5 minute read

Ten Years Ago Today

From the Files of The California Lumber Merchant, January 1, 1930

Lumbermen in the Los Angeles district added considerable pleasure to two hundred children at the Olive View Sanitorium, San Fernando, Monday afternoon, December 23. Among the gifts presented to the children were yearly subscriptions for. twenty magazines and two hundred books. $75.00 was also contributed to the playground fund.

J. H. Prentice, Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills, Los Angeles, fulfilled the aspiration of every golfer when he made a hole-in-one. The "ace" was made on No. 6 at Chevy Chase Golf : Club which is 194 yards long.

B. E. Bryan, general manager of Strable pany, Oakland, was elected president of the annual meeting.

Hardrvood Comthe company at

East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club's annual Christmas party for orphan children was held at the Leamington Hotel, Saturday noon, December 21. Each child received a worthwhile present. Rod Hendrickson was chairman of the entertainment committee.

The Hart-Wood Lumber Company, rvho for many years did a wholesale lumber business in Southern California, cloSed their Los Angeles office on December 31. Their Southern California representatives, T. B. Lawrence and D. R. Philips, organized the Larvrence-Philips Lumber Company to succeed the good will and business enjoyed by the Hart-Wood Lumber Company.

E. D. Tennant, Los Angeles, Past Snark of the lJniverse, was appointed by Hoo-Hoo International to do field work in California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona.

There was a large attendance of lumbermen at the Christmas Jinks Hoo Club at the Hotel St. Claire.

Peninsula and San Jose of the Peninsula lfooSan Jose, Monday eve- ning, December 16. Overend acted the

Thirty orphans were entertained. Paul role of Santa Claus.

San Francisco lumbermen brought Yuletide cheer to three hundred orphans at their annual Christmas party held at the Elks Club, San Francisco, Monday noon, December 23. President J. E. Peggs presided, and Fred Roth was master of ceremonies. Frank O'Connor acted as Santa Claus, and all the children were presented with gifts.

San Diego Hoo-Hoo held a dinner meeting at the Cabrillo Cafe, San Diego, the evening of December 11. president M. P. Bennett presided. Several visitors from Los Angeles and San Francisco attended the meeting.

Warren S. Tillson was elected president of the Central California Lumbermen's Club at the annual meeting held at the Hotel Hughson, Modesto, December 14. Other officers elected were Frank Fisher, vice-president; T. L. Gardner, secretary, and Chas. G. Bird, treasurer. Lester Elliott was the retiring president.

Rossman .Lumber Company, Wilmington, Calif., moved to their new and modern yard at Bayview and B Streets. E. J. Rossman is president of the company.

Los Angeles' building permit total for 1929 approached the $93,000,000 mark.

Fifty Redwood executives and salesmen attended a oneday sales conference at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, December 18. "The Power of Salesmanship," was the title of a talk by C. G. Wakeman. Prof'essor Emanuel Fritz discussed sorne of the mechanical and physical properties of Redwood and their relation to salesmanship.

Roy Sharp, Mountain elected president of the

Lumber Company, Tacoma, was Tacoma Lumbermen's Club.

Announces New "\(/intite" Sash Lock

The new "W'intite" Sash Lock illustrated here has a smooth rvorking eccentric action that draws the upper and lorr'er windows together, providing a rvind tight joint. It is stated that this prevents the usual side-slip action and prevents any possibility of vibration or rattle. It is recommended by the manufacturer for rveather - stripped windows and for use in airconditioned homes and buildings as well as for replacement purposes.

"'Wintite" Sash Locks are available in both steel and brass in standard finishes. A demonstrator showing application and actually demonstr;rting the eccentric action of the lock is offered to dealers on a liberal free hardware plan.

As a part of the "Amerock" line manufactured by the American Cabinet Hardware Corp., of Rockport, Ill., "'Wintite" Sash Locks and demonstrators rvill soon be available through leading jobbers throughout the country.


l. 2Jy'o to lOy'o morc capacity due to colid cdge'to'edge staclcing'

2. Bctt r quality drying on lor tcmpcraturel rith a faet rcvrnibe citculation.

3. Lower rtacling cortr-just rolid edge-to-edge stacking in the rinpleet forn.

It Brought the Money

A lumberman has sent us a copy of a collection letter he sent out recently that got quick results. The amount was small but had been carried on their books for three years. He writes: "It struck me that it might amuse lumbermen who are harassed by such little accounts." The letter follows:

"Every time I look at this tiny tittle _- account of $1.48 which represents an accommodation to you on a very serious promise made to me personally, I just wonder how in the you have the guts to let the account tun.

"I can spend a dollar and hound you to death on the account ANb GET IT. I can report the delinquency to the Credit Bureau and have your name listed with all the other well-known delinquents. I haven't done it, but by golly, if I don't heat from you by October 1, I'm going to do my and believe me, boy that's something.

"I hope you will come in or send it in, because I don't want to spend $5.00 worth of time and a lot of energy collecting a measly $1.'E bill, but the funny part of it isI will."

Our lumberman friend says that two hours a{ter the bill was received he got the $1.48'

Vacationed In Northwest

Harlan Wentworth, W. H. Dary Co., Long Beach, vacationed over the holidays in the Northwest where he spent Christmas with his son and sister. He will be back on the job on JanuarY 2.

Uge Moorekiln Paint Producm for weatherproofing your dry Liln and mill roofs'

Kit! Build.rt for Morc Tbr! H.lf r C.entuty

Nor6 Pofil.n4 Orc. Jeclooaville, Fto.i&



Booth'Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.

Fir Door Ingtitute lssues New Catalog

Containing illustrations and specifications of every stock door manufactured by its membership, the Fir Door Institute of Tacoma, Washington, has just completed publication of its nerv 20OoSeries catalog. An arresting black fabricoid cover, lettered with gold-leaf, exemplifies the high quality of the entire publication. Displaying the many types and designs of doors in colors, and black and white, its 56 pages are expected to prove a valuable selling aid to distributor and dealer alike. The catalog is 8lxlt inches in size to fit standard files and sales manuals'

Since all FDI grade-marked doors are pr'odttced in accordance with U. S. Commercial Standard CS-73-38, the text of this standard has been include.d in the catalog to acquaint purchasers with the r,igid specifications followed in the mantlfacturing processes. This division also carries illustrations of the grade marks and of the various patterns of sticking used.

An attractive section has been devoted to the Tru-Fit entrance door. With several pages in four colors, the smart styling of this line is shown very effectively. Each door illustrated is accompanied by a sketch which shows it serving as an entrance in a becomingly designed home. Full specifications on sticking, panels, sizes and thicknesses are also included.

Sixteen pages have been devoted to stock Douglas fir house doors, All standard designs are reproduced together with complete specifications as shown in Commercial Standard CS 73-38. This section covers a wide variety of designs obtainable in rear entrance, interior, storm and cupboard doors. Included in the selection are panel, panel with glass openings, rim and french doors. An introductory page shows several interiors in.color with installations of Doug1as fir doors. Contained on the page are directions for obtaining the more popular finishes.

The balance of the catalog carries a complete pictorial description of garage doors that are manufactured by the members of the Fir Door Institute. This grouping also includes the fast-selling Craw-Fir-Dor, the overhead-type garage door offered by members of the Fir Door Institute in conjunction with the Crawford Door Company of Detroit, Michigan, manufacturers of the hardware.

One of the most instructive door catalogs issued, it is expected to find favor with distributors, dealers, and purchasers.

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