2 minute read
lumbcr mcrchant. It is the beginning of a period in which aggrcssive retailers will grow and in which thosc who are not up-to-date and open to new merchandising ideas will disappear. The retail Iumber business will take on greater importance in the comrnunigr. ft will become more thoroughly organized, and it will be conducted along the most advanced and most highly developed business lines.
Are You in Love With Your Job
To succeed, you must not only do your work, but dedicate yourself to it.
If you love a perso'n, a thousand and one ways suggest themselves for serving that person, for adding to her or his happiness, for enhancing their well-being,
Similarly, if you are devoted to your work, a thousand and one thoughts will come to your mind to increase your efficiency, to stimulate your initiative, to quicken your energy and enterprise.
By dedicating yourself to your work, your work becomes sacred, holy, worthy of all reverence.
You consecrate vourself to it and it becomes consecrated. No honest work is menial if undertaken in the right spirit.
The hig-h_ and mighty and ultra-dignified banker may, because of his mental attitude toward his work, be moie of a menial worker than the street sweeper who sees in his_ work something worth doing and who brings to his daily toil an honest, wholesome, cheerful mind. -
The world's,greatest achievements have been wrought by men who dedicated themselves to their cause
C. S. Russell Speaks on South American Trip
C. S. Russell, of Dant & Russell, Portland, who was a recent San Francisco visitor on his wav home from a three months' business trip through South America, was a guest of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco where he gaVe an interesting talk on lumber and business conditions in the virious South American countries that ll visited. In speaking of lumber conditions there he stated that during the war, the various South American countries started to develop their own timber resources, were using a local soft pine for many of their purposes, also that they were manufacturing native hardwoods for interior finish. The lumber yards, he stated were generally located at the larger centers and they had practically no lumber yards in the interior; the yards are old-fashioned, equipped with saw mills, and they all carry a stock of logs *hich are sawed to meet the demand for lumber. In speaking of their transportation, he said that they have wonderful rivers for water transportation, large freighters are able to go several hundred miles into the interior, while the smaller boats can travel for thousands of miles into the interior sections. Mr. Russell stated that Douglas Fir is looked on with much favor in South America, also that many American business concerns are now well established in South America and that the United States should show a continued increase in business with the South American countries.
The Shasta Lumber Co. of Marysville, are constructing a new warehouse 80 feet by 100 feet. The new building will be used for the storing of wall board, roofing, doors, windows, and building material supplies.
Dirtributing Agentr for Clark-NicLerron Lumber Co, Evcrett, Mfeth. Demprey Lumber Coo Tacoman llfarh. Defiance Lumbcr Co, Taco-o, Waah. Fcrry BaLcr Lumber Co, Evcrctt, Warh.
Rivq Redwood Coo Humboldt Bay.
Caeing Finirh
Bare Stepping Mouldingr Phonc DElawarc 5639 Panele-Columnr
WHOLESALE J S:"f::J ;"i,];::[:: California R"pr.""ot"tives for GEO. M. HARTY LUMBER & MFG. COMP^A.NY, TACOMA, WASH.

Qi-QA-4in Senta Marine Building ll2 Market Strcet
San Francirco
Huboldt Split Rrdwod Grapc S' Lcc, Tlcrr Shakc ud Po3ts San Rrdwd Shakcr ud Shiaglea
Lumbcr Buycre, Ilc. Wilfred Cooper Lbr. Co. Lumber Buyerr, Inc.
Ho36 Bldg. 6llll Central Bldg. Northweltern Bk. Bldg. Sattle, V/uh. Los Angcler, CrI. Portland, Oregon wHor.FsALE Lt f,lBER
JUlllus G. SIIEAD G0.
321.322 SHELDON BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO Telepbone DoWlar 7815