3 minute read
If We Don't Ur$e Homebuildin$Who Will?
Ten Persons in better-than-aver"""".itiu,,,itir,..t-" bank cashier' a"drug store ProPrietor' a Young L*u..- "ttd oth"t.- similarly situated in a business way-were asKeo ihe other daY, "What are You goi"* to uuv when You have a rea.i"r"li. -"titot,rt of' money. ahead ? ''
The bank cashier had hls mlna ..f on " triP to the Pacific Coast' *hi.h, if his savings of two or inill 'v."t. continue, he will be "lt"- t,i make next summer' The Jir**lit is Putting aside a little ;;;;i;;1" uuv lis fimilY a c-ar' The lawver and the others are -plannlng to do this or that with their savinss. -"iiot ott" of them exPressed the deiire to build a home; at least not ""t;t - th.t. other things were bought and enjoYed.
Folks don't save money aimlessiv. There are PeoPle-in Your town waiting until theY have. the money to Put in some one tnlng ""tu-i"".tt ' desired. "Wh en I get ih"'*o""y-" is a thought that has started many a savings account'
Someone has been telling- a man inlour communitY about the joY.: "i i ttlp to Yellowstone Park until ift"t ttii, becomes a reality through savings of months or Years; or about the Pleasures of an automobile until sufficient money can be 'laid aside to Purchase a car' --'B.ri *h" ii telling Your PeoPle about the advantagea and joYe of a home?
It must be done. Down the main street and the side streets of Your business section the comPetition over what Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith will spend their money o-rl is getting right comPlicated. If Mrs-. Tones sets her heart on a motor car, Mr. Jones will Put off thinking about building a home.a f ew more years. The stores in vour business section are selling ihe things people have been Persuaded to want. PeoPle must be oersuaded to want homes; and Long-Bell national advertisingis making headway in this aim for the benefit and the profit of the entire lumber industry, from retailer to manufacturer.
You'd be surprised to know the number of Long-Bell advertising pages that are coming into Your community with the urgent message, "Build a Home ! Build it Well !" Your co-operation can turn this advertising to advantage. We would be glad to tell you how it may be done.
Three West Coast Lumber Products
-with the Long-Bell trade-mark
Three West Coast lumber products-Douglas Fir lum' ber and timbers, white pine lumber and white pine sash and doors--are being manufactured in Long-Bell plants.
Douglas Fir lumber and timbers are produced in the Long-Bell manufacturing plants at Longview, Wash.
White pine lumber bearing the Long-Bell trade-mark, white pine sash and Long-Bell all-white'pine doors are made at Weed, Calif., in the shadow of Mt. Shasta.
In addition, Long-Bell trade-marked oak flooring is sold in this territory.
These are dependable Long-Bell products, manufac' tured to give maximum building value. Write us for information on any of these products.
Coastwise Trade Data of Coos Bay
From the ,,Coos Bay Times"
The number of calls made by vessels in pacific coastrvise trade ply^ing__in and o*ut of Cbos Bay during 1924 would reach 412. Up until_ December l, 386 crossirigs of the ba; had been made by these vessels. The Coos Bay Lumber co.mpany steamer F. A. Warner, .lvhich ran continuouslv all year, averaged about a trip a lr.eek and holds the recorf tor crossing the Coos Bay bar more times than any other vessel, with the exception of the gas schooners operating between Coos Bay and the R_ogue-river. The Noine Cit! came next. One hundred and ninety-five of the coastrvisL vessels were lumber carrlers.
The monthly numbers of vessels calling follow:
Lumber 3jff; Carriers Carriers Total
Appreciate Service
.Lor{ & Thomas, nationally known advertising agents with o-ffices on the coast at Loi Angeles and San F-.arr&rco, recently wrote to the publication office of ,,The California Lumber Me_rcha_nt," expressing their appreciation of the service that has been rendered in connection with the series gf .p-age.advertisements that have been appearing for thE California Redwood Association.
liti#"r::i-"t.. you. attitude tor,vard tt. "a.,,.rtiring of the California Redwood Association. It helps to work i,ith people like you.
"Lord & Thomas, "By D. W. Jennings."
T, L._N{ann_ing, of South Pasadena, wili open a retail yard at Hart Street and the Valley Boulevard, RosemeadAL FROST ENTERTAINS EMPLOYEES
*.Empkyees of -t!r9 San Diego Lumber Company, the Sin Diego Planing _Mill and the Frost Hardwood -Company were entertained at a dinner and entertainment on the niglit of Decembe_r 23rd, by officials of the three companies, fed by Mr. A. L. Frost.
A cut of 1,015,826 board feet was made in two eight-hour shifts at the West Fir unit of the Long-Bell I_umbir Company's manufacturing plant, Roy F. Morse announced December 18.
R. A. I ong, head of the company, has announced that construction iS expected to start on a second unit next sprlng.