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Hoo Hoo in California, in L927
The Old Black Cat has the stage all set, in California, for a boosting, active year.
There hasntt been a great deal happen, since the Annual, in the Golden State, but with State Councillor Fred Roth so very much on the job, making flying trips up and down the state, with the Parson, and with the activity in selecting and appointing nelv Vicegerents and" Club officers, the Spring and Summer will see much activity.
-Broiher Roth has made two trips, with Parson Simpkin, organizing new districts, officiating at Concatenations, and stirring up interest in general, and let it be said, here and now, that the Bay District Hoo Hoo are to be congratulated upon their selection of such a fine, active fellow for the important office that Fred holds. l:
Since September, when the great Annual was held at Kansas City, California has witnessed 11 Concatenations, taking in 176 Kittens. They have all been successful meet-
Coast Counties, San Bernardiuo, Riverside, Susanville, Hilt, Humboldt, and Quincy.
The Clubs are : Los Angeles, No. 2; San Diego, No. 3; San Francisco, No. 9; Fresno, No. 3l; Susanville, No. 37; Westwood, No. 38; Oakland, No. 39; San Bernardino, No. 44; McCloud, No. 55 ; Quincy, No. 58 and Palo Alto, No. ffi. The last named is the youngest Club in the country.
A number of the acting Vicegerents are shorvn in the accompanying pictures, and here is a list of the present Snarks. One or two of these are helcl over, from last year, and it is understood that successors will be announced in the next thirty days.
Butte County, Wm. B. Dean, (Chico)
Mt. Shasta, Clifford T. Kernohan, (McCloud)
San Joaquin Valley, W. P. Johnson, (Fresno)
Sacramento, Walter N. Baker, (Sacramento) ings, and from advance reports the similar affairs planned for the near future by the San Diego District, Los Angeles, Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland and others, the fiscal year will probably see some records up for other jurisdictions to shoot at.
The state now has 15 Hoo Hoo Districts, each under the direct supervision of a Vicegerent who is appointed by the Supreme Officer, and under the watchful eyes of Councillor Roth. These districts are officially knorvn as follows: Butte County, Mt. Shasta, San Joaquin Valley, Sacramento Valley, Northern, San Francisco Bay, Los Angeles, San Diego,
Northern, J. N. Boshoff, (Westwood)
San Francisco Bay, Robt. S. Grant, (San Francisco)
Los Angeles, W. B. Wickersham, (Los Angeles)
San Diego, Jerry Sullivan Sr., (San Diego)
Coast Counties, Albert L. Hubbard, (San Jose)
Susanville, Wm. C. Graf, (Susanville)
Hilt, A. E. Stonehouse, (Hilt)
Quincy, Wm. Stoddard, (Quincy)
San Bernardino, Harry W. Newton, (San Betnardino)
Riverside, J. Wesley Shrimp, (Riverside)
Humboldt, John H. Quill, (Eureka)
c. M. cRoss
C. M. Cross, Cross Lumber Co., Merced' well known California retail lumberman, died at his home in Merced on New Year's Eve, December 31. When suddenly stricken, Mr. Cross rvas at home and carrying on a conversation with his wife.
Mr. Cross had been connected with the lumber business in California for many years and prior to his coming to California, he was connectid with tlie retail lumber and banking business in Western Kansas, where he was associated with the late G. X. Wendling.
With Mr. Wendling, he operated a retail lumber yard at Hanford and carried on an eitensive lumber business in the San Joaquin Valley. In the early nineties, he and Mr. Wendling'staried the frendling Lumber Co. in San Francisco' Afler the San Francisco fire he started the Cross Lumber Co. in San Francisco where he operated a large retail lumber business until 1910. When the Wendling Lumber Co' discontinued business about 1912, Mr. Cross went to Merced where he started the Cross-Baird Lumber Co', which later became the Cross Lumber Co.
Associated rvith Mr. Cross in operating their lumber business at Merced are his two sons, H. M. Cross and Marion Cross and his son-in-law, Judd Burton. Mr. Bert Boyle has charge'of the Cross Lumber.Co' yard at Coalinga'Funeril services, which tvere largely attended, rvere held at Merced on lanuarv 2.
Buy Stockton Pencil Plant
Sale of the California Cedar Products Company stock, involving approximately $50O,000, was-announced on January a by W. -B^. Thot-.n, president. The purchase was negotiated by O. F. Chicheiter, president of the Hampton Investment Company, New York.
.The Stockton piant is the largest pencil slat- factory in the world, and enjoys the greatest export business of all plants of its kind. -'In. company was organized rvith a capital of $75,00O in 1918 and the capital has twice been inireased until it now is $500,000.
Mr. Thurman and his brother, G. S. Thurman, secretary, and F. F. Sayre, vice-president, owned all the stock'
The local piant has i capacity of 10,00O pencil-gross p.er day, enough io supply every man, woman and child in the Uriiiea Siites with four pencils a year. It employed 125 men.
The Western Lumber Company of Sacramento changed ownership around the first of the year when H. C. Ferguson and F-rank Butler took over this retail yard. The new owners are rvell known to the lumber trade of California an I have a large acquaintlnceship with the trade. Mr. Fe suson was with the Tilden Lumber & Mill Co. yard at Sacrarnento and Mr. Butler was connected with the Swayne Lumber Co.
frn" Quo/itq Noernnnnllmpuroous
4 cars l3/16x2% inch Clear Maple Flooring.
, carslr/16x2% inch Clear Birch Flooring. 2carsl3/l6tLY+ irl^ch No. I Birch Flooring.
I cat li/l6tl% inch Clear Maple Flooring.
100,000 ft. lx6 & -!?dr. Sel. g Btr. Kiln
Dried Birch.
J,oo0 ft. ,/4t6 s. !rdr. Sel & Btr. Kiln
Dried Birch.
5,ooo ft. 6/4x6 t* !fdr. Sel. & Btr. Kiln
Dricd Birch.
J,000 ft. 8/4x6 t* Wdr. Sel. & Brr. Kiln
Dried Birch.
Wcstern Representativc
Read This From One Of Our Satisfied Customers
Boorman Lumber ComPanY Oeldand, Crlifornia

Hendrickson - Godard Lumber Co.
112 Market St., San Francisco, Calif.
December I}, 1926
Enclos€d find our check No. 2741 for $4,649.10, the net amount of invoice covering car MoP 8j169 containing carload of "DIXIE"-Brand'Flooring Strips, after deducting freight and discount.
- - iti" is a beautiful car of marerial, well milled, uniform in color, and the lenghs are ap' parently even better than you represented' ' \J1/; believe Floor Lay.rs wili appreciate this "DIXIE" product, and trust it will not be very long before we will be interested in another car.
Sincerely yours,
Jerome, Ark.
Close your eyes and run your fingers over the steel-polished surface of several pieces of "Ever. lasting" flooring, and you will not be able to detect where they are joined, so perfect is the matching. S::ch qudity is achieved only by eternal vigilancea rtem of rigid inspection continuous throughout man.;facture.