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Winners in Lumber Salesmen's Contest
him a mere jungle of figures of so many feet for so many dollars, nor'wiil he stEp in and "shoot" prices.i" ItJl established trade channels for the purpose ot maklng nls competitor "shoot," nor will he be dictated to by his prosoect as to quallty and prlce.
'-Th. saleiman'thett issume. the responsibilities and the burdens of the owner of a small yard on his shoulders' His ittJ n.-, oih.r*ire the inevitable "ash can" appears in the horizon.
In the recent contest of the members of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, the judges awarded the prizes as follows: first prize was awarded to E. S. Brush i,f tfr. Loop Lumber Co. and the second ptize to Richard C. Iones o? the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co. Floyd Elliott of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. received honorable mention for his The subject was "Sugge^stions for ts, and each ProsPect rePresents mentlon lor nls paper. Ine suDJecL was JuBSsrLrurN rwr Improving Retaii Sales Methods for Lumber in San Fran- yard is the field of yard ts the helcl of prospects' anc eacn rtyrt-!rr!r 'a pile of lumber *hich-when-sold must show a profit.to cisio." TYhe prizes, $50.00 for the first prize and $25'00 for the second pri"e, were donated jointly !y the Lumber Association of San Francisco and Ben Reed. The judges in the contest were Mr. R. A. Iliscox, Mr. I\{. A. Harris, and Walter Sutton. The follorving papers were submitted by E. S. Brush, Richard C. Jones, and Floyd Elliott.
First Prize
E. S. Brush
To improve retail sales in and for lumber in San Francisco is embodied in the words "Educate the Salesman"' The subject is so exhaustive that it becomes necessary-to eliminate considerable matter, therefore, let us take for granted the salesman knows lumber, has the proPer a.ppe*l ince, the proper approach, and is of average human intelligence. - Educate the salesman as to the costs of lumber, the cost of handling, and the cost of overhead. Educate him to vour credil system. Educate him to the profit necessary io ."rty on the business in a successful way' Educate him to cater to the particular class of trade in which the firm soecializes. Educate him to the "Golden Rule." A salesnian thus educated will not accumulate an armful of lists from every Tom, Dick or Harry, nor will a list appear to
A successful sale is one to a satisfied buyer with a fair and legitimate profit to the seller, and the one and only ;;t to. u..o-piith this is with the educated salesman in the role of the-owner of a small yard.
Second Prize
Richard C. Jones
1. I respectfully suggest that owners and executives determlne ihi pr;ce'at #"nicn they are-rvarranted in- selling i;;b;.; further that this price ihould be the Invoice Cost olus all the various .*p"r,d"r, incidental to the operation of ihe business and plus a legitimate profit. - i.- ih; ."-pitl"ti"" of"a basic-and permanent "List" orice subiect to varying percentum discounts as the costs 'oi *"""i'".ture and'opErition vary. Th.is method is now' and has been for many years, in vogue with the distributors oiboott, Windows ind Gtutt. Ii ryay be advisable that ittir fi.t price be per piece for-each and every size and grade of lumber handled through the San Francisco.yards' Ihe rL".aot.. and clerks miltrt handle a piece of lumber more .ri.i"ffy were it listed it $2.00 rather than did it appear
Important Factors in Buying
merelv as a piece of lxl2-Z}. A copy of current standard grading rules should be a part of this basis list.
3. I. suggest_that San Francisco Dealers co-operate in a general local advertising campaign, through the press, foi the purpose of informing the pu6lic of a f"ew salient facts; nam.ely, that lumber is more plentiful and cheaper on the Pacific Coast than anywhere else in the world. 'The characteristics of our soft woods are so varied that we have a lu.mb.er particularly .1{apted for each and every purpose, whether it be the building of a house, a ship, "., "iropl"rre or .shaping the- most deliCate and fragile pattern.

4. And to the salesmen let me sa! : ,iDo not think of your work as dru.dgery. Infuse all the romance and beauty you can into each act and thought. Visualize the iourney of. a 2x4 from the Forest to th-e Home. Remember thai natu_re lequires from 200 to 2000 years to mature a tree; think of the immense capital and the tremendous efforf required.before a cargo of lumber can be dischargecl on the great wharves of our wonderful San FrancisJo harbor. First a forest must be purchased; then a railroad built from tidewater to forest; saw-mills, drv kilns and wharves comp]eted, and_ a ship built to carry the cargo. And in San Francisco think of the millions of dollars-invested in merchandise, sheds, dry kilns, auto trucks, etc. Think of the thousands of men and. rvomen employed-the sturdy loggers and raftsmen rvho daily endanger their livei-tfr'e sailors who calmly brave ever-v storm- and all the others ot thrs great army _who perform more prosaic but equally necessary work. A11 struggling, and for what? To secur-e comforts and luxuries for theiiloved ones and to lay aside at least-a partial competence for their old age.
And, last but not least, think of our fellow:worker, the so-called "Boss,." Remember that he too may have his troubles, and try to help and encourage him, as he tries to help and encourag'e us. And how best can rve do this ?
By honest work in selling an honest bill of lumber at an honest price.
^ Mr. Way_ne F. Mullin, proprietor of the Mullin Lumber Uompany, I os Angeles,.left there on January l4th, on his start of a six months' trip around the world.
,-He. accompaniqd Mr. bnd Mrs. Mead, of the Whiting Mead Company, Los Angeles.
Changes In Los Angeles Yard
The Ganahl Lumber Company will close their yard at Ave. 19 and Pasadena Avenue, Los Anseles.
It is understood that the Frank Giaves Company will open a retail yard on this site.
Wilson Moves To San Francisco
Mr. Forest W. Wilson, for some time past in the sales department with Meyer & Hodge, Los'Angeles wholesalers, has accepted a position with the LittlJ River Red_ wood Company, at San Francisco, and will move to that city about February first.
{e^ will tepresent this large concern in San Francisco and Oakland.
Lumberman To Head Bank
Mr. H. A. Lake, head of the Garden Grove Lumber Company, Garden Grove, was elected president of the Citizens Bank, of the same city, at a recent meeting of the Board.
Mr. Charles L. Miller, President of the pacific Door and Sash Company. Los Angeles, and Miss Mitzi Maul, of Loi Angeles,. were married at the Mission Inn, Riverside, on the evening of December 30th.
It was.a quiet.ceremony, attended by a very few of the many intimate friends of the happy couple.
Charley Bird Says "Happy New Year"
This is the form of the Stockton Lumber Company New Year's greeting this year.
Bill Ding, the popular representative that Charley Bird has used so effectively, is leadin g 1925 along into position, saying "Business is what you make it."
The Old Year 1924

With lts Cares and DisappointmentE lts Pleasures and Victoriee, Has Passed Foiiver Beyoqd Our Recatlr--But There is One Thit g Father Time Did Not Take From UsA Pleasant Memofo of Our Friendly Relations-This Win Linger Long Aftei the History of the Clored Year Has Been Forgotten.
To All Our Friends and Especially Those Whose Busi' ness Helps to Mahe Ours Successful, We Send Cordid Greetings.
May Happiness and Prosperity be Your Portion Through the Coming Year.
C. G. BIRD' Manager
Notwithstanding the fact that these hardwoods come from the distant Orient, nearly half way around the world, by reason of modern water transportation and the facilities of our harbor, they are as accessible to our market as the product of the hardwood forests o? our own country, and at more favorable prices.