record of success by combining deep industry expertise, longstanding client relationships, and solutions that address local needs,” said Kodiak CEO Steve Swinney. “This acquisition strengthens our ability to serve the Pacific Northwest and increase our capabilities in the Southern Oregon area and align us with one of the region’s most highly regarded home improvement companies.”

Kelly Fox, senior VP of General Lumber at Kodiak, said, “Kodiak has been successful in extending its general lumber operations in the Pacific Northwest and has the right focus, assets, and capabilities to realize the full potential of Diamond Home Improvement and its strong market presence. Tim Steiner built the best team and an industry legacy through DHI, and we will continue to support that legacy with local

autonomy, customer focus, and innovation in the building materials space.”

Before the founding of Diamond Home Improvement, Tim Steiner joined his family business, Lumberjack, where he developed a love of business and a passion for serving customers and employees in the home improvement industry. Following Tim’s passing on Oct. 16, 2022, John Steiner took over as president of DHI.

“My uncle founded the company as a customer-first operation, and joining Kodiak gives us more resources that we can use to better serve the business and people that count on us,” said John Steiner, now general manager.


Brothers Harry and Curt Spyrka have sold Frazier Park Lumber & Hardware, Frazier Park, Ca., which will now be operated by Crown Ace Hardware.

The Spyrkas are selling so they can retire. They began working at the store as teenagers, when their parents acquired it in 1976.

Frazier Park Lumber will retain its name, under new manager Robert Welty, who has relocated from Crown’s Riverside, Ca., store.

“With the deal, Crown now manages 22 locations—10 Crown Ace Hardwares in Southern Califor-

nia that it owns, 12 owned by LLC’s which operate under names with more meaning to their communities. “We like to keep it super local,” said Mark Schulein, president of the Huntington Beach, Ca.-based chain.

The move also expands Crown further into lumber and garden, with inventories more robust than the “convenience” offerings of its Crown hardware stores, if not quite as “full blown” as the lumberyards in Arizona purchased three years ago from Tri-State Building Materials or the nurseries at its Ace stores in Davis and Fallbrook, Ca.

Ridley’s, Twin Falls, Id., will open Ace Hardware store #13 early this year in Greybull, Wy.

Restoration Forest Products is preparing to install a new Wood-Mizer custom edger unscrambler new edger in Bellemont, Az.

International Wood Products, Clackamas, Or., is now distributing Allura fiber cement siding products from five western locations to Oregon, Washington, Northern and Central California, northern Idaho, western Montana, Hawaii and Alaska.

Rugby Architectural Building Products has been named the new exclusive wholesale distributor for Wilsonart Engineered Surfaces in New Mexico. Rugby ABP already distributes Wilsonart products in Arizona, Texas, New York, and Florida.

TruStile is incorporating Accsys’ Tricoya wood products into its new Resilient Wood Entry System.

Home Depot presented 2022 Innovation Awards to FastenMaster’s Cortex Hidden Fastening System, Hubspace String Lighting, and Glidden Max Flex spray paint.

Regal ideas’ Crystal Rail aluminum railing system was awarded Best in Show in the Outdoor Living category at the recent Deck Expo in Las Vegas.

24 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
------------| NEWS BRIEFS
Call the experts: • Robert Moore • Jim Winward Utah Wood Preserving Co. 1959 soUth 1100 West Woods Cross, Utah Phone - Woods Cross: (801) 295-9449 FaX (801) 295-9440 Phone - salt lake (801) 262-6428 FaX (801) 748-0037 Borates CA-C Above + Ground Contact Rough TiMbeRs uTiliTy Poles PRessuRe TReaTed luMbeR FiRe ReTaRdanT TReaTed luMbeR and PlyWood KODIAK ENTERS PNW BY LANDING A DIAMOND



Owners Mark and Monica Walters are targeting a February opening for 1610 Hardware in Santa Fe, N.M.

The Do it Best store is moving into a 23,500-sq. ft. space formerly occuped by Office Max.

The name 1610 is a nod to the year the city of Santa Fe was founded.



Metrie, the largest manufacturer and distributor of millwork in North America, has acquired the hemlock and alder manufacturing and distribution business of solid wood moulding specialist Fred Tebb & Sons, Gig Harbor, Wa.

The sale includes the machinery from Tebb’s plants in Dallas, Or., and Salt Lake City, Ut., which will be shuttered.

Tebb will continue selling hemlock and alder rough stock, Sitka spruce, animal bedding, pallets and firelogs from facilities in Dallas and Corvallis, Or., and Hoquiam and Elmo, Wa.

“As well as being the largest MDF moulding manufacturer and distributor in North America, Metrie also has nearly 100 years of expertise in solid wood production. We know quality solid wood products and services when we see them,” said Kent Bowie, president and CEO of Metrie. “Tebb has long been a leader in sustainably sourced and certified Pacific coast hemlock and western red (knotty) alder moulding products. This acquisition enhances our solid wood product mix and service offering to existing and new customers.”

“Like Metrie, we are a fourth-generation, family-owned millwork company, with hopefully many more generations to come,” noted Rick Tebb, president, Fred Tebb & Sons. “However, now is a good time to pass on the alder and hemlock trim part of our business, and I am sure Metrie will continue to build on the excellent customer service and product lines we have established.”

This is the fourth acquisition by Metrie in the last two years, following the purchase of Tinder Wholesale and EL & EL Wood Products in 2022, and Pacific MDF Products and Canadian MDF Products in 2020. January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 25

Frank Sanchez, ex-Builders FirstSource, has joined Ramona Lumber, Ramona, Ca., in truss sales, design and estimating.

Randy Agno has been named director of architectural services for Associated Building Supply, Oxnard, Ca.

Scott Barton has been promoted to VP of national accounts relations for Kodiak Building Partners, Highlands Ranch, Co.

Amy Warren, Weyerhaeuser Co., Seattle, Wa., has been promoted to division general mgr.

Kenneth Aromin has been promoted to the inside sales team at International Wood Products, Clackamas, Or.

Terry Haddix, Patrick Lumber Co., Portland, Or., is the new president of the Portland Wholesale Lumber Association. She succeeds Oregon State University’s Michelle Maller. Jessica Standley, Oregon Wood Specialties, is now VP.

Dionne Vernon has been appointed VP, talent management and Gui Nebel VP, finance & treasury for BlueLinx, Atlanta, Ga. Shree Iyer is now senior director, enterprise applications.

Michael Morris has been promoted to senior VP of sales for Derby Building Products, parent of Tando and Novik.

Jenny Chambless joined Do it Best Corp., Fort Wayne, In., as merchandise coordinator. Dylan Hopper is a new sales support coordinator. Recently promoted were Lori Cardelli to associate building materials trader; Joe Hutt, merchandise mgr. for building materials; and Brittany Peavler, associate merchandise mgr. for hardware.

John Williams will retire June 30 after 14 years as president and CEO of Domtar Corp., Fort Mill, S.C. He will be succeeded by Steve Henry, who in the interim will serve as executive VP and chief operating officer.

Chris Freader has been promoted to senior VP of retail services for Orgill, Collierville, Tn. Geoff McCaslin is now director, replenishment; Andrew Yount, director, vendor support; Jim Rivas, director, retail technology; and Peter Kim, director, cybersecurity. Myron Boswell, VP of dealer sales, Northeast, has retired after 33 years with Orgill. Todd Nowels succeeds him, and Paul Dupont replaces Nowels as VP of dealer sales, Southeast. Laura Freeman is new as executive VP of human resources and chief human resources officer.

