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Patrick J. McDonald
Patrick J. McDonald, pioneer planing mill operator, builder and contractor, passed away on December 2l in the St. Vincent's Hospital, Los Angeles. He rryas 78 years of age.
Mr. McDonald died from the effects of a stroke he sufiered on December 7 when he was listening to his radio and heard the news that Pearl llarbor had been bombed by Japanese warplanes. His son, David McDonald, is a Naval Reserve ofificer stationedpt Honolulu. He failed to rally at subsequent information that his son had escaped injury.
Mr. McDonald had been a resident of I-os Angeles the past fifty years. Ife was born in County 'Wexford, L-eland, on March 17,1863, and came to the United States at an early age. He, came west from Chicago to manage the construction of the old Coronado Hotel near San Diego.
In 1898 he purchased the I-os Angeles Planing Mill, then located at San Pedro and Fifth Streets. Eight years later he built his own plant on Industrial Street, and was active in the planing mill business, local building and construction work until 1930 when he retired.
He was a member of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturers Association, Jonathan Club, I-os Angeles Athietic Club, and Knights of Columbus.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Carrie lVlcDonald; four children, Laurence McDonald, Mrs. Ethel Murray and Mrs. Genevieve Birdsall of Los Angeles, and David McDonald of Honolulu; and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at St. Vincent's Church. I-os Angeles, December 23.
Hcnry B. Hickey
Henry B. Hickey passed away in Oakland, December 13. He was a native of New York, and was president of the timber land firm of Standish & Hickey, San Francisco.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma R. Hickey and a son, Henry B. Hickey Jr.
Edward A. Chamberlin
Edward A. Chamberlin, operating manager of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, passed away in Oakland, December 18, as the result of a heart attack. He was at the office as usual on the previous day.
Ife was born in Chico, Calif., 59 years ago, and had been associated with his brother, W. R. Chamberlin, in the lumber and shipping business since 1919. One of the best known and most popular men in lumber and shipping circles in San Franci,sco, he gained his first experience in this line with the Union Lumber Co., San Francisco, having been with this firm from 1903 to 1919, and. in charge of their steam schooner fleet for many years.
Mr. Chamberlin is survived by his widow, Mrs Hazel Chamberlin, his mother, Mrs. Fannie K. Jackson, and his brother, W. R. Chamberlin. He was a member of Live Oak Lodge No.61, F. & A. M.
Funeral services were held in Oakland on Saturday, December 20.
Daniel G. Penzotti
Daniel G. Penzotti, operator of the Napa Builders Supply Co., Napa, Calif., died in Napa on December 17.
Ife was born in Tolosa, Spain, 57 years ago, and at the age of 11 came to Albion, Mich., where he lived until he completed his education. He came to California in 1905 and to Napa in 1933.
Mr. Penzotti is survived by his widow, Mrs. Gertrude M. Penzotti, two sons, Daniel G. Penzotti Jr., and F-rancis F. Penzotti of Napa; two sisters, and a brother, Rev. Paul Penzotti of Buenos Aires.
He was a member of Napa Lions Club and of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo.
Virsil J. Oliva
Virgil J. Oliva, 57, president of chandlers, San Francisco, passed December 14.
He was a native of Sierra Citv.
C. J. Hendry Co., ship away in San Francisco. California.
Ten Years Ago Today
From Janua ry 1, 1932 lssue
East bay lumbermen rallied nobly to the call of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 to filI empty nail kegs with groceries for distribution to needy families. More than 250 kegs were filled and distributed during Christmas week.
One hundred and fifty lumbermen and their ladies attended the Central Club's Christmas party at Modesto on December 19. The committee that arranged for the affair included Warren S. Tillson, Bill Mashek, George Ground, Jim Gartin, and Dick Ustick. Following dinner, there was an entertainment and dancing.
B. E. (Bert) Bryan, Strable land, was appointed Hoo-Hoo fornia.