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Pacific Door and Sash Gornpony

New Law to Add Funds to Fight Fires in Forests

Sacramento, Jan. 1.-With the announcement todav bv the state board of forestry of its legislative program, it was revealed that the board plans to sponsor a^meisure in the legislature to provide special fundi for forest fire fighting.

The Jorestry bill, known as the campfire permit act, pro- vides-that every person who builds a cimpfiie on land'oiher than his. own pay the state a fee of $1 for-an annual permit. It is estimated the act would bring in approximatety EtSO,- 000 per vear.

The proposed law stipulates that all fees collected under it shall be deposite_d in the state board of forestry protec- tion. fund, and shall be used for forest protection purpore., the improvement of public grounds and for the purchise of land for the creation of stale forests.

Another bill proposed by the forestry board, known as the.state forest bill. asks an appropriation of $150.000 with which to acquire forest and biusli covered lands valuable for watershed cover for state forest purposes.


Mr. H. E. Crawford, Vice President of the pacific Lumber-Coqrpany, yas a recent visitor in Los Angeles.

Mr. Crawford makes his headquarters at Sc"otia.


_ G, R.- Bleecker, Northern California representative of the Eagle t umber Co., spent the holidays ln the Northwest, where he visited friends at Seattle, and also the firm's headquarters at Portland, and the mill at Westimber, Oregon'

Frank Morrill Is California Visitor

Frank Morrill of Morrill & Sturgeon, wholesale lumbermen of Portland, Oregon, has just completed a three weeks' trip to California, when he visited the firm's sales connections at San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Veneer Plant To Double Capacity

_ Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 5.-It was recently announced here by B. F. Mackall, president of the Mackall-Paine Veneer Company, that his company will immediately install steaming equipment which will increase the plant's caplr_cr-ty from its present output of 30,000 feet of logi daily to 75,@0 feet daily. It will lhen be possible to w6rk twb shifts daily, which will mean the employment of 350 men. Mr. Mackall stated that prospects for the year 1925 for veneer manufacturers on the Pacific Coast look very good.


Longview, Wash., Jan. S.-According to the S. W. Straus monthly building survey, Longview with sixty one permits totaling $201,783 in November, surpassed in value of per- mits such larger communiti'es as Spokane, Bellingham, Everett, Walla Walla, and Yakima. This total shorved an increase of more than 400 Der cent over November 7923.


The Western Lumber Company's sawmill at Westfir, on the Eugene-Klamath Falls cuioff, will be formally opened on January 20, according to a statement by George H. Kelly and Frank W. Sullivan. executives of the comDany. The mill will have a .apa.ity of 200,OOO feet per -eight hour shift.

Our No. 2 Sap Gum, due to the HDE method of manufacture, produces an unusually high percentage of clear cuttings.

We wanted you to know about this.

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