2 minute read
Man's Opportunity
Bg Jacft Dionne
1925. will be a year of Opportunity.
In that respect it will differ from no other year.
Ever since the Declaration of Independence was given to the world, Opportunity has belonged to all men, and to all men alike-in THIS country.
rn the old days the Kings used to say: "God made you a peasant, and made me a King-gave you rags and me a robe-God did it.',
Of course, it was an unholy lie THEN as it is NOW. But from the standpoint of the fellow under foot, it might just as well have been the truth.
They used to celebrate Christmas by hanging on gibbets other God-worshipping men who chanced to disagree with them. On the birthday of the gentle Jesus they would desecrate His memory, and pretend that they were championinj His cause. The horrors practiced upon the early Christians by the Barbarians, have only been surpassed in the intensity of their ferocity by those that were practiced by later Christians rpol orr" another.
The world found its tortuous way through eras of agony and injustice when for a man to think forcefully and intelligently, and speak freely-even though every thought and word was for the benefit of struggling humanity-was dangerous indeed.
And you can trace the liberation of the human race-the dawn of Opportunity-to that day when those inspired forefathers of ours signed their names to th;t Declaration and gave it to the world as the true birthright of man. It set at liberty thought, speech, ambition, originality, initiative, patriotism, love of country, love of home, and love of God.
And on New Year's-and on every other day of every year-the thoughtful man and woman can well afford a moment to devote to a thought of gratitude for our incomparable blessings.
And whenever you hear a man or woman ask the question: "Is this world growing better or worse?" you will know without asking that that person is as ignorant of the history of mankind as an oyster on the ocean bed is ignorant of the po*-r of prayer.
1925 will be a year of Opportunity.' Every one of us will have the opportunity to do his level best in the particular work that he has chosen. My rights only terminate where YOURS begin. we have the opportunity to think, and speak, and work, and do just as we think best, provided we do not infringe the rights of others. We have the right to create success for ourselves, and to enjoy its fruits. We have the right to pursue health, happiness, and prosperity in the way we think best, so long as we do not intrude upon the other fellow's efforts in the same direction. We have the right to help the other fellow, to co-operate with the other fellow in order that you may help one another-The Golden Rule-and to the end that the nation may be the better off.
And when you say: "I have the right," you have one hand on the Declaration of Independence and the other on the Constitution of the United States, and don't you forget it. And don't forget that before that first document was written no man had ever before in the history of the world been able to say, "I have the right,,' and get away with it.
So, as we get ready to make a big year of. l925,let us each breathe a little prayer of thankfulness for such OPPORTUNITY.
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