1 minute read

Speakins of Sellins

What Enthusiasm M.y Do

Success is lrequently due less to ability thcrn to EIITIIUSIASM.

The world likes to mqke room for the mcnr who believes in his mission. No mctter whct obiections mcy be raised, no mtrtter how dcrk the outlook, he believes in his power to trcnslonn into reality the vision he hqs seen.

It hcrs been scrid thct cll liberties, relonns, cnd politiccl achievements oI society have been gcrined by men thrilling cnd throbbing to some grect enthusic$n.

EnthusicEm will stecrdy the hecrt <rnd strengthen the wilb it will give lorce to the thought cnd nerve to the hcnd, until whcrt wcs only c possibility becomes c reclity.

No barrier however formidcble, no obstccle however seemingly insurmountqble, cqn bcrr the wcy to the mcrn possessed ol kue enthusicrsn lor cr high idecl.

Indifference is the opposite of enthusicsm. Indifference never lecds crmies thcrt conquer, never models stqtues thct live, nor moves the world to heroic crcts. Enthusicrsm it wqs thcrt wrought the statue ol Menon" cnd hung the brcrzen gctes ol Thebes; it lixed the mcriner's trembling needle upon its cxis. crnd first hecved the grecrt bcrr ol the printing pres$ It opened the tubes ol Gclileo until world crlter world swept belore his visior.* it reefed the topscil over Columbus in the morning breezes oI the Bchcruras. It hcs held the sword with which lreedom lought her b<rttles, cnd poised the cx oI the dauntless woodsmcn as he blazed the pcthwcy ol civilizction It turned the mystic lecrves upon which Shckespecrre and Milton inscribed their burning thoughts, cmd sustcined crnd soothed the soul ol Thomcs Jefferson in his declining dcys.

Enthusicsm is the inspircrtion of every.thing thct is grect, Without it, no mqn is to be feared. With it, no mcm is to be depised.

It is lrom the Greek words en cnd Theos, mecning the god within"

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