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Red Cedar Shingle Bureau Annual Meeting
War and the effects of war were brought into sharp focus at the 26th annual meeting of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau which was held in Seattle on December 19-a meeting of Northwest shingle manufacturers coming at the close of a year of much activity in the shingle industry.
Speakers at the meeting, which u'as an informal industry forum, included Paul R. Smith, the retiring president; W. H. Mclallen, chairman of the trade promotion committee; P. H. Olwell, chairman of the public relations committee, and W. W. Woodbridge, Bureau secretary-manager.
Mr. Woodbridge graphically reviewed the work of the organization during 1942, stating that almost all of it was devoted to some phase of the war program. He predicted the necessity of further cooperation with governmental agencies on the part of industry during the coming year, and pledged the complete collaboration of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau to this end.
Ralph H. Wayland of Seattle was elected president for 1943, A. H. Landram of Tacoma was chosen vice-president, and Chas. Plant of Vancouver, B. C., was elected vice-president for Canada.
In Active Service
N. A. Thompson is with the Naval Air Corps at Lone Pine, and his brother Grant Thompson, is in the moving picture industry of the Army, a new department, in Florida.
Their father, T. O. Thompson, who operates the Thompson Lumber Company at Bell Gardens, is a veteran of the first World War. His sons were associated with him in the business.
Personnel Changes
A. G. Paul, Jr., who has been located at Bend, Oregon, for several years in the capacity of assistant manager and resident sales manager of The Shevlin-Hixon Company, has enlisted in the U. S. Naval Reserve as Lieutenant Senior Grade. He has reported for duty in the East.
C. H. Shevlin, who has been located in Minneapolis for a number of years as vice-president of Shevlin Pine Sales Company is leaving that position and on January l, 1943, is returning to Bend, Oregon, to become assistant manager of The Shevlin-Hixon Company.
Mr. Shevlin's long experience with the Sales Company will make him a valuable man in this new position and his r,r'ide circle of friends and acquaintances within the trade as well as their organization will find him willing and anxious to render every possible service.
.W. C. Morley, sales representative of the Minneapolis district office, has tendered his resignation, effective December 31.
M. R. Gill. well known Southern California lumberman, has left Camp Roberts and is now at the Officers'Training Camp, Fort Benning, Georgia. Before going in the trft/r he was with Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. of Los Angeles.
At Palm Springs
R. E. (Bob) Caldwell, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, is expected back January 4 from a two-weeks' visit to Palm Springs. He was accompanied by Mrs. Caldwell.
May we extend to our custtorners and friends our sincere thanks and appreciation for their patnonage and forbearance during the past year, and wish one and all a