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like tile
Here at last is the new Schumacher Tile Board just per, fected by SchumacherWallBoard Corporatioomanu, facturers of the superior Schumacher Wall Board. Now it is possible to have the advantages of tile, the shining washable surface, the smooth, sanitary finish combined with the sante unsurpassed qualities that have created such a dernand for Schumacher Wall Board.
Schumachu TiIc Boad is not metely scored with straightlines ta give anear resemblance n tilc,, but is n marl<edby seuet process (patent applied for) as to giae tlw a&ual appearatrce of the fuwst tile.
For Sale bY all Lumber Dealen
Schumacher Tile Board is really Schumacher rrlhll Board with a specially treated suiface which makes it look exactly like genuine tile. Takes an enamel fin, ish in any tint and can be washed as often as desired. Ideal for the bath,room-water does not harm it a bit as it will not warp or buckle. Especially. adapted for the kitchen. Heat or steam has no efiect on it. Grease spots can be readily rubbed off with a damp cloth.
Schumacher Tile Board comes in convenient sized strips,easy to apply. There is no waste. It is durable and economical. All the beautv of tile at a fraction of the cost.
SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD CORPORATION, MFRS., Seattle ... Los Angeles SanFrcncisco
Watehouses: San Francieco, San Rafael, Oakland, Stockton