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c[ C,lllforrlr"
Manufacturcn of lloruler Ftr rnd Port Orford Ccdrr
Srnmilb, Manhfid{ Orcgon
Urtrilnrtng Plent - BrY Pobt
Annurl hoducion 2il),fiD'0fi) Fcct
GENERAL oFFICES :'!l$'i3:,lll'
Lo. Anselet Oficc, r.ffiTifil
Emanuel Fritz is now associated with the California tt' .r1tr/1tite and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association as Wood
Technologist ind his work will be confined to the Associa- tion's traie extension program. He is now in the East rvhere he will attend thi virious retail lumber dealers conventions with the Association Pine exhibits. Mr. Fritz is equipped to handle his new duties and until the
Charlei Oliver, formerly one 6f the Association's lumber
(Jllver, oI /\ssocri inspectors, is also in the East where he will s sAcRAMENTo EIiiDJNc Ozl s2,s?s FoR re26 Building construction in Sacramento during the past Lgar totaled $7-,732,573, according to a report compiled by City Building Inspector Ben H.tovell. This figure is-slightly under the 1925 total. During the year 2672 permits were issued.
MorGhentr Erchentr Buildlng I(rlrnY 5Ol
Peci6c Mutud Bullding
VAndiLc t792 TUc&or 76$l
Whcn in Humboldt Countyr Virit Our Mtll Socond md M Str..trr EuroLe
Metnlcts California Rcdoood Aeeociatlon
In EAGLE QUALITY Lumber manufactured from Soft Old
Growth Yellow Fir is what has been our aim to inspire in our customers,andwebelievewe have succeeded yery well.
We are also right in the front rank of producers of Durable Douglas Fir from the standpoint of volume, 8<r are well equipped to handle orders of any size.
We are frankly looking for new business, and invite you to give EAGLE QU.A,LITY a trial. You vrill be glad you did.