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Co., Portland, Ore., Angeles visitor on
Harry E. Whittemore, Benson Lumber Company, San Diego, visited Los Angeles on December 28.
Cor. Third cmd Spring Sireets Los Angeles
Il you cre thil}ing ol eatcblishiag cn office in Los Angeles we would welcome the opportunity of showing you spcrce cvcilcble in the Douglcs Building. Bental rates cre recsoncble. The locction hcs cdvcnt<rges. Pcrking spcrce is close cnd relcrtively checp,
Thorpe Babcock, Agent
Room 420
Phone MUtual 5721
"Colil. Pcnel" is the oldest exclusive Plywood Distributor in the West cnd is constqntly growing. Such progress cctn only be mqde possible through our policy o{ ccrrying a well diversilied stock cnrd rendering on intelligent ond economicql service to our mculy Deqler customers. Our guclity qnd service ore "tops" qnd our prices qre competitive. For prolits ond reql sqtisfqction cqll "Colif. Pcrrel" whenever you need plywood.
915967 sours aLAMEDA STREET . TctrcpbnaTRinitl cr,5T MzilingAddnss.'P. O. Box 95, Arcade Station IOS ANGEES.CALIFORNIA
Bing Crosby Offers Cup to Low Gross Scorer First Five Awarded Institute Certiftcates in California Open Golf Tournaments
To R. L. Akerman, manager of the Spahn and Rose Lumber Company, Garber, fowa, goes the privilege of prominently displaying the Number One certificate of completion of the Tested Selling Methods program conducted under the auspices of the Merchandising Institute of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, Inc. With its dispatch to Mr. Akerman, the "Commencement" parade for men enrolled in Tested Selling Methods is on.
Next in line to Mr. Akerman in the completiori of the course are the following individuals, making up the first five to earn their certificates:
Harry R. Potter, salesman, DeForest and Hotchkiss Co., New lfaven, Conn.
Francis W. Delyea, yard manager, Thompson Yards, Inc., Clara City, Minn.
W. W. Munroe, salesman, Wood Conversion Co., St. l,ouis, Mo.
A. A. Haniford, Housing Guild Division, Johns-Manville Co., New York, New York.
Each day more names of progressive lumber and building rnaterial men are being added to this ever growing list. The Commencement season of Tested Selling Methods will continue throughout the year and through many years to come, until every dealer and his employee who know that they can improve their selling through the study of Tested Selling Methods have enrolled for this industry program and have completed it.
Organizations with a large number of employees are making special provisions of their own to award the Certificates of Completion with due ceremony. But even in these larger organizations, "Commencement" will go on because employees newly hired are constantly being enrollec.
Here is Bing Crosby, noted screen and radio star, with the beautiful trophy he is offering to the low gross scorer in the open golf tournaments in California this winter. Bing is proud of the cup, and proud, too, are those who shaped it from California materials. The trophy is of solid silver mined in the "Golden State," has clusters of grapes typical of California's famous agricultural crop, and is mounted on a handsome base of a highly polished Redrvood burl, the colorings of lvhich set off the cu,p in regal style.
The Sampson Co., Pasadena, had their annual Christmas party at the company's plant on December 22. They distributed over 500 pounds of turkey, and a fine bird rvas presented to each of the employes.
Spending Winter In Los Angeles
Chas. H. King, King Lumber Company, Detroit, and N{rs. King, are spending the rvinter in Los Angeles.