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Car And Cango Shipments
16 Califoraic StreeL Scm Frcmcisco Telephone GArfield 6881
Deatg Sash & Door Co. Moves to New Building
Deats Sash & Door Co. recently completed their new building at 935 East 59th Street, Los Angele* Construction was started September 1. The machinery was moved from the old building at 911 East 59th Street, and a nurnber of woodworking machines purchased from Pacific Wood Products Corp. have been added with the result that this firm has one of the largest and finest plants of its kind in California. Moving was carried out without interrupting the work, which is 100 per cent connected with the war.
The plant employs 75 men and it has been kept very busy. This concern specializes in handling full mill bids. They are now turning out the millwork for a housing project at Coronado, Calif., being built by Robert E. McKee, Los Angeles contractor.
Deats Sash & Door Co. also manufacture the "Raynproof" screen door, a patented article.
There were formerly four Deats brothers in the business. Two, Marshall and Tom, have withdrawn, and the business is now a partnership conducted by Levin and John Deats.
Firm Publistres Newspaper
A newspaper, "Deats Shop News," is published monthly by the Deats organization, and mailed to former employees of the company now in the various services. These number 41, and there is one gold star on the company's banner for "Bud" Slivkofi, a Marine paratrobper, killed in action November 19 at Bougainville Island.
The newspaper is edited by Donald Jackson of the Deats office staff. All news is collected and written by employees and interesting letters are published from employees in the service in various parts of the world.
The paper performs the double function of keeping men in the service informed on what is happening back home among their former fellow workers and the whereabouts of other men in the service, and also prints the news from the boys overseas for the benefit of the men in the Deats plant. A fine idea which other firms might copy.
Sends Out Ietter on Scles Tcx
C. W. Pinkerton, Governmental Service Bureau, Whittier, has sent to the retail lumber dealers a copy of a letter he received from the Sales Tax Division of the State Board of ftualization. This letter is the result of a conference held at Sacramento, which Mr. Pinkerton attended, and it outlines the procedure the dealers can use in protecting themselves on future tax liability in granting exemptions to Governrnental agencies.
Enlcrges Yqrd
Gamerston & Green Lumber Co. recently purchased an additional acre of ground on Dennison Street, adjoining their yard on Livingston Street, Oakland. This gives them access to both streets.
Another improvement made at this yard is the asphaltic concrete surfacing of additional 'gangways and loading areas.
Los Angeles Yard Conveiled to Mechanical Operation
Extensive improvements and alterations to their yard have been made in recent weeks by Baugh Bros. & Co., 5024 Holmes Avenue, Los Angeles, formerly Robert P. Baugh, who cater to the manufacturing and industrial trade, andcarry large stocks of Ponderosa and Sugar Pine, Spruce, Southern Hardwoods and plywood.
The yard, which has a depth of 600 feet and an area of 55,000 square feet, has been converted to an operation handling 100 per cent package lots. Some of the sheds have been raised to 18 feet and others to 24 leet in height, and a Hyster lift truck is used for handling the lumber.
The partners in this company are Robert P. (Bob) Baugh and William E. (Bill) Baugh. Bill is now Sergeant William E. Baugh, and has been in the Army two years. He has been overseas for 18 months, took part in the Tunisian campaign and is now in ltaly. He is in the First Armored Regiment.
Buildingr Permits Sligrhtly Higher
New York, Dec. l5.-Building operations for November were slightly higher than for October and' 39.2 per cent above figures for the month last year, Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., reported today.
Total value of permits issued in 215 cities during November was $48,361,780, compared with $48,227,985 the previous month and $34,746,584 for the rnonth in 1942, the Business Information Service said.
Cities in the Pacific area registered an increase of. 247 "8 per cent the report said, reporting $17,662,447 comparcd with the 1942 figure of $5,078,503'
For the first eleven months of this year, value of building permits aggregated $46,721,653, a decrease of 38.5 per cent under the $758,376,536 for the 1942 period.
Appclachicn Hcndwood Lumber
Freight car stock, common dimension, and mine car lumber made of mixed hardwood produced in the Appalachian hardwood region were provided with maximum prices by the Office of Price Administration on December 22. Amendment 16 to MPR 146 (Appalachian Hardwood Lumber) became effective December n, 1943.
Heavy Volume of Construction Ready to Sta*
Los Angeles, Dec. Z7.-I.ederal Housing Administration local office, acting for the WPB, has received over 20,000 residential-unit applications for priority assistance from builders and owners, during the past few months; the applications pertain to the use of critical materials for erecting residences in the Los Angeles Metropolitan locality, according to John E. McGovern, director, Southern California District, FHA.
The bulk of these 20,m0 unit applications were filed during August and October, resulting in a deluge of technical work for the architectural and processing sections of the FHA. By importing trained, technical help and otherwise building up its priority section, the local FHA office by the end of December will have practically completed its processing of all of these applications, so that, shortly thereafter, builder and owner applicants will have the program in their hands for construction, continued Mr. McGovern.
Approximately 1,000 new residential units per month are now being placed under construction by private builders in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area-but for the purpose of meeting the construction schedule as was proposed at the time when the current quota for priority assistance was issued, it will be necessary for private builders and private industry to step up this monthly production to 450O units per month, until the total quota of over 20,000 units has been placed in construction.
It is estimated that the FHA will be called upon to insure mortgages under its Title VI procedure on approximately 90/o of the new construction being built by private capital under this program. Loans may be for terms up to 25 years with interest at 4l/o, plus I of. l/o loan insurance, with equal monthly payments over the term.
Central Hcndwood Lumber
To ofiset recent increases in production costs, the Of. fice of Price Administration on December l1 announced increases averaging $8.75 per 1,000 board feet, or 16 per cent, in ceiling prices for standard grades of hardwood lumber produced in the North Central hardwood region. Amendment 11 to MPR 155 (Central Hardwood Lumber) became effective December 17, 1943.