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f esr spRING. Arch Wood Protection, a division of L/Lonza, introduced its BARamine technology in North America to complement the copper azole preservative system they invented. Marketed under the Wolmanized brand name, these products provide superior, long-term protection of wood from fungal decay and insect attack.

After an initial roll-out of the technology to number of treating plants, now approximately treating companies purchasing product from Arch utilizing the BARamine technology platform.

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The platform is "extremely customer-focused," says Erin Canosa, global marketing director at Arch Wood Protection. "The concept has grown from providing one solution for all to an umbrella approach that allows us to customize the solution to suit our customer's needs, addressing different market situations depending on wood species, environmental factors, preservative chemistry, and end-use applications."

One benefit of the new technology is it helps Arch's preservatives to more deeply penetrate and protect the wood. "Similarly," Canosa adds, "we can harness our BARamine platform to augment additives within our preservatives that provide enhanced mold protection characteristics or that address aggressive, copper-tolerant fungi, as well as a more efficient treating process and a cleaner end-use wood appearance."

Escue Wood Preserving, Millwood, Ky., has been using BARamine technology since the fall of 2013. The features and benefits to the company and its customers have been extremely well received.

"The wood we have treated with the BARamine additive gives our finished product a nice fresh, clean appearance negating a product issue we had with residue from the overall value chain process of securing, treating and selling treated wood," says general manager Kevin Escue. "It has really improved our quality control process, allowing us to send out a better product to the market."

He notes that Escue recently updated its website, featur- ing the BARamine addition in the Outdoor wood section. He looks forward to promoting the product as the spring season rolls out. "Cleaner, brighter wood is easier to sell. Features such as a broader range of resistance and improved defense against fungi help us in the marketplace. Having BARamine not only improves what we sell, it also changes how we sell. It gives us an improved product to show off."

SUPER DECKING: Kentucky's Escue Wood Preserving is using BARamine technology to improve the appearance and performance of its treated wood.

Everwood Treatment Co., Spanish Fort, Al., began testing and treating with BARamine over a year ago and, according to sales manager Steve Cheatham, "so far the new additive has made it easier to achieve penetration. Even with the confidence we have in the current copper and dual azole formulation, the addition of BARamine has given us a more robust protection against wood decay."

Another treater was plagued with longer than ideal treating times. Adding BARamine into its preservative system created a more efficient treating process and improved cycle times.

The global patent pending BARamine technology is one example of a customer-focused innovation that enables Arch Wood Protection to offer the next level in protection and deliver a new force in oreserved wood.

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By Bill Rossiter, Interrupt

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