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Profituble Sales await dealers who cultivate il\SUIATIOI\ Markets
Thousands of poultry raisers have profited by using insulation-the.cost is low-nd the advantages of insulation are immediately aPParent.
Good houses require insulation to provide protection from extreme temPerarures and io conttol humidity by ventilation. This is true for the hatchery and incubator rooms' for brooder houses, and for laying housesThe helpful booklet, "Poultry Flouse Construction with Celotex," will be supplied for your prospects. The "Poultry House Selling Plan" shows dealers how to interest poultry raisers.
These are the days when every possible market must be cultivated. Poultry raisers are well worth your effort.
The Celotex Company,9l9 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois