1 minute read
Does Advertising Pay?
-Ad.vertising^ has made the Victrola Dog famous.
-It has put Castoria down your throat, i-eft bristles in vour gums, and then came along with a Rubberset and iook them out.
-]t h.as put Sozodont, Pebbecco, and pepsodent on your teeth.
-It has put a Gillette against your hayfield.
-It has put Murine in-your eye, sold you Cuticura for pimples, Pears for the bath, and Ivory jor the tub.
-It.has put Arrow collars around yodr neck and Inger_ solls around your wrist.
-It has jammed your f.eet.ijr Holeproof sox, put paris gar_ ters on your legs and Tiffany rings on your fingers."
-rt has worn out your jaws on Wrigley's and poited you on what to buy to cure corns, warts and buni6ns arrd irr- growing toenails.
.Go anywhere _yo_u want to, do anything you wish, and advertising has had a hand in it-abaolute-ly.
Flooring lmportant
The hardwood flooring in the new home of your customers is one of the most, if not THE most important feature of the building. It is subject to the hardest and most constant wear, and must at all times refect beauty to those entering the home.
Point out these salient facts to your customer, thereby adding to your service and assuring final satisfastisn-YOUR BEST AND CHEAPEST ADVERTISING.
Recommend Acorn Brand Oak Leaf Oak Flooring, GUARANTEED uniform in milling, grading and dimensions.
Tclcphonc, Write or Wire ur for quote.tionr on