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Itts a Great ttBuyltt

An Investment in Protection -and in comfort-and health!

The Filson Mackinaw Cruising Coat certainly ,,delivers" when it comes to comfort and protection againit *i"a a"a weather. It's warm as toast, water repellait and tiii ti;; many months of service,

Keep warm and dry and keep well!

This is the bcrt Coat of its kind made and it's cheaoer. in the end, than the che-apest. Comes in red-bla-k, Sr.-.;j black or gray-black plaid. You Nccd it! Get it ndw-t

Our Complete Catalog H on request.

{rHere is how Clarence Elsworth, manager of the Brentwood Lumber Company, advertiges the lasting qualities of California Redwood.

This advertisement appeared in a recent issue of the "Byron Times."

Monarch Mill Dispute Is Won By Dollar Company

_ San Francisco, Jan. l.-The United States circuit court here upheld the decision in favor of the Robert Dollar com_ pany as handed down by the United States district court of Po.rtland recentlv wh_en the Dollar company was arvarded a judgment against _L9.t9l David, prominent lumberman, tor the recovery of $25,000 in connection with the forma_ tion of the Monarch Lumber company by the two partiei. A .$1,000,000 counter claim by Divid wis denied, 'th" a._ cision cited, as it did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action.

It was claimed by the Dollar company that a written agreement had been entered into by'O""ia in which he was to pool his lands, mills, and othei lumber interests with the new company. An oral agreement, contingent upon this, called for the Dollar company to advance Divid $140,_ 000 to pay off all liens and-other incumbrances on the former David property. A sum of $25,000 had been ad_ vanced of this when David made known that he was un_ able to abide by the agreements.


Kelso, Wn., Jan. l.-The Ostrander Railway & Timber company mill cut and shipped a timber to easlern Canada measuring 42 inches ^sgua1€ and 64 feet long. The stick contained more than 9,000 feet of lumber and:was the larg- est one to be cut recently by the Ostrander mill.

,,FILSON CLOTHES for the Man Who Knows."


Oakridge, Ore., Jan. 1.-Th6 'Western Lumber comDanv,s mill at Westfir will be ready for operation in Tairuaivaccording to George Kelly and F. W. Sullivan, membeii of the. company. The mill is.expected to be cutiing at full gap.acjty about Jan. 20, at whichlime a formal open'ing will be held.

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