June Yang was appointed to the board of SRS Distribution, McKinney, Tx.

Dr. Healy Hamilton has been appointed chief scientist for the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, effective April 4.

Bella d’Ball is the new social director at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., according to owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

26 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
------------| MOVERS & SHAKERS Durable Design 1-800-547-9520 | KodiakPly Siding Panels 4' x 8' with 18 patch only Thicknesses: 11/32" and 19/32" Applications: sheds, apartments, townhomes, condominiums Timber Products’ KodiakPly™ siding is the answer to your exterior needs. Made from Douglas fir, KodiakPly holds a timeless look with durable properties to meet the demands of the environment. Contact us today to learn more!


Roseburg Forest Products, Springfield, Or., has agreed in principle with four law firms representing the majority of claims to settle the families’ property losses, personal injuries, and wrongful death claims arising from the Sept. 2 Mill Fire.

The blaze, which killed two and destroyed 118 buildings, was linked to a water-spraying machine used to cool ash at Roseburg’s wood veneer mill in Weed, Ca.

The four law firms—Reiner Slaughter Mainzer & Frankel; Parkinson Benson Potter; Singleton Schreiber; and Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy—represent more than 700 individuals impacted by the Mill Fire who hold real property and structure damage claims, personal property damage, claims, personal injury claims, bodily injury claims, and wrongful death claims, among other claims.

The lawyers intend to recommend the agreed-upon settlement terms to their clients and will await review and approval of the proposed settlements by the clients themselves. The terms of the agreement in principle stipulate that the amount of each family’s settlement, if agreed to by the family, will be confidential.

“We know we can’t bring back loved ones nor the homes that were destroyed, but Roseburg’s substantial settlement offers, hopefully, will

provide the resources for homeowners to rebuild their houses and the community,” said Roseburg spokesman Pete Hillan.


Vinyl window and door manufacturer Win-Dor, LLC, Brea, Ca., has been acquired by Pella Corp.

Win-Dor is sold nationally and specializes in expansive, multi-panel door systems. The brand and product offering will deepen Pella’s industry-leading vinyl portfolio. The demand for vinyl multi-panel doors is expected to grow as consumer demand for home remodeling projects persists.

Pella plans to take Win-Dor to the next level of growth with resources to expand its business— increasing production, hiring new employees, and improving process and productivity. Win-Dor team members, about 200, will continue to work for the company, serving its current customers through the WinDor brand name.

“We are excited to be a part of the Pella family. It is both a strategic and cultural fit that will enable our business and our people to grow. Pella has an outstanding reputation, and we’re pleased to be part of a strong organization with a rich history in the window and door industry,” said Gary Templin, who co-founded Win-Dor in 1990 with his brother-in-law, Wolf Wirthgen.


Hardwoods Distribution Inc. has rebranded as Adentra, Inc.

Deriving from the Spanish word “dentro” meaning “within,” Adentra represents the firm’s modern identity as a distributor of architectural design products used to create beautiful spaces to live, work and play.

“We believe the new name captures the overall value we have built—our extensive product portfolio, our critical role in providing supply chain expertise, and the benefits of scale we deliver across our vast network of customers,” said president and CEO Rob Brown. “While our corporate name undergoes a rebrand, our work with customers and vendors continues through our five flagship brands: Novo Building Products, Mid-Am Building Supply, Rugby Architectural Building Products, Paxton Lumber, and Hardwoods Specialty Products.”

The rollout includes a new logo, tagline (“Creating beautiful spaces where we live, work and play”), and website (

The rebranding initiative comes just over a year after HDI acquired Novo and Mid-Am, which expanded its markets beyond industrial distribution, architects and designers to pro dealers and home centers.

Effective Dec. 8, 2022, Adentra’s common shares began trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “ADEN.” January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 27


CALIFORNIA Proposition 65 (Prop. 65) regulations required many businesses including wood products businesses to provide a clear and reasonable warning to California consumers. These businesses are the manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers producing raw wood products (sawn lumber, logs, plywood and composite wood panels, engineered structural wood products, and similar wood products) and selling directly or indirectly in California. Businesses with fewer than 10 employees are exempt. Wood products businesses located in and out of California should talk to their legal counsel about Prop. 65.

Prop. 65

Prop. 65, officially known as the Safe Drinking Water & Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, requires businesses to provide a clear and reasonable warning before knowingly and intentionally exposing anyone to chemicals that are known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other

reproductive harm.

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is the lead agency administering Prop. 65. The California Attorney General’s (AG) Office enforces Prop. 65. The AG Office, district attorneys, and private citizens and law firms (including “bounty hunters”) have filed Prop. 65 lawsuits. Fine for violations is up to $2,500 per day per violation.

OEHHA’s Prop. 65 list of over 1,000 chemicals requiring Prop. 65 warnings includes wood dust, and others such as formaldehyde. Prop. 65 regulations provide safe-harbor warning requirements for wood dust exposures. Warnings that comply with the safe-harbor warning requirements are deemed by OEHHA to be clear and reasonable. Businesses have the flexibility to provide warnings through other methods they deem to be clear and reasonable, although they may need to defend such alternative warnings in legal proceedings if a plaintiff challenges the warnings as not being clear and reasonable.

------------| WESTERN WOODS | 28 • the merchant magazine • January 2023

The manufacturer, wholesaler and distributor of a product may comply with Prop. 65 either by affixing a label to the product bearing the Prop. 65 warning, or by providing a written notice to the downstream customers. A written notice must include all necessary warning materials such as shelf signs, and the company providing the notice must obtain confirmation of receipt. The notice must be renewed and receipt of the renewed notice confirmed annually. The retail seller is responsible for the placement and maintenance of warning materials they receive.

WWPA’s Prop. 65 Notification Service

To assist wood products businesses to provide Prop. 65 written

notices to their customers, Western Wood Products Association has been offering the Prop. 65 Notification Service since 2011. It has been both cost effective and successful for our subscribers. As a subscriber to this service, you can expect the following benefits:

Potential Cost Savings: Sending warning notification and signage to each customer that is located in, or selling into, California and attempting to obtain confirmation of receipt of those materials is time consuming and labor intensive, not to mention costly when staff time and materials are considered.

Happy Customers: By using WWPA’s centralized notification service, the subscribing company’s customers receive a single warning

notice rather than being inundated by notices from multiple suppliers.

Peace of Mind: The service was developed following guidance from the California AG office and OEHHA. WWPA has been successfully providing our notification service to the wood products industry for the last 11 years, making pursuit of compliance with Prop. 65 regulations much easier than trying to go it alone.

You’re in Good Company: The WWPA Prop. 65 Notification Program is utilized by a wide range of producers and distributors, both large and small. MM

– For more information on the WWPA’s Prop 65 Notification Service, please visit prop-65-notification-service.


LUMBER WHOLESALERS, retailers and distributors have a great online tool to help them locate the western lumber they need for their customers. The WWPA Online Buyers Guide was designed exclusively for them. The Guide is a searchable, interactive directory of WWPA member mills and the products and services they offer.

Users of the Guide can search by a number of specific products they are looking for. Select filtering categories to locate WWPA member companies by species, product type, services, or shipment methods. Once filtering categories are selected, a list of Western lumber mills is displayed. From there users can view the company profiles that have the products they need.

Profiles include mill locations and sales contacts. WWPA member mills, which are listed on the Buyers Guide, provide their information on a voluntary basis. No mills’ profile or product information are published without consent.

