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From the .fanuary l'tllot'lD4r Issue

At the annual meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumberrnen's Club, held at the Travelers Hotel, Stockton, L' H. Chapman, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacfamento, was elected president, and I. E. Brink, The Diamond Match Company, Chico, was elected secretary-treasurer.

E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, retiring president, was presented with a trunk and complete camping outfit, and Earl E. White, The California Door Company, Folsom, retiring secretary, was the recipient of a pair of golfing gloves.

The Central Lumber Company, Compton, completed construction of a new finish shed, and a new fence around the plant.

The Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, gave away a great number of Christmas trees to their customers anC prospects. The company sent out cards, with space provided for the name and address of the recipient of the gift, and it also stated that the cards should be presented at the office of the company for validation between December 17 and22.They also presented each church in Fresno with a large tree.

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo staged a dinner and concatenation the evening of December 14. The dinner was held at the City Club in Los Angeles, after which the big gang proceeded to the "Palace of Fun" in Venice, which was leased for the occasion, and, 17 kittens were initiated.

Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held Palace Hotel, San Francisco, drickson acted as chairman.

Up And Down The State

Myron C. Woodward, of Portland, president of Silver Falls Timber Co., and Westport Lumber Co., called on friends in the lumber business in San Francisco on his way to Palm Springs.

George T. Gerken, Piedmont Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland, made a business trip to the Northwest early in December.

Norman O. Cruver, president of Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp., Tacoma, was in San Francisco on business for a few days around the middle of December.

Lieutenant Jack Butler, U. S. N. spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth L. Butler, San Francisco.

C. E. Dant, president of Dant & Russell, fnc., Portland, was in San Francisco two weeks ago on his way to spend the holiday season with his family at Palm Springs.

Donald Winfree, of the Army Air Corps, son of Henry Winfree, Dant & Russell representative at Modesto, visited his parents over the Christmas holidays.

Verne R. Rush, Laguna Beach Lumber Company, I-aguna Beach, was back at his desk early in December after his recovery from an operation.

Normen Cords, Wendling-Nathan Co., A. W. Semens, Meadow Valley Lumber Southern California visitors last month.

a luncheon meeting at tbe on December 13. Rod Hen-

C. E. Priest, The Red River Lumber Company, and vicegerent snark of the Westwood district, reported that at a concatenation held at'Westwood 35 kittens were initiated.

Arrangements were well under way for the annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association to be held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, Februarv 18-23.

San Francisco, and Co., Quincy, were

Paul McCusker, San Francisco, Northern California representative of Parelius Lumber Co., traveled to Portland to attend the funeral of his sister, Miss Helen McCusker, on December 17.

White Oak Select Ccr Stock

A method for pricing white oak select car stock lumber in lengths shorter than ten feet at the producer level is outlined by OPA (Amendment 3 to Maximum Price Regulation 281), effective Jan.3.

Moore Lumber Products Hag Complete Operation

Moore Lumber Products is the name under which the former operation of the Barton Lumber Co. is being conducted. This was taken over October 1 by Ralph T. Moore, president of Moore Mill & Lumber Co., Bandon, Ore., and Carl R. Moore, president of Cape Arago Lumber Co., Empire, Ore., and consists of two small sawmills with a combined daily capacity of about 70,000 feet, a large holding of Fir and Pine timber, logging equipment, a fleet of trucks and a planing mill. The lumber is trucked to Grants Pass, Ore.

The planing mill and offices of Moore Lumber Products are in Grants Pass, and the mills are 4O miles away on the Crescent City highway.

l. A. (lirn), Pack, formerly with Hammond Lumber Co. and Gorman Lumber Co. is manager of Moore Lumber Products.

The Moore mill at Bandon cuts 250,000 feet of lumber ir: two shifts, and the Cape Arago mill also cuts 250,000 feet in two shifts. The McKinley Lumber Co., McKinley, Ore., operated by Moore Mill & Lumber Co., cuts 30,000 feet dailv.

Hcrdwood Smcll Dimension

Producers of hardwood small dimension are authorized by the OPA to pass on to buyers the increases in labor and material costs they have experienced during recent months. (Maximum Price Regulation 501), effective Dec. lg.

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