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l9 25
q We wish to start the New Year pv.expr-essing to our many friends, our appreciatio-n for the constantly increasin$ number of orders coming to us. The growth of our list of satisfied cultomers during the past year makes us doubly proud and thankful.
To those who have not arran$ed for this year's millwork requi-rements-,- I€-su$$est a ionnection with an old established comPotrY, having complete modern equipment from kilns to delivery.
A concern of this kind can furnish your re$ular stock of sash, doors and finish as well as every item for your most exactin$ customer, be if the best of soft woods or ,any variety of native or imported hardwood.
The size, reputation and reliability of such a comDanv rs vour insurance of a continuous sourte of supbly and fair treatment.