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Strable Hardwood Company
And then some peopls s5k-{'fees adveriising pay ?,,
Testing The Salesman
Procter & Gamble
-use,this, among other plans, to determine the efficiency- of salesmen. A number of people rate each man on the following points:
1. How does he impr&i-people by his physique and bearing? Favorable? - Satilfactory? - poori Repulsive?
2. How does his voice afiect people? Verv pieasinoi Agreeable ? Unnoticed ? Weak ? - Diiagreeable?
3. Do?s he strike out for himself in locating prospects and plan- ning approaches ? 4. How does hJ sludv each orosbect. his needs, and attitudes? 5. Does he stav with a'proirosi- tion in spite of difficulties ? 6. Does h6 boost tfre iomp_any ? 7, Does he dominate an interview, take the lead in the conversation ? 8. Does he get information from prospects without arousing antagonism and does he avoid'controversies with his trade? 9. Can he tell a sood storv and hold attentjon? 10. Does he use good judg'ment in irand- ling complicated situations? 11. Eow iruJh does he take part in social and community affairs ? Is he well and favorably known in his community ? 12. Does he usually put in full hours? Is he on the job regularly? 13. Does'he impress_people as sincere? -Questions 3, 13, IZ, and lO were held to be of greatest significance.
Reforesting With Redwood
Gordon panyi is over land County.
Ellis, forester for the Mendocino Lumber Comsupervising the reforesting of 500 acres of cut- in the neighborhood of Boyle Camp, Mendocino Hundreds of trees are being planted-
A. A. (Bert) Dimmick of the Dimmick Lumber Co.. San Francisco, is on a short business trip to the Northwest. He will visit the Coos Bay and Portland Districts. The Dimmick Lumber Co. are the California representatives of the Wes_terrt W!1itq Cedar Co. who have their mill operations at Marshfield, Oregon.
H. D. Rider, representative of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. rvith headquarters in New York City, has returned east atter spending a month on the Pacific Coast. While on the Coast, he sp^ent a week at the company,s mill operations at St. lfelens, Oregon,- and also spent siveral days at the company's San Francisco office. - During the Christmas holidays he visited with relatives in Oaklind. Mrs. Rider and their small daughter accompanied him on the trip.---