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SUDDEN & GHRISTENSON fumber and Shipping

7th Floor, Alaska Commercial Bldg., 310 Sansome Sceet, San Francisco

Publicly Financed Defense Housing Moves Ahead

San Francisco, Dec. 26.-0. W. Campbell, Associate Coordinator of Defense Housing, revealed today that 1,045 new publicly financed homes for familie,s of defense workers and enlisted personnel had been completed during the week ending December 13 making a total of ffi,357 completed or occupied throughout the nation.

FHA-inspected privately financed homes started during the week, totaled 3,390. Since lanaary 1941, 207,515 such homes have gone into construction.

Owners of privately financed defense housing, operating with the assistance of Preference Rating P-55, it was announced, are now required to make definite statements as to the amounts at which they will sell or rent the properties they construct, in a new application form issued by the Priorities Division. The hew form PD 105 Revised, supersedes PD 105 and PD 105a. It may be used beginning December 22. Beginning January I, 1942, all applications for priority assistance in the construction o{ approved defense housing must be made on this form. The forms may be obtained from local offrces of the Federal Housing Association and from building and loan associations.

News ltems

Carl R. Moore, vice-president and general manager of Scott Lumber Company, Burney, California, spent the Christmas holidays with his family in San Leandro. He stated that his company will attempt to operate the mill throughout the winter.

G. San the and

F. (Jerry) Bonnington of Francisco, returned recently Northwest. where he visited called on sawmills.

Lamon-Bonnington Co., from a business trip to the firm's Portland office

T. P. Hogan III of Hogan .spent the Christmas holidays Lumber Company, Oakland, in Yosemite National Park.

Frank R. Adams of California Redwood Distributors. Chicago, recently sp,ent two weeks in California'visiting his organization's member mills. He made the trip both wavs bv air.

Lumber Yard Fire At Santa Barbara

Sabotage was blamed for the fire which swept through twothirds of the Ambrose Lumber Company's plant at Santa Barbara, Thursday night, December 11, destroying about 2,000,000 feet of lumber, six trucks and a Ross carrier. The loss was estimated at approximately $200,000.

The office building was saved and the next rnorning a sign, "Open for Business as IJsual," was hung out.

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