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Want To Buy

Want to buy a suburban Los Angeles or nearby small country yard as going concern.

Address Box C-1007 California Lumber Merchant 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Millwork Executive Wants Position

Purchasing, selling, manufacturer's representative. Broad knowledge of sash, doors, frames, stock and special detail mill and cabinet work, fooring, plywood, and glass. Also aircraft lumber and plywood. Exteirsive experience contacting architects, industrialists and general contractors. Available in 30 days.

Address Box C-1010, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Yard Wanted

Private pafty interested in bulng a well established retail yard from owner.

Address Box C-1011, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Want To Buy Yard

L. FLEISHEL of Florida

whose foresight, enthusiasm and leadership inspired the acquisition and establishment of this building as a national headquarters for the Forest Industries.

Bcck On Sales Stcrff

Stan Swanson, former salesman with the California Panel & Veneer Company, Los .Angeles, has joined their sales force again. He was inducted into the Army the latter part of 1942 and, stationed at Camp Howze, Texas. He received his honorable discharge on November 17. Stan is will known in Southern California lumber circles.

Reveille Beceipts Given to Ocrk Knoll

The Finance Corrdmittee of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 announced recently that the receipts from the 1943 Reveille, less expenses, amounting to $850.00 were turned over to the Oak Knoll Naval ltrospital, Oakland. The Hospital will use the money as a general welfare fund.

Buys Lumber Ycrrd

Houts & Box Lumber Co., Bakersfield, has acquired full ownership of the Woodhouse Supply in Wasco.' Mr. Cates, who has been with the Bakersfield firm for the past two years, has been transferred to Wasco and will manage the new branch.

Southern Pine and Hqrdwoods

Interpretation 1 to Orders M-361 and M-364, controlling Southern pine and 7 species of hardwood, is issued by the WPB.

Will pay cash for going lumber yard, anywhere between Stockton and Bakersfield.

Geo. Bailey, 121 East Seventh Street, Bakersfield, Calif.


First class sticker hand. Permanent position. Good wages.

H. W. Koll Mill & Lumber Co.,2124 Hyde Park Blvd., Los Angeles ++, Cdif. Phone AXminster 8848.

Yard For Sale

Southern California Lumber Yard and store on main highway near Los Angeles. Lease $100.00 a month. Inventory of merchandise and lumber $17,000.

Twohy Lumber Company, Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif.

Aircrqft and No. I Sheet Stock Veneer

In sales to the United States Treasury Procurement Division of birch and maple airscrew, aircraft and airframe veneer produced in accordance with British Standard Specifications 5V3 or 6V3, the ceiling prices for Grade A material may be charged under contracts specifying the inclusion of up to 30 per cent Grade B veneer, the Office of Price Administration announced on December 10. Amendment 2 to RMPR 338 (Aircraft and No. 1 Sheet Stock Veneer). became effective December 15, 1943.

LUMBER lrcerr Rrdrrood Ca.

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