There are 80+ categories users can choose from on the Buyers Guide to narrow their search for western lumber. The detailed filtering system allows users to focus only on the products and services they need. For instance, a search for Douglas fir and Studs will pull up a wide list of mills, while a user focusing on Non-HRA Fingerjointed lumber will narrow the focus of producing mills.

In addition to products and services, users can filter in SFI and FSC certified mills in their search. SFI and/ or FSC certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits.

The WWPA member mills listed in the Buyers Guide support a variety of services designed specifically for lumber buyers. This commitment to lumber customers should make WWPA member mills the first choice in buying Western lumber products.

Visit the Buyers Guide today at buyers-guide. January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 29


PUBLISHED ANNUALLY since 1948, The Statistical Yearbook of the Western Lumber Industry provides comprehensive information about the lumber industry operating in the 12 contiguous western states. The Yearbook includes a wealth of western lumber industry statistics, including industry profiles on each western state, U.S. production, lumber imports and exports, consumption and housing.

Western Wood Products Association maintains the most extensive database of western lumber information available in the world. The association collects statistical information from western mills, state and federal agencies, other wood products asso-

ciations, and from a variety of other sources. Recognized worldwide for its accuracy and detail, WWPA statistical reports are widely used by the media, government, wood products industry professionals and consultants.

Western lumber production data for The Statistical Yearbook are compiled by WWPA using two questionnaires: the Annual Mill Operating Summary (AMOS) and the Profile of Western Sawmills. The questionnaires are sent to mills operating in the western US. The AMOS survey collects annual data on softwood lumber production activity by species, while the Profile details timber sources, distribution channels, processing patterns and marketing areas of lumber producers throughout the region. All questionnaire responses are confidential and no mill’s individual data is disclosed.

Timber resource statistics for the book are included through co-operation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Industry employment statistics are provided by the Employment Divisions of each western state. Also included in The Yearbook are foreign trade statistics for logs and lumber, U.S. housing construction information and estimates of U.S. softwood consumption by markets.

Subscribers to The Yearbook will find detailed Western softwood lumber production information under each section of the book. For instance, the individual State Forest Product Statistics sections include:

Total Timberland in acres, Total Volume of Sawtimber and Estimated Wholesale Value. Also included in the section is State Lumber Production of Board Feet for the current publishing year and previous eight years. The section also lists State Profile data: Source of Timber, Species Produced, Degree of Processing, Mode of Transportation, Principal Markets and Distribution Channels. Additionally, employment data for the number of persons working in sawmills and lumber and wood products is included in the section.

The Yearbook includes a comprehensive listing of softwood lumber production by species for the western region, including production data for the Coast, Inland and California Coast regions for a nine-year period. The species and state section provides species production numbers for California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington, plus mixed softwood production numbers for Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, South Dakota and Wyoming.

In the year 2021, western sawmills produced 39% of the annual U.S. softwood lumber output and supplied 28% of all lumber consumed in the United States. This makes The Yearbook’s collection of western lumber production data a valuable resource for industry professionals, economists and researchers. MM

– Additional information about WWPA statistical reports is available on the association website at

30 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
------------| WESTERN WOODS |


IN DECEMBER 2019, I presented an update on the U.S. lumber market at a Japan Lumber Importers Association meeting as part of Softwood Export Council’s annual exchange to connect U.S. softwood lumber suppliers and Japanese importers. The changes in the U.S. market in just three years are striking, and they underscore the importance of international market diversity for U.S. softwood lumber suppliers.

Market fluctuations are a constant in the U.S. housing market. Over the past several decades, the U.S. has experienced a recession almost every eight years, while housing starts have

plunged every six and a half years. In 2019, U.S. housing starts were still recovering from the 2009 global recession, repair and remodeling expenditures were down, and the Western SPF 2x4 composite price was $379 per thousand—far below a May 2019 peak of $582.

At the mill level, U.S. production was flat and mills in B.C. were curtailing production. The positive news at the time was that the Western SPF 2x4 composite price was projected to reach $407 per thousand during first quarter 2020. Due to a housing shortage, home equity levels were high and unemployment was low, which bode

well for projected growth in spending on repair and remodel projects.

Who could have imagined that six months later, lumber prices would surpass $1,400 per thousand and

With 95% of the world’s consumers located outside of the U.S., exporting provides a way to lessen the impacts of domestic market downturns, and increase sales. According to EXIM bank, companies who export are 17% more profitable than those who don’t export.

Total US Housing Starts, 1958-2022

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homeowners, armed with time on their hands and equity in their homes would cause a repair and remodeling surge at a level never been seen before?

After a very short drop in lumber production in keeping with COVID restrictions, U.S. producers focused on increasing production and supplying surging U.S. demand. Although international demand was also high, record high container rates and U.S. lumber prices, coupled with port slowdowns affected U.S. suppliers’ ability to compete in international markets—nor were most interested.

Fast forward to January 2023 and the U.S. market is again slowing as the lending rate reaches 7%, 2022 inflation is at 7.7% over this time last year, and housing affordability is at the lowest level since 1989. Most economists agree that the U.S. will enter a recession during first quarter 2023.

While U.S. demand during the COVID years was unprecedented and unexpected, international diversification is vital to long-term stability for U.S. lumber manufacturers.

Market fluctuations are a constant in the U.S. housing market. Over the past several decades, the U.S. has experienced a recession almost every eight years while housing starts have plunged every six and a half years. These highs and lows in the U.S. market are commonplace and the importance of international markets was clearly evident when the 2007 global recession hit, bringing with it a collapse in the U.S. housing market.

In 2007, U.S. forest products exports reached $5.2 billion—$698 million of which was softwood lumber. U.S. softwood lumber exports continued to increase in subsequent years while domestic lumber consumption declined 33%. While exports account for a small share of U.S. lumber production, for the hundreds of small, often family-owned lumber mills and wholesalers across the country, exports meant they could continue to operate in the black, retain employees, and outlast the downturn.

Exports are also important for large corporate lumber producers who must find new markets for large

volumes of lumber coming online. This means creating new international markets—both geographically, and in terms of developing new innovative ways to expand consumption.

To grow international demand for U.S. softwood lumber, the Softwood Export Council (SEC) with support from its membership of U.S. lumber grading agencies and wood products associations, addresses trade barriers and educates international users about the benefits of, and methods

for using U.S. products.

Opportunities for U.S. softwood lumber run the gamut—from opportunities for low-grade lumber for Mexico’s pallet, furniture, and construction (formwork) industries; clears in Pakistan; high-grade appearance and shop grades in North Africa and the Middle East; high-grade structural Douglas fir in Japan; and clears and shop grade for remanufacturing in Southeast Asia. The SEC also works to grow demand for structural grades January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 33
QUALITY WOOD PRODUCTS, GROWN RESPONSIBLY ST. MARIES BEMIDJI GWINN WARREN OLA EL DORADO WALDO LANDHOLDINGS | Alabama | Arkansas | Idaho | Louisiana | Minnesota | Mississippi PRODUCTS Douglas Fir-Larch, Hem Fir, SPF –2x4 and 2x6 framing lumber Spruce, Pine, Fir (SPF) 2x4 and 2x6 studs and 6- to 9-ft. trims Southern Yellow Pine – 2x4 and 2x12 framing lumber Machine Stress Rated (MSR) Southern Yellow Pine - 4x4 and 4x6 timbers Douglas Fir Plywood – AC, BBOES, CCPTS, CCX, Industrial Panels Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) CONTACT US WITH SUPPLIER INQUIRES! PotlatchDeltic | 601 West First Avenue Suite 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 | Tel (509) 328-0930 | Fax (509) 327-9409 |

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, Dec. 2022

and in non-residential and limited residential projects in select markets.

