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Wholesale fumber
Water or Rcril
Douglas fir - Saginaw Shingles - Port Orford Gedar
Dealers Suggest Use of Plywood Panels \(/ar to up Construction in Nation Next Year br Elbctive \(/indow Blackout
The Santa Monica lumber dealers are suggesting the use of Plvwood panels for quickly and effectively blacking out windows.
According to Frank Alley, Alley Brothers, the advantage of this material is that it is light, can be stored conveniently when not in use, and can be put in place quickly wltth a minimum of effort.
John W. Fisher, Fisher-Swartz Lumber Co., in explaining the campaign to acquaint home owners with the use of Plywoods for blackouts, says: "Lumber firms are advertising this material as part of public service program. Obviously, there is no important volume of sales involved, and no possibility of repeat business. We do feel, however, that Plywood is the most convenient material at hand in assuring a lighttight blackout, and are ofiering it on this basis."
Mcsonitc Corporation Christmas Party
The Christmas Party of the Masonite Corporation held December 24 f.rom 11 :0O a.m. to 5:0O p.m. at their new offices and display rooms, 3926 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, was an enjoyable affair and was attended by a large number of the Southern California lumber and building materials dealers.
R. G. Wallace, Chicago, I11., vice-president and general manager of the Masonite Corporation, W. P. Frambes, 'Western manager, and his staff greeted the visitors. A buffet luncheon was served.
San Franci'sco, Dec. 26-New requirements brought suddenly into focus by the outbreak of war have caused OPM officials at Washington, D. C., to increase by nearly one billion dollars their estimates of the amount of money to be needed for all kinds of construction in this countrv dwing 1942.
Preliminary estimates under the old defense program set the L942 construction total at about $10,400,000,000a slight decrease from the $11,000,000,00O expected to be spent during 1941. The new estimate made today is for approximately $11,250,000,000, an all-time high, of which all will be for defense construction or construction essential to health and safety.
There will be large increases next year over this year in direct military construction and government-financed defense plant expansion, defense housing and community facilities. In every other major categorv there will be decreases of varying degrees, according to the revised estimates.
Now in its eighteenth month, the defense construction program, measured in terms of funds available, amounts to nearly $11,000,000,000. During next year the amount expected to be used for defense construction alone will be approximately $8,650,000,000.
The value of defense work in place today is $4,900,000,000, or aboat 44 percent of the $11,000,000,000 in defense funds alreadv made available.
Ph:lippine Mahogany lmporters and Distributors Pledgc Full Resources to Government During the \Var
The members of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association, Inc., together with other importers and distributors of Philippine woods in this country, sent the following telegram to Secretary of the Navy Knox, Secretary of War Stimson, and Leon Henderson, Administrator, Office of Price Administration, on December 18:
"The undersigned members of the Philippine Mahogany. Manufacturers' Import Association, fnc., representing the principal part of the Philippine Mahogany and Philippine Hardwood production and imports into the United States, together with certain other importers and distributors of Philippine woods in this country, having a direct and vital interest in this important matter, voluntarily pledge themselves as follows for the duration of the war:
"pi15f-Je continue to give first call to the Navy and Army on all present stocks and future shipments of Philippine Mahogany and Philippine Hardwoods.
"Second-To comply immediately and to the fullest extent of our ability with any requests or demands made by our Government upon our Association as a whole or upon any of us individually.
"Third-To abstain from unwarranted price increases regardless of emergency demand."
The telegram was signed by the Philippine Mahogany \{anufacturers' Import Association, fnc., W. G. Scrim, president; Cadwallader-Gibson Co., fnc., E. J. Stanton & Son, Frieder Brothers, and W. G. Scrim, I-os Angeles; The Robert Dollar Company, Geo. C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., San Francisco; Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, Ore.; Black & Yates, Inc., Brooklyn; Brown-Bledsoe Lumber Co., Greensboro, N. C. ; fnsular Lumber Sales Corporation, Philadelphia; Thomas E,. Powe Lumber Co., St. Louis; Winde, McCormick & Chapin, Inc., Charlestown, Mass.
Forests Able to Meet Requirements
(Continued from Page 19)
2,100,000 tons of printing paper. Large quantities of wood pulp also were consumed in the manufacture of explosives.
"Fortunately, the unusual drain on forest resources is one which can and will be replaced. Every year for more than two decades increasing numbers of forest owners have been applying principles of scientific reforestation. Seed trees are being left and millions of new seedlings are being transplanted from nurseries to cut-over land. More important, forest owners and public agencies are combining to protect growing forests from their greatest hazard-FIRE. As a result, the production of these new forests is being accelerated at such a rate that new growth in I94l approached 12,000,000,000 cubic feet, nearly balancing the amount used.
"While the Forest Products Industries will continue their program of reforestation, fire control, disease control, and research activities, nothing will be left undone to cooperate to the full in defense efforts and civilian needs."
Booth-Kelly Douglaa Fir, thc A$ociation gradc and trade mark certify to your customers thc qudity of thc etock you handle. Builderr quit gueseing about vrhat they're buying, and buy wherc they know what they're getting.
General Sdec Oftce Eugene, Ore.
Millr: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.