1 minute read
lI nrar. SrRoruc.
ABUNDANI. RFNEWAIJLE REDWOOD Is one of nature's finest buildingl rraterials lt s strong, dr-irable, beautifu ernd easy to work with. That's why derrand Keeps grow r'rg antong rrorneowners, contractors and arch tects.
AND SUPPLY WILL STAY STBONG, TOO. \,Vhy are we so sure? Because every year trtore reciwood rs being grown than harvested in nearly I million acres of sustainably rranageci reclwocd forestlands in Nortfrern California
We believe STFIONG AND Gllofllt'iCi is a formu a for long-terln success. 1t 5tg1 1n;.k so too, contact Julie Wright at (707) 764-4450 or JWright@hrcllc.com
By Carl Lamb, Ceneral Manager, Snavely lnternational