1 minute read
2O years-Some less A Couple on the Cler$y
Clergyman stories, told in good taste, are always interesting.
One of the classics concerns the Episcopal Minister in the smoking compartment of the train, and the drunk who wanted to be friendly with him. The drunk pulled out a flask, and insisted that the preacher have a drink. He declined, courteously, but firmly. The drunk insisted. Again he declined. "'Well, why won't you take a drink?" asked the drunk belligerently. "Because I never drink," replied the minister. "You're a cock-eyed liar, you're drunk nour"' said the drunk one, "you've got your collar on back side in front."
But a later one was told me by a Catholic friend of mine who attended the Eucharistic Congress in Chicago last summer. He said he was sta4ding in the lobby of a hotel in the evening, talking jovially with a group of friends, when a big Irish priest, whom he knew, joined the group' The laughter sort of died off, and the conversation lagged' Thinking he should discuss some subject of interest to the clergyman, he said: "That was a fine reception they gave the Cardiqals this morning, wasn't it?" "'Well, why the divil shouldn't they?" replied Father Kelly. "THEY'RE LEADINGTHE NATIONAL LEAGUE, AREN'T THEY?''