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Rate---$Z.5o Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-HaIf Inch.
Southern California Retail Yard For Sale
70 miles from Los Angeles on main highway in fast growing comrnunity. Railroad lease, established trade, clean stoc\ good equipment. For full particuIars address Box C-773, California Lumber Merchant.
Ross Lumber Carrier For Sale Or Rent
This carrier has never been used in a lumber yard and is like new. Low price. Terms. Wilmott-Murphy Inc., 5707 So. Alameda St., Los Angeles. Phone JEfferson 0934.
Wholesale Lumber Salesman for San Francisco Bay Territory-water and rail. State age, qualifications, and salary expected. Address Box C-781, California Lumber Merchant.
Yard For Sale
Completely equipped lumber yard and small mill selling paint, hardware and other building materials, for sale. Located in County in close proximity to Los Angeles. Real estate included or will lease to purchaser of business. Address Box C-777, California Lumber Merchant.
Retail lumberman, 25 years experience, last 10 years in Los Angeles, fully familiar with all office detailsales, collections and credits, desires position as manager. Excellent references. Go anywhere in California. Address Box C-779, California Lumber Merchant.
Retail Lumberman Wants Position
Five years experience in the retail lumber business. Two years as auditor with retail lumber company, and one year as manager of branch yard. 2l years of age. Prefer Southern California. Address Box C-784, California Lumber Merchant.
llow would you like to have in your employ a young man with six years' experience in the lumber business, whose family has been in the business for 58 years. Thirty years of age, graduate of the University of Texas,industrious,sober,honest, dependable, efficient. Desires position as auditor, assistant manager, or bookkeeper. Married and has one child. Employed now but desires to rise in chosen field. Excellent references. Address Box C-783. California Lumber Merchant.
Exceptional Opportunity For Investment
76(X) acres of virgin redwood timber land in the heart of California's Redwood Empire now available for lumbering purposes. Ilave twenty year lease on tract, completely equipped sawmill with capacity of 1O0 M feet per day now in operation. Need capital to insure full production. Will sell shares or incorporate company. This is an exceptional opportunity for quick turnover of investment. Call or write Albert J. McGuire, Esq., 1216-17 Hearst Bldg., San Francisco, Calif.
To purchase a 12'inch sticker; prefer ball bearing. Also 24-inch planer. Address Box C'782, California Lumber Merchant.
Situation Wanted
Accountant thoroughly experienced, desires position with lumber and logging company. Adam R. Hunter, Care California Lumber MerchantTelephone VAndike 4565.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern Cali' fornia for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.