1 minute read
Writing Ads That Pull
Advertising should be an intelligent, persualive' forceful effort to interest prorpective customers in YOUR abiliiy to serve THEM.
Every ad-ehould be a SELLING TALI( If it won't db for a selling tdk, it irn't an advertisement.
The formdation of every succeesful advertisement is to know just exactly vfiat you are trying -to acl complish, "od theo lollow a well devised and thought-out rcheme for accomplishing it. THAT -*ib" the perapective of the man who writet ad' vertiring that PULLSi.
Of course, the 6rrt essential of a successful adver' tisement is to have sometting good to advertise; something that the other fellow wants, and that will appeal to him.
- Th" "".ood frmdamental is to BE TRUTHFI'JL. THIS applies to everything you do. If you 4re gourq to adverlise certain specific thingp-BE CERTAIN THAT YOU HAVE THEM.
An intelligent man will only let you fool him ONE TIME.
Be eertain that your merchandise ir jrut al so94 as your ad. Have-the thingr you advertire-a little over rather than a little under-and be prepared to deliver the goodr.
Keep YOURSELF and YOUR DESIRES rmder cover in your advertiring. The fact ttat yotr want to sell eornething doern't mean an5rthing to that OTHER FELLOW.
You mrut go to him from HIS viewpoinL Your advertising must offer sometfiing to HIM. The other fellow's desirec are tte thingr you must aim at if your advertiring is to PULL.
When you start to write an advertisement, get the bis thought in the front of your head that you are trying to accomplish is to give some information to the public concerning YOUR ability to senre THEM that will appeal to the reader's DESTRE FOR POSSESSTON.
It is the ot'her fellow's DESIRE FOR POSSES. SION that makes YOUR advertising PULL.