1 minute read
The Morning After
The famous old story of the Kentucky Colonel who was 1sk9d_-hory he felt, and who replied: ,.I feel like Hell, by Gad Sir, like any gentleman ougtrt to feel in the morningtl -is well seconded by this story of the morning after New Year.
He had been out doing the New year and doing it right. He sat in his living room in a big chair, his splitting head
Seattle Hoo Hoo Club
The first meeting of the Seattle Hoo Hoo Club was held at the Olympic Hotel, January 2, with an attendance of 131. The signed up memberstrip is.now 180. R. W. Vinnedg_e address_ed the meeting, and President Alvin Schwager, Nettleton Lumber Company, was in the chair.
All Set For San Joaquin Annual
The annual meeting of the San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club will be held at Fresno on Satuidav. Tanuarv 17th. Secretary F'rank Minard writes thaf thev wiil have a between his hands, and his every nerve absolutely on edge. The floor was covered by a thick, soft rug.
Across the rug came a small kitten, tripping like a feather as kittens will. The sufferer in the chair glared at the offender, and then shouted:
"Say, you blankety, blank, blank, you either get to Hell out of here OR QUIT STOMPING ON THE FLOOR,' large attendance, and that it will be Frank has also warned some of the date. Some had the impression that be held on the 25th. The date is January 17th. most interesting. members, as to the the meeting 'was to
Ted Lawrence Back On Job
__T. E, 1fe{) T,awrence, Los Angeles manager for the Hart-Wood Lumber Company, applared at his of,fice on the morning of January 6th, tonsiderably shaky from his recent serious operation, but back on the job aird improv- lng last.