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Though Slightly Higher in First Cost Redwood is the EconomicaL Wood
See Why
Member Mills
Alblon Lumber Compa.ny
Dolbeer & Carsodr Lumber Oo.
Glsr BLlr Redwood C;o.
Hammond Lumber Company
J. R. Hantfy Company
Hobbs, Wall & Company
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.
Llttle Rlver Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Co.
Northwestern Redwood Co.
The Pactftc Lumber Co.
Redwood Manufacturers Co.
Unlon Lumber Compa.ny
C. L. Weeks, Quantity Surveyor, Los Angeles, has compiled comparative cost figures on side walls for the five-room house illustrated above. His figures, based on costs in Los Angeles as of October 1924, include labor, materials and three coats of paint. Side walls built of 5fx4" bevelled Redwood siding cost about $10.00 more than if built of less durable Pacific Coast woods. Or if built of 1x6", two lap siding, the added cost of the house would be onlv about $12.00.
And yet for this slight additional cost. the home builder obtains remarkable durability, for California Redwood, in this respect, ranks well above most other woods commonly used on the Pacific Coast.
Redwood is strong, it works easily and with a minimum of waste.
Every sale you make of California Redwood is not only a profitable transaction financially but returns large dividends in customer satisfaction.