Exports Return as U.S. Prices and Shipping Rates Decline

U.S. export volume has almost returned to pre-COVID levels, a trend that is expected as U.S. lumber prices continue to soften, and distribution normalizes. Exports to China fell sharply following the U.S.-China trade war and U.S. shipments are down 88% from 2017 levels. Mexico has replaced China as the leading market for U.S. softwood lumber with almost 900,000 cubic meters valued at $286 million projected for 2022.

U.S. suppliers have benefited from increased nearshoring from international manufacturers, the U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement, a shared border, and U.S. phytosanitary regulations which require that pallets entering the U.S. from Mexico be heat treated. Much of the lumber shipped from the U.S. to Mexico is used in pallets, and while pallet producers in Mexico prefer the dimensions of lumber supplied by producers in South America, the U.S. has benefitted from lower rail costs compared to ocean freight from South America, and a preference for U.S. softwood lumber quality and species characteristics.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, Dec. 2022

U.S. species are also used in concrete formwork and interior millwork and furniture. As shown in the figure below, on a volume basis, western species make up over 50% of the softwood lumber shipped from the U.S. to Mexico.

Japan remains an important market for high-grade Douglas fir lumber. Despite a loss in market share to European lam-stock producers and domestic sugi, Japan is the leading international market for U.S. Douglas fir. As shown in the figure above, products shipped to Japan garner the highest unit prices of any international buyer, aside from the Philippines.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, Dec. 2022

Although most of the U.S. lumber shipped to Japan is used in post and beam and 2x4 construction, a central challenge to U.S. suppliers is a reluctance to produce Japanese dimensions. The Philippines, however, emerged as a new high-value market for U.S. species when a large Japanese pre-cutter located operations

34 • the merchant magazine • January 2023

in the country and began importing lumber from the U.S. The Philippines is now the sixth leading international market for U.S. softwood lumber with Douglas fir, hemlock, and southern yellow pine the leading U.S. species used.

Asia is the leading region to watch with the world’s fastest growing population and the fastest growing number of middle class and wealthy consumers in the world. In 2022, 60% of the world’s population, or 4.5 billion people, resided in Asia. By 2050, analysts project that this number will grow to 5.6 billion.

Analysts also project that by 2030, 65% of the world’s middle class will reside in Asia, up from 54% in 2020. In response to this trend, as well as the importance of Southeast Asia as a manufacturing center, SEC participates in several trade shows throughout the region and holds trade missions, educational seminars, and U.S. supplier and buyer exchanges in Vietnam and Thailand. The association is also investigating new opportunities for U.S. suppliers in Cambodia and northern Vietnam, both emerging manufacturing hubs.

Pakistan/the Middle East is also an important region for U.S. suppliers. The SEC hosted its first inbound buyers’ mission from Pakistan in 2016 where it introduced importers and manufacturers to Douglas fir, hemlock, and eastern white pine. The country is now the leading international market for eastern white pine. The SEC has hosted two additional buyers’ mission since then and regularly helps buyers from Pakistan meet suppliers in the Western and the Northeastern U.S.

2022 was an incredibly busy year as COVID travel restrictions have fallen away and international buyers and suppliers were eager to meet in person. SEC organized booths at 15 international trade events, hosted inbound buyers’ missions from Pakistan and Mexico, and led a trade mission to Thailand. All resulted in short term sales for the U.S. participants and new partnerships for the international buyers. In 2023, the association will participate and lead outbound trade missions in Europe, the Middle East, Mexico, China, Japan and Southeast January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 35
Source: Trade Data Monitor Source: Trade Data Monitor Source: US Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, January 2023

Asia, all of which are available to U.S. softwood lumber suppliers.

area from the same time frame that was untreated when the fire passed through.

To learn more about these events and the SEC, visit

This spring, fire conditions were strained enough to implement Stage 1 fire restrictions on forest lands. On June 5, lightning ignited a fire near the Mammoth Creek Village east of Cedar City. Bode Mecham, Cedar City Ranger District fire prevention technician, and a few interagency firefighters responded as part of the initial attack team. Most of the area hadn’t been treated yet and was still thick with 200 to 300 ponderosa pine trees per acre.

who has been a wildland firefighter for 22 years. “[The defensible space] was pretty crucial to this community allowing everyone time to get out as well as saving all the homes here.”

Shared Stewardship Enables POD Work

Over the course of a few days, the fire climbed dangerously high to the top of the trees and burned toward the village threatening 280 homes, encroaching on the narrow fire break near Tommy Creek Canyon. With no way to safely manage the advance, Mecham shifted the bulk of his team from fire defense to help the Garfield County sheriff’s office evacuate homes and preparing to defend the first homes that would be impacted by the fire.

The Softwood Export Council is a non-profit trade organization that works to increase exports of American-made softwood products. We represent U.S. softwood grading agencies, industry trade associations, state export promotion agencies, and others with a stake in the global trade of softwood lumber and wood-based building materials. With assistance from the Foreign Agricultural Service, we identify international opportunities, educate buyers, and develop collaborative relationships with international industry representatives and buyers.

As fire moved down the Tommy Creek drainage, Meacham’s task force leader reported that the fire encountered the decade old treatment area and the flames dropped rapidly from about 100 ft. tall to around 5 ft. Meacham said the dramatic change shifted his team back to fighting the fire. They were able to control it quickly, the entire 700-acre fire completely contained in about 11 days.

The Softwood Export Council and its members are actively involved in maintaining market access for U.S. wood products, which includes participating in a range of codes and standards activities and working with international governments to address codes that may limit the use of wood. MM

More than three months after the Mammoth Fire the treated area on the right shows the resilience of forested areas following fires with intense flames that burn into treated areas. In addition to the health of the trees, regeneration of the area depends on how severely the soil was burned, the photo on the left shows an area that will likely take years to rebound.

– Rose Braden is president of the Softwood Export Council (

“When you look out there now, the area that was treated is the only area out there that is still green and growing,” said Mecham,

The number of large fires in the last five years alone has states like Utah working to increase protection for residents. They are building critical community support by entering into Shared Stewardship Agreements that help partners identify and achieve common land management and protection goals.

Trees burned in high intensity flames lie across the ground on the south end of the Smith Fire Sept. 4, 2021. Cooperating agencies stood by to protect homes in the area while crews used strategic fire operations as weather allowed to help contain 100+-ft. flames.

In Oregon, partners used that common ground to develop potential operational delineations or PODS. POD lines don’t follow jurisdictional boundaries but follow roads, mountain ridges, fuel breaks and other land features firefighters can potentially use to

36 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 January 2022 n The Merchant Magazine n 35
Specializing in Softwood Species with an Emphasis in Western Cedars Circle Sawn • Wire Brushed • Hand Hewn • Timbers • Boards • Patterns • Log Cabin • Peeled/Turned Logs • Corbels • Split Rail • Aged Wood Process • Red Grandis Standard & Custom Match Patterns In-House Factory Priming & Staining Certified Grading Respecting the forest, honoring the past, building the future. A nation’s pride you can build on. Manufacturers of 6 million bd. ft. monthly of • 5/4 & 6/4 Ponderosa Pine Shop • 4/4 Premium Pine Board Programs State-of-the-Art Hewmill & Headrig Mill Contact Yakama Forest Products 3191 Wesley Rd., White Swan, WA 98952 Fax 509-874-1162 Sheldon Howell (509) 874-1163


PONDEROSA PINE (Pinus ponderosa) is one of the major softwood species in the U.S. West. Stands of ponderosa pine can be found from Canada to Mexico and from the Pacific Coast eastward to the Black Hills of South Dakota. The estimated production of ponderosa pine in 2021 represents 7% of the 14,700 MMBF (million bd. ft.) of the western lumber production, 3% of the 37,304 MMBF U.S. lumber production.

