2 minute read
Get Busy or Get Out
'fhere is a general shake-down going on in this nation today.
The old story of the "survival .of the fittest" is being staged again.
The big rocks are coming to the top, and the little pebbles are sinking to the bottom.
The sign post on the door of modern business reads: "Get busy or get out."
x- And those who are shaking to the TOP in this struggle for supremacy, are those .who are keeping up with the DEMANDS of the times.
No lir.ing man, whose blood still circulates, and whose brain cells are still on the job can furnish a suitable alibi for not meeting changed CONDITIONS with changed METHODS.
A MUMMY, such as the Egyptians find in their ruined cities-dried-up relics of human forms that once !vq1s-h45 a fairly good excuse for inactivity; lor failure to adapt himself to changed conditiohs. He can't be blamed because he does not keep abreast of the times.
HE doesn't have to figure costs, to study markets, push his merchandising, write his advertising, or worry about overhead expense. HE'S been dead for several thousand years, and that's a perfectly good alibi.
HE isn't walking round consuming perfectly good food. breathing good air, and filling space that better men could use to advantage.
But there is NO alibi for the lumberman who sees the changes that are taking place in the world, in his local town, and in the needs, the desires, and the thoughts of those who live there, and yet does nothing to change his rvays of doing business to keep up with the procession.
SPEED and still MORE speed is the demand that an enlivened public is putting upon the merchant of today,; on every man who aims to be a leader in his business, a bellwether in his flock.
Even the man without superior ambition, who simply hopes to hold his own and desires nothing more, has to ggt buiy to a considerable extent, and modernize himself. The same speed that kept you up with the crowd a few years ago. may get you left hopelessly at the post NOW.
The time is about at hand when the public will forgive the IVILIMMY for failure to meet changed cohditions, but vvill simply forget the MERCHANT who is guilty of the same thing.
For years the lumberman was a warehouse man, and his laxness was well reflected in the box-car houses of that period. It was when the lumber people began to THINK intelligently and constructively and take an interest in the thingsthat their materials would MAKE, that the HOMES of the nation began to show improvement.
Today the improved THINKING of the industry is everywhere evidenced. Yet the MUMMIFIED members of the clan still exist in every section; those who stick to the methods of long ago. THEY are the ones who are shaking DOWN in this industrial and economical crisis we we are going through.
"GET BUSY OR GET OIJT" is an inexorable order; and it points to ALL of us.