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Actual Sales Records Prove Remarkable Turnover Possibilities of BALSAM-WOOL Insulation
DERHAPS you have been holdin$ back for fear that I 34LSAM-WOOL wouldn't sell in your town. Our experience has been that almost any lumb-er dealer with a tittte honest effort can make these additional elLStNI' WOOL profits. The sooner the start just that much sooner do the profits begin to mount-
TheWood Conversion Company has made it very easy for you to make the tryout. They don't ur$e you to buy a car-in fact, would prefer that you didn't at the start.
Along with your order.for BALSAM'WOOL, s-algs helps and advertising matt-er will be furnished to h_elp you put over BALSAM'WOOL in yo,u1 localityr S"' me-bet that BALSAM-WOOL is Sood for remodeling jobs, roof insulation in old houses-, for barns and poul' try houses as well as in new buildings.
The makers of BALSAM-WOOL will protect you and your interests. BALSAM-WOOL is strictly for the retail lumber dealer and is not sold through mail order houses, retailers in other lines or direct to the consumer.
The'Wood Conversion Company has faith in the retail lumber dealeras thelogical retail outlet foTBALSAM-WOOL. And theywant to thank the hundreds of dealers who have backed them up in this policybyproving thatinsulation can be sold through these channels in all-sections of the country. They would like to hear from some more live dealers. Address'Wood Conversion Company direct for samples, prices and complete information. Orders-may be qfapedlli' t""t'ot ifrough any representative of the'Weyerhaeusef Sales Co.
Shirule Your Roof tYith Redwood
and Let Your Grandchildren Worry About the Leakr
Tttp- iC what that wise old Spanish Don, General Mariano G. Vallejo_, did at Sonoma 87 yiars "go, "riOit"t rooi is stil sound and serviceable.
On the Guadaloupe rancho in Santa Barbara Countv there rs..an. adobe dwelling with Rcdwood shingles 74 yeirs old, still doing duty.
The point is, REDWOOD shingles do not swell when wet. lo1_q-o_ _tqe_y warp and split with heat, curl, buckle or rot. REDWOOD withstands alimatic chang6s.
Brentwood Lumber Co.
Clarence Elsworth, Manager