Grading Standard Lumber Grading Rules assure users of ponderosa pine and other softwoods consistent standards of quality, regardless of which mill produces the lumber.

Appearance Grades Ponderosa pine boards are graded primarily on appearance for a multitude of applications. There are three grades of Selects and five grades of Commons (WWPA Rules), and there are also Alternate Board grades (WCLIB Rules).

All ponderosa pine lumber is dried before surfacing to assure uniformity of the finished size. As with other pines, ponderosa can be subject to blue stain if a felled tree or green timber become too warm before it is dried. Blue stain does not affect strength and is admissible in

some of the lower grades. It can be hidden with paint or enhanced with clear finishes depending upon user preference.

Structural Grades Ponderosa pine structural grades are used where light to moderate strength levels are required. The 2x4 and 2x6 nominal sizes are especially popular as decking material, once the lumber has been pressure treated with preservatives for outdoor uses. Design values for ponderosa pine are those assigned to the species group Western Woods. Span ratings for joists and rafters for Western Woods are applicable to ponderosa pine for the same size and grade.

Factory Grades Factory and Shop grade lumber products are intended specifically for remanufacturing. The grades have evolved on the basis of U.S. millwork cutting sizes and are defined by the number of clear standard size cuttings which can be obtained by ripping and cross cutting the various grades.

Shown on the following page are photos of several grades of ponderosa pine lumber samples.

38 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
------------| WESTERN WOODS |

C&BTR Select is for the most part blemish-free. C&BTR boards are in demand as a top quality interior finishing material and for cabinet work.

Stylish & Sustainable Acoustics

FSC Hardwood Decking RED GRANDIS

No. 2 Common is widely used for shelving, knotty pine paneling, siding, cornice soffits and fascia, and a wide range of other uses where a knotty type of lumber with a fine appearance is desired.

Red Grandis is a Plantation Grown FSC Hardwood Decking that stands up to wear and tear in any climate. Take pride in the look and feel this exceptional decking delivers while knowing the oversight of FSC is protecting the environmental aspect. 1 Specie + 1 Plantation + 1 Mill = Red Grandis Decking Also Specializing in Softwood Species with an Emphasis in Western Cedars Circle Sawn • Wire Brushed

Two New for Fastening

No. 3 Common is used for a variety of building purposes. Characteristics are limited to assure a pleasing appearance combined with a high degree of serviceability. It is often specified and sold as 3&BTR Common, which includes primarily No. 3 Common with some No. 2 Common, and occasionally No. 1 Common, mixed in.

Wafer-Head Construction and Finish Trim screws from Simpson Strong-Tie provide contractors, homeowners and DIYers with versatile fastening solutions that are ideal for a full range of home improvement projects from cabinetry to framing to installing trim

place for the long term.

Stud grade is one of the four available in the Light Framing grading classification (2x2 thru 4x4 & 2x6 Stud). Ponderosa pine has approximately 2/3 the strength of Douglas fir in the same size and same grade. Stud grade is intended for vertical framing applications.

For projects that demand a faster fastener with a finer finish, Finish Trim screws feature under-head threads for cleaner countersinking and a compact, low-profile cylinder head for a clean, concealed appearance. They come in sizes from 1-1/4” to 5”.

Additional information about ponderosa pine lumber is available on the Western Wood Products Association’s website at MM

n STRONGTIE.COM (800) 999-5099 January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 39 May 2022 n The Merchant Magazine n 55
• Hand Hewn
Timbers • Boards • Patterns • Log Cabin • Peeled/Turned Logs • Corbels • Split Rail • Aged Wood Process Standard & Custom Match Patterns In-House Factory Priming & Staining Certified Grading Yuba City, CA. 1-800-248-4940


WWPA’S 2023 annual meeting will be held April 16-18 at Embassy Suites by Hilton Portland Airport in Portland, Or. The hotel is five minutes from Portland International Airport (PDX), with a free shuttle to PDX and tax-free shopping at Cascades Station a mile away. The MAX Red Line puts Downtown Portland a train ride away.

The WWPA event begins Sunday, April 16 with the Welcome Reception & Exchange Show. This meet-and-greet has been a popular introductory rendezvous for members and a great networking opportunity for associate members wanting to exhibit their products and services.

The event continues Monday, April 17 with breakfast followed by the Quality Standards/Technical Services committee meeting. The afternoon includes the WWPA Industry Luncheon and Awards Program, featuring the prestigious Master Lumberman Award.

The Master Lumberman Award recognizes outstanding lumber grading and quality control professionals who have contributed to their companies and the western lumber industry. Candidates must be nominated by his or her company, be a WWPA Certified Grader for at least 20 years, have extensive experience in all levels of lumber manufacturing, and hold supervisory responsibilities within their company. Out of the thousands of industry employees working at western mills, only a select few have achieved Master Lumberman status. Since the program began in 1968, only 431 quality control professionals have received the coveted honor.

Following the awards program will be the speaker session. Topics of interest include an economic update and outlook for the industry over the next couple of years, a focus on lumber exports, in particular the China, Japan and Mexico markets, a historical overview and impact of U.S. lumber grading agencies, and effects Mass Timber has played in the industry.

The day’s events will conclude with the Industry Reception & Exchange Show. Attendees will be able to enjoy a wide selection of hors d’oeuvres and Northwest wines and micro brews. Associate members will continue their tabletop exhibits during this reception. The meeting will finish up Tuesday, April 18 with the board of directors meeting, a closed meeting.

The 2023 annual meeting will be a return to basics for WWPA, as it will be the first stand-alone WWPA meeting since 2017, after successfully partnering with NAWLA in 2018 through 2020 and SLB in 2022. WWPA president Ray Barbee conveyed his thoughts on the upcoming WWPA event: “I’m excited about our 2023 meeting and working with several different organizations to put together an interesting as well as informative meeting for the membership.” MM

– For information on registration and hotel accommodations for the WWPA annual meeting, visit the WWPA website at www. or email WWPA at info@

40 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
------------| WESTERN WOODS |
MASTER LUMBERMAN Award presentation will highlight WWPA’s upcoming annual meeting.


CAMO is moving beyond deck-top solutions to offer a new line of structural screws that are engineered to start fast, drive smooth, and hold strong, with no pre-drilling required.

Rigorously tested and approved for use with pressure-treated lumber, the fasteners are IRC and IBC code-compliant and great for trusses, rafters, multi-ply beams, deck posts, beams, railings and general multipurpose construction.

All structural screws feature CAMO’s Protech Ultra 4 coating for corrosion resistance.

The CAMO Structural Screw line includes 6” Truss Screws, Multi-Ply Screws are available in specific lengths for both sawn and structural composite lumber beams, Ledger Screws, 2” and 3” Framing Screws, and Multi-Purpose Screws in Flat and Hex heads.

CAMOFASTENERS.COM (800) 968-6245


Glow Path Pavers are a great way to light any paved, recreational area, adding a modern feel while maintaining the appearance of classic brick pavers.

Sun-powered aggregates are integrated into the surface of each paver, providing a subtle, continuous glow for six to eight hours after dark.

