1 minute read
E. K. Wood Lumber Company's Beautiful New Offices
The E. K. Wood l,umber Company has just completed new offices at their 48th Street plant in Vernon. iusi outside of Los Angeles. and they have surelv done themselves and the lumber industry proud, in the leautif.ul building that will house their general wholesale ancl retail offices] for Southern California.
The.new building faces on Santa Fe Avenue. at Forty- seventh Street. It stands in the center of their p.operly facing on this main thoroughfare, giving them anoth.r en'trance to their immense vard.
The building -as. shgwn in the photograph taken the day it rvas completed, is of brick and cbncrele cbnstruction. trvostory for about half the depth.
There are two entrances, one from Santa Fe Avenue, ancl a side main door, immediately inside the gates.
The entire building is trimmed in enameled hemlock, making the offices light and pleasant, with the high ceilings and abundance of windows.
Mr. Frank Curran's office and the offices of other execrltives are just inside the main entrance.
The east part of the building is used for the retail de- p."rt.-gl!: r,vith long oak counter extending the wiclth of the building and with a multitude of desks,lor the numerous salesmen and o.ffice men that are employed in this department
At the other end is located the rvholesale and bookkeep- ing department. The upstairs has been devoted to a beair- tiful cafeteria with a laige modern kitchen, the men's and women's rest rooms and other private offices.
Mr. Curran states that this building will take care of expansion for a number of years to comel and that the build- ing was designed to be large enough for their needs years Irom now,
The building houses nearly one hundred local employees of this large company. The site occupied by the'offr... is a part of an old walnut grove. owned by this company for years, and the bearing trees form a wonderful bac(- ground for their administration building.
Mr. Frank Curran is General Manager for the E. K. Wood operations in Southern California,fur. Robt. Hutche-