The Merchant Dec 2021

Page 14


By Simon Cameron

The essential role of the distributor in the buying chain fficient and effective distribution channels are the backbone of any industry, and western red cedar is no exception. As the softwood lumber market has undergone a tumultuous period over the last year and a half, the Western Red Cedar Lumber Association’s Certified Cedar Dealers (CCDs) have adapted and worked hard to bring a wealth of services and benefits to accommodate their customers


and meet the specifications of numerous manufacturers. Even at the best of times managing the exchange of information and materials to maximize customer satisfaction in a cost-effective way has its challenges. Wood products and information in distribution networks flow in many directions and across numerous organizational networks, often involving a journey from forest contractors to saw-

ing facilities to value-added mills and then through distribution and wholesale channels before finally reaching the market. Distribution of softwoods like western red cedar also face additional industry-specific challenges characterized by a divergent product structure—a WRC log is often turned into a number of different products used in different applications—and the very diverse nature of WRC as a raw material. All of which underscores how essential the role of the Certified Cedar Distributor is to the WRC industry. In addition to ensuring that high-demand, high-value products get to the retailer and the job lot on time and on budget, CCDs provide a host of value-added services for their customers and the WRC industry. Here are just some of the important functions of the CCD:

Inventory selection

CERTIFIED Cedar Distributors attend the WRCLA’s Cedar School, Vancouver Island, B.C.



The Merchant Magazine n

December 2021

Most retailers and distribution yards share the common goal of minimizing the amount of time they need to keep inventory on hand—if not having it arrive just as building is about to begin— and in having the right amount to meet demand. It’s no secret the best way to manage this is by having a proven and reliable supply chain and accurate demand planning. Because CCDs are in the field and

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