The pavers deliver low-level illumination and visual accents to pedestrian walkways, pool decks and backyards while improving safety in unlit areas.



Simpson Strong-Tie has introduced the Strong-Drive PPHD Sheathing-to-CFS screw, a multipurpose, self-drilling, pilot point screw suitable for attaching sheathing, drywall, or subflooring to cold-formed steel framing.

Designed as an update to the existing PPSD Sheathing-to-CFS screw, the PPHD features a larger #5 pilot point with a longer flute and comes in popular #8 sizes. In addition, the fastener has buttress threads and a new dog-eared point for improved drilling performance through sheathing and metal.

PPHD screws can be purchased in bulk quantities for hand-drive applications or collated for auto-feed driving with the Simpson Strong-Tie Quik Drive PRO300SG2, PRO250G2, and PRO200SG2 auto-feed screw-driving systems. The fasteners are also available in two levels of corrosion resistance—the Quik Guard coating is suitable for a wide variety of exterior applications and the yellow-zinc coating is for dry-service and low-corrosion environments.


(800) 999-5099


Feeney’s new Stainless Steel Intermediate Pickets for DesignRail offer a sleek alternative to square, powder-coated pickets, providing an even lower profile alternative for DesignRail with CableRail infill where posts are spaced more than 3 ft. apart.

Available in three configurations (36” Level, 42” Level, Universal Stair), the 5/8” diameter 316 stainless steel tubes are pre-drilled for 1/8” diameter cable at 3” spacing, and are field trimmable.

FEENEYINC.COM (800) 888-2418 January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 41
------------| NEW PRODUCTS


Modern Mill has added porch boards to its portfolio of ACRE composite products.

ACRE Porch Boards are made with upcycled rice hulls in a zero-waste manufacturing facility in Mississippi. Providing the look and feel of real wood, it is comfortable underfoot and slip-resistant. Strong and resilient, the boards are water-, weather- and pest-resistant, and guaranteed not to rot or splinter.

Boards have an attractive grain surface profile and tight tongue-in-groove fit. They measure 15/16” by 3-5/16” (actual) and come in 10-, 12- and 16-inch lengths. They can be painted or stained.

MODERN-MILL.COM (601) 869-5050

machining and finishing.

Fabricators will appreciate all the design flexibility they are accustomed to with interior MDF panels, but with the added benefit of withstanding the rigors of exterior environments, high moisture, and humidity.

n ROSEBURG.COM (800) 245-1115


Andersen Windows & Doors is expanding its E-Series product line to include white oak.

The new species option allows consumers to choose from a variety of factory finishes including a clear coat option to achieve a neutral, natural interior.

E-Series windows are made to customers’ exact specifications for unmatched flexibility and design freedom, offering 50 standard exterior colors, custom colors and anodized finishes, plus a range of interior wood species and interior stains.


42 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 D-BLAZE® FIRE RETARDANT TREATED WOOD FOR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLES & INTERIOR APPLICATIONS UL FR-S Classified Plywood & Lumber Building Code Compliant under ICC-ESR 2645 California CSFM BML Listings for D-Blaze Plywood and Lumber Low Smoke and Flame Development. No VOC’s of Formaldehyde City of Los Angeles Research Report: RR 24502 ACQ .40-TREATED DOUGLAS FIR BORATE-TREATED DF 2X4 - 2X6 (8’ TO 20’) 3X4 - 3X8 (8’ TO 20’) 2X4 -2X12 (8’ TO 20’) 3X4 - 3X12 (8’ TO 20’) 4X14 (16’ TO 20’ & 24’) 2X14 (16 TO 20 & 24) 4X4 - 4X12 (8’ TO 20’) 6X6 - 6X12 (8’ TO 20’ & 24’) SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA WWW.HUFFLUMBER.NET (800) 347-4833 THE FINEST TIMBERS AVAILABLE, DELIVERED TO CUSTOMERS ACCURATELY, HONESTLY & ON TIME. Custom Treating Available Larger pieces available depending on current inventory 50 n The Merchant Magazine n August 2021 Sub-Compact Cutting DeWalt’s new Xtreme 12V MAX* 5-3/8” Circular Saw (DCS512B) delivers powerful and accurate cutting performance across a wide range of materials. Features include a built-in rafter hook for convenient storage on the jobsite, an electric brake that quickly stops the blade after the trigger is released, an LED light for increased visibility and cut accuracy, and optional dust collection to minimize dust during cutting. A built-in rafter hook allows for convenient storage on the jobsite. n DEWALT.COM (800) 433-9258 Ultra-Resistant MDF Roseburg Forest Products’ new Armorite Exterior MDF is a no-added formaldehyde MDF panel treated with a proprietary biocide to resist moisture, rot, decay and insects, including Formosan termites. Engineered for machinability, it reportedly provides the best performance in the market for profiling, cutting and custom designs. It is manufactured from western softwoods to provide superior strength with less weight, ensuring easy nailing,
Merchant 8-21_Layout.indd 50 7/28/2021 1:02:49 PM


Nova USA Wood Products is now offering Rhino Wood decking and siding from South Africa.

A thermally-modified, plantation-grown radiata pine that’s wax impregnated, it offers high-density, low-maintenance and extremely stable characteristics that will age into a magnificent sliver-grey color over time if left unfinished. It performs exceptionally well in demanding climates that have extreme temperature and humidity swings, as well as close-to-theground, exterior applications.

NOVAUSAWOOD.COM (503) 419-6407


Bosch Power Tools has entered the drywall category by launching an 18V brushless 1/4” hex screwgun and a brushless cutout tool.

The GTB18V-45 screwgun includes variable speed for controlled operating speed, while the GCU18V30 18V cut-out tool has soft-start technology to reduce startup torque. Both have brushless motor technology to provide the power user and get the job done when working with and cutting through drywall.

Both are cordless and feature ergonomic handles.

BOSCHTOOLS.COM (877) 267-2499


Silvermine Stone’s mortarless stone veneer Pillar System quickly and easily adds character to homefronts, porches, deck posts, mailbox posts, and more. Pre-cut stones are available for 18”x18” and 24”x24” pillars, installing around a pillar base or frame with no masonry skills required. Stones come in five colors (Dover Cliff, Monument Valley, Marin Fog, Dakota Sunset, Evening Gray), with 22” flat or split caps in sand, slate and brownstone.

SILVERMINESTONE.COM January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 43
One. Stop. Shop. Scan for the full story and video © WTD Holdings, Inc., 2021. All rights reserved. CTD_ZuernAd-halfpage-Island-120721.indd 1 12/7/21 8:32 AM
(715) 835-7595 Storing millwork can be tough. Size variation, custom orders, temperature sensitivity—all can add to the challenges suppliers face as they seek efficient onsite storage solutions. That’s why Greg Zuern decided to try something completely different. Together with CT Darnell and Sunbelt Rack, Zuern Building Products consolidated all their millwork into one reimagined building for maximum efficiency. The results speak for themselves. Thanks to this change, they saw: 50% faster pick times $8MM more in deliveries with fewer
and drivers Maximized inventory efficiency and increased SKU count by over 15% • 1-800-353-0892


Deckorators will offer two colors—Saltwater, a warm smokey-taupe, and Sandbox, a classic medium-brown— with its coming Venture Decking product line, to debut in early 2023.

Backed by 25-year structural, stain and fade, removal and replacement limited warranties, Venture features a natural woodgrain look; scratch-resistant polyethylene cap with strong, dense composite core; and solid or grooved edges, in 5-1/2x15/16 with 12’, 16’ and 20’ lengths.

