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California Building Permits for November
Itrcob I. Geib
Jacob J. Geib, pioneer lumberman, died recently at his home in San Gabriel, Calif. He was born near Arlington, Minn., and was 77 years of age.
In the early 9O's he became associated with McGregor Brothers, retail lumber dealers of Granite Falls, Minn., and with them started a lumber yard at Clara City, Minn. In the succeeding years his operations included 19 yards in Minnesota and North Dakota. On disposing of some of his yards in 1923, he organized thd Geib-Janni Lumber Co. with headquarters at LaCrosse, 'Wis., and he continued to rnraintain an interest in this company.
He came to Southern California in 1923 where he operated several retail lumber yards until he retired from active business in 1933.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lizzie Geib; a daughter, Mrs. Elmer Bauer; a son, H. A. Geib, Geib Lumber Company, Huntington Park, and several grandchildren.
Frcnk IL White
Frank H. White, well known California lumberman, passed away in Alameda, California, December 8, following an illness of several months.
Mr. White, who retired recently on account of his health, had been connected with the sales department of Hammond Lumber Company for more than 20 years. He was born in Buffalo, N. Y.
He is surived by his widow, a son and a daughter. Funeral services were held in Alameda on December 10.
Mrs. Caroline H. Meqns
Mrs. Caroline H. Means of Laguna Beach passed away in a Santa Ana hospital on December 17 following a short illness.
She is survived by her husband, J. O. Means, well known Southern California lumberman, norv retired, who was associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Means celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on December l, 194?, and made their home in Pasadena for thirty years before going to Laguna Beach to reside.
Funeral services were held in Laguna Beach on December 20.
David Armstrongr
David Armstrong, of the Armstrong Lumber Co., Los Angeles, passed away November 27. He was born in Sherman, Ohio, 68 years ago, and came to Los Angeles in 1923. He is survivbd by his son, Byron, and daughter, Mrs. Susan M. Gleason.
Funeral services were held on December 1.
Pondcror! .nd Sugrr Pinc Mouldingr lnterior Trim
Cuaton Milting qnd Speciclty Details Mrmulcctured with lcrtest type Electic Vonnegrut Moulder.
59fl SO. WESIEnN r8",...o ls80 f,OS ANGET,ES, CArrF.
Disni'bwors ol Pacific Coast Forest Products
?rr w.-otrrneol;rlBrrd. Hemlock r2trrrspaldtss i;t*"
Roes C. Iashley Cedcn Rich G. Robbis
Mcrrulcrcturers Quclity Redwood Lumber (3cod€qsm)
"Big lilil Lanhlr tron a litile niil"
SALES OFFICE SO. CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE Tilden Strles Bldg. l. l. Rec 42{l Mqrket St. 5ll0 Wilghire Blvd. Scn Frqncieco ll Lor Angeler, S6 YLIhon 2067 WEbrter 7828
L, t. GARR & CO,
&Iifornia Sugor atld Ponderw Pinc
Sclee Agenb For stcBtMEMo tos rllcELEg
P. O. Bor 1282
W. D. Duonlng lolctlpo 3el3 438 Cbcnabcr ol Connrrcr Blfu.
NLMA Meetins
(Continued from Page 25) istry experimentation, its wood sugar development program, and the TECO-Lock dowel.
The report also contained details concerning TECO's new Product Development Shop, which is being built in Washington, D. C., and which will be ready for occupancy about February 1.
One new committee of lumbermen was created at thc meeting-that on National Affairs. The duties of the nerv group, membership of which is composed of the executive comrnittee of the Board of Directors, with the president and vice-president and regional vice-presidents, will be to act as a clearing house for the handling of national affairs of concern to the lumber industry, including consideration of post-war problems.
A tribute to the services of Marc L. Fleishel, four-year past president, was contained in an unusual resolution passed by unanimous action of the NLMA Board of Directors and countersigned by all of the living past presidents of NLMA. The resolution was read to Mr. Fleishel at the president's dinner on Tuesday evening.
The lumbermen were also informed that as a result of an action by the Board of Directors, Ifoward Chandler Christy, famous American artist, had been employed to paint a portrait of Mr. Fleishel which will be hung in the main hall of the Association headquarters in Washington and which will bear a bronze plaque worded as follows: