1 minute read
Scll lumber thot yiel& c profii cnd lasiing sqtislactio CZC, the protected lunber, ia cleqr, odorlesg (rrd pointcblc. It is termite curd decsy resist€Ert md lire roldrdinE. You ccur gell it lor F.H.A., U. S. Govemneni, Lor Aageleg City rtrtd Couaty od Unilom Building Code jobg, CZC trccrted lunbcr ls etocled lor iEecdidte ahipment in comercicl liz€s dt Long Beoch qrd AlqEedc. Agl obout our e:choge aeryicc cnd aill rhipneat plqr.
CJlmb $Jr tplr - UEST-G0I$ U00D PnESEnYIilG G0. - srdtr 501 W. Fllrh St., Lor logclrl, Calll- Phor Mlchlgdg 8t3l SiXl Mootgonc4' 3t., gc! FrqDcirco, Ccl- PLosr DOuglcr t84l
Anslo C.alifor
Arcata Redwood Co.-------------.---------.----,-.--- ---26 Hobbc Vall Lumbet Co..--- --- --
At&lnron stutz Co. ---- ---- Flogan
BackPanelC,ompany.'....'-*HooverlA-L.-..-_--..1Santa $chafer Bror. Lunber & Shingle Co.--------------21 Baxter&Co.,J.FI.---._.,.;|oho"ooLumberCorporation,qD...-------...--
Elue Diamond C.orporation---
Bradtey Lumber Co., of Ar1.anras---..---- Koehl & Son, Inc', John V'------ -----'-'-'--- --- 4 Sisal&raft Company' The----------------'-----------12
BurnrLumberc,.---.-.-.--.-...-.--...26KuhtLumbetCo,CarlH.......-....-*SouthwesternPordand Stanton & Son, E. J.-------.------