DECKORATORS.COM (800) 556-8449


Toyota Material Handling has added 30 advanced features to its 3,000-4,000-lb.-capacity 3-Wheel Electric Forklift, upgrading ergonomics, onboard programming, and diagnostics.

Upgrades include a 4.3” high-resolution display, EZ Fingertip Control option, 100% onboard programming and diagnostics for application-specific fine-tuning and faster service, wet disc brakes to seal out debris and keep brakes cool, auto parking brake that automatically applies anytime the truck is turned off or the operator leaves the seat, and Automatic Mast Control, which responds automatically to enhance load stability.

Energy-efficient improvements offer 40% longer run time on a single charge. A slope-sensing auto power mode automatically switches power mode to maintain speed while traveling up a slope.


44 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
JOIN THE SUCCESS IN 2023 NEW EWP facility now open in Riverside! WE ARE THE LUMBER LEADER PO Box 396 • 10761 S. Alameda Street • Lynwood, CA 90262 • 323.567.1301 • Roseburg® Engineered Wood Products A world leading producer of Engineered Wood Products FEATURES AND GRADES • Full line of RFPI®-Joists from 9-1/2” to 24” depths • High grade RigidLam® LVL Beams, Headers, Studs and Rim Board • Residential, Commercial and Industrial • Lengths from 12’ to 66’ Mill Direct • Accepted by all major Building Codes and Certifying Agencies BENEFITS •Roseburg® operates two of the world’s largest EWP manufacturing facilities located in Oregon and South Carolina • Commitment to product quality and performance • Experienced Field Sales and Engineering support


U-C Coatings’ Seal-Once premium waterproofing deck/dock sealer and stain is now rated non-hazardous to aquatic life.

Available in clear and three semi-transparent colors, Seal Once Marine deeply penetrates the surface to protect and stabilize wood in high-moisture areas. It is an eco-friendly wood finish, with ultra-low VOCs, and is safe to use around open water.

SEAL-ONCE.COM (888) 363-2628


Simpson Strong-Tie has introduced an aluminum concealed beam hanger designed for mass timber structures and engineered to support loads up to 20 kips (equivalent to 20,000 lbs. of force).

Fabricated from machined aluminum, the ACBH is designed to provide a concealed connection for fire performance and architectural aesthetics. It allows for the use of 45º countersunk fasteners, delivering significantly higher loads and stiffness per screw.


(800) 999-5099 January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 45 MEDIA GROUP PARR LUMBER COMPANY 14023 Ramona • PO Box 989 Chino, CA 91708 (909) 627-0953 Fax 909-591-9132 Michael
– x15 • Chris Hexberg – x22 Janet
– x23 • Joe McCarron – x21 Nestor
– x31 • Bert McKee – x16 George
– x28 • Steve Daugherty – x18 Dominick Cosolo – x14 • Hector Gonzalez – x34 • Plywood/OSB • Plyforms • Composites • Melamines/Vinyls • Hardwood Panels • Dimension Softwoods • Dimension Hardwoods • Pine & Fir Boards
46 • the merchant magazine • January 2023 10 9 6 5 20 7 2 11 17 18 3 12 19 14 16 13 15 8 PORTLAND LUMBER WHOLESALERS’ HOLIDAY 100TH 4 1
PORTLAND WHOLESALE Lumber Association celebrated its 100th anniversary during its annual holiday luncheon Dec. 2 in Salem, Or. [1] Gunnar Brinck (left) presented the Lumberman of the Year Award to Joe Honochick. [2] Frank Forward, John Murphy. [3] Paul Quandt, Tim Brown. [4] Kalayna Crook, Natalie Heacock.
5] Randy Gregory, Levi Kintz, Leland Curtiss.
6] Ken Timmins, Brad Rodakowski, Ian Kelly. [7] Trishia Forell, Kailey Powell.
8] Daniel Rodriguez, Ben Rist. [9] Mike & Natalie Taron. [10] Ron Hanson, Mike Holm. [11] Valerie Thomas, Tyrone Konecny. [12] Hector Perez, Rod Lucas. [13] Leslie Southwick, Lee Greene.
14] Melody Konecny, Bob Jana. [15] Brendan & Garrett Donahue. [16] KelCee Hallstrom, Terry Haddix, KayCee Hallstrom. [17] Brad Meyers, Sean Coughlin.
18] Adan Randall, Marc Herzog. [19] Scott Cantonwine, Peter Howe. [20] David McNabb, Lindsey Balfe, Mark Rodakowski. (More photos on next page) January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 47 34 23 29 33 21 39 25 30 22
PWLA (continued from previous page) [20] Jessica Standley, Aly Kingsley, Michelle Strowbridge, Misty Dicks. [21] JT Taylor, Chuck Danskey, Sunny Field. [22] Donna Jones, Michelle Small. [23] Aria Davis, Kyle Erwin. [24] Andy Jones, Gunnar Brinck. [25] Brett Slaughter, Ryan Kline. [26] Breanne Marsh, Karen Slaughter. [27] Joe Honochick, Jessica Kennedy, Lucas Rodakowski. [28] E.J. Singler, Angie Dundas, Steve Ashley. [29] Jennifer Moran, Ryan Williams. [30]
37 24 36 38 32 27 35 31 26 28 PORTLAND WHOLESALERS
Michael Weber, Pat Burny. [31] Kevin Dodds, Melissa Bunde-Gooding, Matt Dierdorff, Grant Phillips. [32] Mike Boone, Rick Yonke. [34] Aaron Flemming, Terri Adair. [35] John Redfield, Timm Locke, Skeet Rominger. [36] Mike Carey, Ray Weidner. [37] Lillie Hamel, Tod Kintz. [38] Steve Killgore, Chris Knowles. [39] Tim Hunt, Leslie Southwick. Photos by The Merchant Magazine

We are saddened to share the news of the passing of David Cutler, longtime publisher of our flagship publication, The Merchant Magazine, and founder of Building Products Digest and, on Dec. 4, 2022. He was 88.

David Horton Cutler was born May 26, 1934, in Boston, Ma. He served with the U.S. Army during the Korean War, then received a degree in journalism from the University of Nevada in 1959. He worked as an editor on Stars & Stripes in 1961, before joining the staff of the California Lumber Merchant in 1962. In time, he purchased the company from A.D. Bell.

David added a sister publication, Building Products Digest, in 1982, and industry news hub in 1995.

Early on, David recognized that the most important component of the industry was the people and their relationships

with each other. So he strove to build community through his magazines, introducing exhaustive photo coverage of as many events as possible. As well, 50 years ago helping to form a weekly industry luncheon, the Lumbermen’s Information Exchange Society (LIES).

He was also inventor of everyone’s favorite mythical lumber company, Mungus-Fungus Forest Products.

We thank David for his leadership and friendship. He is survived by sons, Geoff and Greg, and his lovely wife, Marti.

Kenneth Charles “K.C.” Stock, 84, founder of the forerunner of Stock Building Supply, passed away on Nov. 28.

He left St. Norbert College after two years to join his father’s Scanlan & Stock Lumber, Oconto, Wi. After launching his own pallet business in Oconto, he purchased Scanlan & Stock in 1971, renaming it Stock Lumber. As the years went by, he expanded to Green Bay, Appleton, Princeton, Fond Du Lac, Stevens Point, Sussex, Delavan, Windsor, La Crosse, Eagan, and Rochester, Wi.

In 1998, he sold his yards to U.K.based plumbing distributor Wolseley, which renamed all of its lumberyards Stock Building Supply. The Wisconsin properties would be resold in 2009 and become Wisconsin Building Supply.

