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How Lumber Looks

New business at the lumber mills of the country during the wee& ended December 17, gajlned 9 per cent, as compared with the low record of the previous week, according to teports to t{re National Lumber Manufactures Association from tegional associations covering the operations of 791 leading softwood and hardwood mills. Vhile orders totalled lll,7t7,ow feet, production was E6r347rOOO feet-the low point for the Yeer.

The week's production was only 17 per cent, and new businqs 22 per cent, of capacity, compared with 19 per cent and 2l pet ceng respecti"O, f"*Ot;vio;s week.

The California Redwood Association reports orders received by lf mills for the month of November as 11r056r(XX) feet, orders on hand 1910411000 feet, shipments 1117021000 feet, and producion lO,660r(X)O_ tTt

217 mills reporting to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association for tlre week ended December 17 produced 441171,613 f.et or 18.6 per cent of their weekly capacity. Current new business of these mills was 6410171649 Lent or 44.9 1rer cent over

Visits Northwest

Robt. W. Hunt, San Francisco, district manager for California for the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., is on a trip to the Pacific Northwest. He will visit the company's mills in Longview and Everett, and the Tacoma office. With Mrs. Hunt he will spend Christmas with their daughter in Seattle and will spend some time with other members of the familv in Everett, their old home.


production and, 26.9 per cent of their weekly capacity. Shipments for the week were 3711311222 f.eet, or 15.9 per cent under production. Nerv export business received during the week was 60311000 feet more, new domestic cargo orders were llrl2lr(XX) feet over, and new rail business decreased ,16391000 feet as compared with the previous ;".fa *business.

The California volume was low during the past two weelr, due to some extent to the usual seasonal curtailment in business and annual inventory time, but more businecs is looked for after the first of the year. Fir mill prices are holding firm, and the Nonthwest mills report that the log supply is very low. Adantic Coast business is rqrorted better.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro totaled 511981000 feet on December 21, a slight increase over the previous week. Cargo arivals at this port amounted to 6r3301000 feet for the week ended December 17, including g cargoes of Fir canying 5r499r0[l0 feet, and 2 cargoes of Redwood with E31rfi)0 feet. 52 vessels in the California lumber service were operating on December 17; 56 vessels were laid up.

Lumbermen Take World Trip

Jimmy Wisnom and Jack Wisnom of the Wisnom Lumber Co., San Mateo, left San Francis,co on the president McKinley December 23 for a trip around the world. They will be gone about four months.

Lee Horne will be transferred from the Burlingame yard to the San Mateo yard as superintendent during their absence.

That wherever I ahr on dark days or sunny days; in victory or defeat; in pleasure or in pain; in the morning, noon, or night; when I tell my wife good-bye; when I meet my neighbor; when I p"y my fare; when I speah to my employees; when I say my prayerc; at these times and at all other times, whenever I am man enough, I will smile, Iive, laugh and love.

Need Jack Dionne's Editorials

"Better put us on your subscription list as we're quite convinced no business allied to the lumber industry can be a complete success without Jack Dionne's timely and inspiring editorials for guidance. Send us your bill for one year's subscription and check will be forwarded immediately."


& Cole,

By R.A. Cole.


Frank J. O'Connor, general manager of the California Wholesale Lumber Association, San Francisco, returned December 16 from a week's stay in Los Angeles on the business of the Association.


Jirn Dempsey, sales manager, Dempsey Lumber Co., Tacoma, traveled to Los Angeles to attend the Notre Dame-U.S.C. football game, and spent a few days calling on friends in San Francisco on the way home.


Lumbermen's night was observed by the Richmond lodge of Elks, Tuesday, December 20. The program was arranged by a committee of lumbermen headed by Waverley Tildln, of the Tilden Lumber Co.

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