1 minute read
QAroof to stand, the"ffifi,nunce test"
fTt HE roof is the most exposed, the most conspicuous I and the most important part of any building. A structure is only as sound as the roof that covers it. Any structure that is worth roofing at all deserves the soundest roof obtainable.
Year after year for 30 years Pioneer roofs have been beautifying and protecting California buildings. On thousands-of structures Pioneer is meeting the endurance test of time and exposure by providing 10070 protection with the minimum of attention.
Pioneer Slate Surfaced Shingles head the list of Pioneer quality roof coverings. They combine the beauty- of wood-shingles with the fire-resisting qualities of slate shingles, .ttd th.y add economy o{ cost and ease of laying. They come in three natural slate colors-ied, gteen.ttd blue-black. You can safely recommend them for any roofing purpose.