Leslie Owen “Les” Bjornsen, 92, former owner of American River Lumber, Portland, Or., died Nov. 26.

Les started his career as a lumber broker at North Pacific Lumber, Portland. He joined American River Lumber in 1959.

Paul Kovach, commercial sales manager for Spenard Builders Supply, Anchorage, Ak., died unexpectedly on Dec. 12 at the age of 60.

He had been with SBS since 1986.

Robert Dean “Bob” Jones, 83, owner of CPC Building Supply, Kettle Falls, Wa., passed away Dec. 16.

After receiving a degree in wildlife biology from Washington State University in 1966, he moved to Spokane. He started CPC in 1984.

Terry Owen Bristol, 84, longtime employee of his parents’ Milligan Lumber Co., Fort Collins, Co., died Dec. 6.

William Jeff Glenn, 92, formerly with Glenn Lumber Co., Portales, N.M., died Dec. 1.

After attending Eastern New Mexi-

co University and serving in the U.S. Army, Jeff worked as a warehouse man. He then worked with his father at Glenn Lumber until 1963, when he started a construction company.

Raymond P. “Ray” Elder, 92, retired financial executive with Southwest Forest Industries, Phoenix, Az., died Nov. 23 in Loveland, Co.

After graduating from the University of Washington in 1952, Ray attended U.S. Naval Officer Candidate School in Newport, R.I., and was granted a commission in the U.S. Navy. He served as a line officer aboard a U.S. Navy ship in the Pacific Fleet until December 1955, participating in the hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll.

He returned to the University of Washington for a year of graduate work, then served as a CPA until joining Southwest Forest Industries as assistant corporate controller. He retired in 1987 as executive vice president and chief financial officer.

48 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
------------| IN
Dave and Marti Cutler

Listings are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with sponsor before making plans to attend.

Western Pallet Association – Jan. 13-17, annual meeting, Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa, Rancho Mirage, Ca.;

Associated California Loggers – Jan. 17-19, annual meeting, Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Reno, Nv.;

American Wood Protection Association – Jan. 19, winter executive committee meeting, Birmingham, Al.;

Lodi Home Improvement Show – Jan. 21-23, Lodi Grape Festival Grounds, Lodi, Ca.;

Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club – Jan. 24, initiation meeting, Sacramento, Ca.;

Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club – Jan. 25, Industry Night, Broiler Steak House, Ukiah, Ca.;

Mid-States Distributing – Jan. 25-26, Winter Rendezvous, Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Az.;

Humboldt Hoo-Hoo Club – Jan. 26, annual crab feed, Elks Lodge, Eureka, Ca.;

San Diego Home Improvement Expo – Jan. 28-29, Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, Ca.;

International Builders Show/Kitchen & Bath Industry Show – Jan. 31-Feb. 2, sponsored by National Association of Home Builders and National Kitchen & Bath Association, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.;

International Surface Event – Jan. 31-Feb. 2, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.;

National Association of Wholesale Distributors – Jan. 31-Feb. 2, executive summit, Fairmont Hotel, Washington, D.C.;

National Hardware Show – Jan. 31-Feb. 2, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.;

BUDMA – Jan. 31-Feb. 3, international construction & architecture fair, Poznan, Poland;

Northern Utah Home Show – Feb. 3-4, Davis Conference Center, Layton, Ut.;

Colorado Springs Home & Landscape Expo – Feb. 3-5, Norris-Penrose Event Center, Colorado Springs, Co.;

Orgill – Feb. 9-11, spring dealer market, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, La.;

Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference – Feb. 9-11, Shasta District Fairgrounds, Anderson, Ca.;

Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club – Feb. 11, Valentines dinner & dance, Delta King Riverboat, Old Sacramento, Ca.;

Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club – Feb. 15, election meeting/golf, Los Serranos Country Club, Chino, Ca.;

Cameron Ashley Building Products – Feb. 21-24, dealer show, Royal Pacific Universal, Orlando, Fl.;

Western Building Material Association – Feb. 22-23, sales/marketing conference, Portland, Or.;

Western Wood Preservers Association – Feb. 22-23, winter meeting, Westin Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego, Ca.;

Frame Building Expo – Feb. 22-24, sponsored by National Frame Builders Association, Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville, Ky.;

Oregon Logging Conference – Feb. 23-25, Lane County Events Center & Fairgrounds, Eugene, Or.;

LBM Advantage – Feb. 27-March 1, annual buying show & shareholders meeting, Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Fl.;

American Fence Association – Feb. 28-March 3, FenceTech, Oklahoma City, Ok.; January 2023 • the merchant magazine • 49
------------| DATE BOOK ------------| ADVERTISERS INDEX PAGE Cover II American
45 Capital
19 45 11 Pelican
33 17, Cov. IV Cover I 25 27 Snider
37 Swanson
26 Timber Products
39 Unity
24 Utah
3 West Fraser 9 Western Woods, Inc. 36 Yakama Forest Products Jan 31 - Feb 2, 2023 Las Vegas Convention Center New Products. New Connections. New Experiences. Our ongoing efforts to reimagine NHS are intended to deliver you more value Whether you’re looking to reconnect with customers, peers and colleagues, discover the latest trends in the home improvement & DIY industry or explore new products and innovations – your experience at NHS will provide you the tools to grow your business NHS is focused on continuing to celebrate innovation, deepening industry connections and growing our global footprint. Register Today For NHS at REGISTER TODAY! USE CODE FOR A FREE EXPO PASS! Call the experts: • Robert Moore • Jim Winward Utah Wood Preserving Co. 1959 soUth 1100 West Woods Cross, Utah Phone - Woods Cross: (801) 295-9449 FaX (801) 295-9440 Phone - salt lake (801) 262-6428 FaX (801) 748-0037 Borates CA-C Above + Ground Contact Rough TiMbeRs uTiliTy Poles PRessuRe TReaTed luMbeR FiRe ReTaRdanT TReaTed luMbeR and PlyWood
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Forest Products
Wood Preserving


THIRTY-NINE YEARS ago this month, The Merchant Magazine’s pages were filled with ads from industry stalwarts such as Boise Cascade, American International

Forest Products, Weyerhaeuser... and from a brand new company pitching not lumber nor hardware nor any traditional item you might find in a dealer’s yard. They were

In January of 1984, Weyerhaeuser used the front cover of The Merchant to promote its “First Choice Service.”

pushing geodesic domes.

Berkeley, Ca.-based Timberline Geodesics had developed kits to construct prefabricated domes, complete with detailed plans and heavy-duty steel connectors. The company saw BPD’s audience of LBM dealers as perfect partners, since dome-builders had to purchase the lumber, panels, roofing and other materials there anyway.

While the structures looked unconventional, they reportedly were easy to build, conserved heating and cooling, saved on materials, and stood up to storms and earthquakes.

Although Timberline apparently never built up its hoped-for national network of retailers, the company still sells the hardware and the plans (now up to 24 different layouts), but direct from its website.

50 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
GEODESIC DOMES are considered by some to be the most efficient building systems ever devised. REPRINTED FROM JANUARY 1984



Composite can’t compare.

Like the foods we buy, when it comes to decking, we want natural and real. Redwood is always available in abundance of options. So stock the shelves! Unlike mass-produced and inferior products, Redwood is strong, reliable and possesses many qualities not found in artificial products. They maintain temperatures that are comfortable in all climates.

Redwood Empire stocks several grades and sizing options of Redwood.

52 • the merchant magazine • January 2023
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